Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 519 Heading to the Galaxy Alliance!

After advancing his Force talent to medium level, Lin Feng began to learn the basics of preparation given to him by Phoenix in the next two days.

These are some basic knowledge, such as the materials, utensils, and techniques that can be used to prepare the genetic liquid.

Soon, Lin Feng had completely memorized it.

Today is the three-day period! I have to get to the place Di Huang mentioned as soon as possible!

Lin Feng took out the Star Eater spacecraft and then made it bigger.


Lin Feng got into it.

At this moment, Ling'er and Tyrant went to a living planet.

Lin Feng immediately sent a message through his mind: Ling'er, can you sense where dad is?


Ling'er immediately stopped what he was eating and said obediently.

That's good! If necessary, I will tell you, and when the time comes, Ling'er will move dad away immediately!

Lin Feng said cautiously.

He didn't ask Ling'er to stay with him.

Because Lin Feng knew that going to the Zerg planet this time would be very dangerous.

First of all, there are many powerful supernatural beasts in the Zerg star field.

Secondly, there are countless Zerg armies.

Only the tyrant was depressed. He really wanted to follow Lin Feng to fight on the Zerg planet.

Because this is a good opportunity to improve your strength.


After explaining Ling'er, the Star Eater entered hyperspace directly.

After a while, he came out of hyperspace and arrived outside the Galactic Allied Forces' station.

This is a huge planet that was transformed into a military base.

Lin Feng asked the intelligent assistant to slow down the flying speed of the spacecraft.

Because, we will face step-by-step inspection later.

If you forcefully pass the level, you will be blasted down by the Galactic Alliance Army of the Space Fortress with high-tech weapons!

Lin Feng had no confidence in escaping in such a place.

Please show your pass!

When the Star Eater flew to the first level, a mechanical prompt sounded.

The smart assistant immediately sends a piece of code.

This was given to Lin Feng by Dihuang three days ago.

Verification passed!

After a while, a mechanical beep sounded, indicating that the verification was passed.

This is only the first level. In order to prevent hostile forces from sneaking in, seven levels have been set up.

Subsequently, every time a level is encountered, the smart assistant will send out the corresponding code.

The Star Eater had an unimpeded journey.

This made Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh at the huge power of the Zhouhuang Consortium.

After passing many levels, Lin Feng could already see the layout of the planet.

There are many spaceships and various life races staying on the planet.

Lin Feng saw humanoid creatures and Titan races.

After landing at the designated location, Lin Feng shrank his size, then shrunk the spacecraft and put it away.

This attracted a lot of attention.

Lin Feng went directly to the soldiers in the management office: Excuse me, where is the base of the Distributors Guild on this planet?

Are you going to the Mixers Guild?

The soldier looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Generally speaking, those who can become blenders are humanoid creatures.

This was the first time that he saw a giant beast like Lin Feng being a blender.

I'm not a blender yet, but I have friends waiting for me at the blenders guild!

Lin Feng said truthfully.

So that's it! Here is a map to the Blender Guild!

The soldier handed an electronic map to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the map and looked at it. The Distributors Guild was located in the center of the planet.

Obviously, the blenders' guild is taken very seriously.

Lin Feng was relieved when he thought about the unique identity of the blender.


Lin Feng identified the direction, then flapped his wings and quickly flew towards the Blender Guild!

Not long after, a luxurious building complex appeared in front of Lin Feng.

He noticed that there was a giant statue in the center of the complex.

The owner of this statue is a humanoid creature holding a glass dish and looking attentive.

Apparently, he is an important figure in the Blender Guild.

Just as Lin Feng flew here, he instantly felt a huge suction coming from below, sucking him down quickly.

He couldn't help being surprised: Is this?

That golden dragon monster is so audacious. It dares to fly over the Blender Guild. It really doesn't know whether it will live or die!

There were creatures below who saw Lin Feng's embarrassment and couldn't help but sneered.

So, flying is not allowed here?

Only then did Lin Feng learn that flying over the Blending Masters Guild was prohibited.

He landed with great difficulty and felt his legs and feet were a little weak.

Obviously, it was caused by the mysterious power just now.

Is there poison here?

Lin Feng looked around suspiciously.

At this time, a creature that looked like a tree man explained: That is a forbidden air formation! Not to mention you, even a star-level master cannot fly in the air here!

So that's it!

Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he said loudly: My name is Lin Feng. I wonder what Brother Shuren's name is?

Don't call me Tree Man! My name is Cliff!

The creature from the tree tribe said.

Cliff, what brings you to the Blender Guild?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

What else can you do? Of course, take the mission! I'm an interstellar mercenary!

Cliff from the Tree Tribe said.

He looked at Lin Feng curiously: What about you? It's your first time here? What do you do?

I'm here to find you a friend!

Lin Feng said truthfully.

I envy you! You actually have a blender friend!

Cliff looked at Lin Feng enviously.

Because I have a blender friend who can buy the gene stock solution at a very favorable price!

Many beings are not capable of cultivation themselves.

For example, many creatures in the X Star Territory, in addition to relying on powerful technological equipment, they also rely on genetic fluid to make themselves stronger!

Maybe you will also have a blender friend!

Lin Feng smiled.

Then, he walked towards the Blender Guild.

There are many living beings staying here, but most of them are unable to enter the Blender Guild.

Lin Feng passed over the numerous creatures and walked straight towards the gate of the Blending Masters Guild.

Lin Feng's behavior attracted a lot of attention.

Could it be that this golden dragon monster is also a blender?

Many creatures looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Generally speaking, those who can become blenders are humanoid creatures.

After all, to become a blender, the most basic thing is to have the Force.

As soon as Lin Feng reached the door, he was blocked: Please verify your identity!

Lin Feng once again reported the string of codes that Dihuang told him.

Sure enough, this time, the verification passed again.

Could it be that the Zhouhuang Consortium has very high power in the Distributors Guild?

Lin Feng couldn't help but guess.

When he saw the door of the Blender Guild open, he immediately stepped in quickly, leaving countless envious glances.

Sure enough, I have a blender friend!

Treeman Cliff looked enviously at Lin Feng who disappeared.

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