Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 520 Testing Talent!

After stepping through the light gate, Lin Feng felt as if he had arrived in a human town.

Here, there are smooth streets and row upon row of houses.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a huge tower in the middle of the house. This tower is called Carlos Tower.

On the street, these creatures are all in a hurry, either holding contact period materials in their hands, reading materials, or thinking about problems, with a very strong academic atmosphere.

Lin Feng walked and walked until he reached the end of the street. No one greeted him along the way. They were all immersed in their own world.

Soon, a man who looked like a guard stopped Lin Feng: The front is impassable! You must verify your identity before you can enter this tower!

Verify identity?

Lin Feng looked at the Carlos Tower and then stopped.

Then, he asked: I was introduced here by a blender...

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, the guard interrupted ruthlessly: Visitors must wait in the residential area!

As he spoke, he pointed to the residential areas. Each distributor can be assigned his own cabin in this city.

Of course, the higher the status, the higher the housing specifications.

There are even mixers who have opened their own shops.

Lin Feng paused and continued to ask: If you want to enter this tower, what certifications are required?

At least you have to have the talent to be a blender!

The guard said seriously.

Okay! I accept the verification!

Lin Feng said.

Do you accept verification?

The guard looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

He is just a creature that has not yet transformed into a human form.

According to convention, humanoid creatures with higher intelligence can become blenders.

After all, the blood of the Force can only be spread among humanoids. It is hard to imagine that there is a being who has such a taste that he would spread the blood to a dragon monster!

However, the guard did not express his thoughts directly. He nodded: Come with me!

Lin Feng followed the guard and soon arrived at an office.

The person in charge of registration at the office is an elf girl.

She has a pair of pointed ears, fair complexion, and eyes like autumn water.

Seeing Lin Feng, a professional smile appeared on his face: Sir, what do you need to do?

That's right! He needs to register and then test his talent!

Said the guard who guided us all the way.

Okay! Please wait! Name, race...

I saw Miss Elf tapping her fingers quickly, and soon, a form was typed out.

Lin Feng looked at the results and found that his number was YH1236548.

Obviously, there are only more than one million beings in the entire galaxy participating in testing this talent.

It seems that this ratio is indeed very low!

Take the form and follow me!

The guard said, leading the way.

Lin Feng took a look and found that the layout here was similar to that of a human hospital, with various examination rooms.

The guards took Lin Feng outside a room where blood concentration was tested.

Not long after, a humanoid creature walked out dejectedly.

Clearly, he didn't measure up.

No. YH1236548!

There was a sound in the detection room.

Lin Feng immediately walked in.

Then, the door closed automatically.

Lin Feng took a look and saw a scanner in the center of the room.

An old elf man with a serious face pointed at Lin Feng: Step on that scanner!


Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he stepped up.

The old elf man started to operate the scanning machine.

In an instant, rays of light swept towards Lin Feng, as if they wanted to sweep through his whole body.

After the old elf man pressed twice with his fingers, a virtual projection screen appeared.

On it, there are various values ​​​​of Lin Feng, such as blood concentration, weight, defense, speed...

After a quick glance, the old elf man was very shocked: Force talent, average?

This is the creature with the highest Force talent that he has recently detected!

The old elf man immediately sent a communication: The central control room of the distributor? This is the blood testing room. I found a creature with medium talent in the Force!

What? A creature with medium Force talent? I'll send someone over right away! No! I'll come over in person!

A strong voice came from the other party.

The old elf man immediately said to Lin Feng kindly: Okay! Your test is over! Wait aside for now!

Lin Feng understood that he had passed the first level.

Not long after, a short old man with an unshaven beard walked into the blood testing room.

Seeing this short old man, the surrounding creatures were shocked: Isn't this the dwarf Master Mobi?

Master Mobi is one of the masters with the highest level of blending in the Blending Masters Guild. Why is he here in person?

Soon, all living beings saw him rushing to the testing room and understood instantly.

Someone must have detected the talent in the Force!

Master Mobi came here in person, he must have extraordinary talent in the Force!

The guard who brought Lin Feng over was very surprised.

Because he knew that Lin Feng was the only living being in the testing room at this moment.

He couldn't help but be a little shocked. Could it be that the golden dragon monster was very talented in the Force?

The dwarf master Mobi pushed the door open without even looking at the guards.

Then, his excited voice came: Old man! Let me see what race produced such an amazing genius!

The old elf man pointed at Lin Feng: That's him! Look, this is his attribute map!

The dwarf master glanced at Lin Feng, slightly surprised, and then said, Does he have the blood of a giant dragon?

In the galaxy, generally speaking, the elves, dwarves, and goblins are very talented in deployment.

Secondly, there is the giant dragon clan.

Lin Feng thought of how many giant dragons he had swallowed, so he nodded: I guess so!

Master Mobi looked at Lin Feng's attribute map and couldn't help but nod in praise: Not bad! The force talent is average, and the mental power talent has reached high level! Moreover, the purity is also high!

Obviously, he was very satisfied with Lin Feng's talent.

Master Mobi said excitedly: With such a talent, as long as he is not of pig beast blood, 90% of the time he can become an excellent blender!

There used to be creatures with good Force talents and spiritual talents, but in the end they were not able to become a formal blender.

And that creature belongs to the Pig Beast Clan.

After a pause, Master Mobi looked at Lin Feng solemnly: Young boy from the dragon clan! Are you willing to become the apprentice of the dwarf master?

You want to accept me as your apprentice?

Lin Feng looked at this dwarf old man who was less than one meter tall in surprise.

Why are you still standing there? Mobi is the senior director of the Blender Guild, one of the few remaining masters!

The old elf man on the side reminded.

As for the creatures who came after hearing the news, they all looked at Lin Feng with envy and hatred.

What a blessing to be Master Moby's apprentice!

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