Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 518 Medium Force Talent!

Senior! I will fulfill your last wish!

Lin Feng said seriously.

As soon as he finished speaking, the angrily voice of the Heart of the Holy Mountain came out again: Boy, how can you talk? I just ran out of energy and need to sleep temporarily!

Okay! Senior, sleep peacefully! Leave it to me to maintain the peace of the galaxy!

Lin Feng immediately changed his tune.

After a long time, the aura of the Heart of the Holy Mountain completely disappeared.

It seems that senior is really asleep!

Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he quickly flew towards the black-robed old man who was pierced by the Emperor's Sword.

Flying closer, the aura of the old man in black robe was extremely weak.

When he saw Lin Feng, he said in disbelief: How is that possible? How can you be so powerful?

I didn't know I could be so powerful!

Lin Feng said seriously.

Then, he stretched out his neck, opened his mouth and bit the old man in black robe.


Blue light flashed on Lin Feng's body. This was the activation of his talent, absorbing the energy of the black-robed old man.

The old man in black robe was extremely powerful, but his potential was overstretched at the last moment, leaving Lin Feng with not much life energy.

What a pity!

Lin Feng shook his head.

Master, this old man doesn't have much life energy left behind, but he does have a lot of Force genes in his body!

The smart assistant couldn't help but say.

Are there many Force genes?

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard this. This was good news.

Master, at the last moment, this old man has completely darkened, including his own genes. If it can be directly fused, it will bring huge side effects. I have temporarily prevented the fusion of the Force genes!

The smart assistant reminded.

Is there any solution to this?

Lin Feng asked immediately.

Seeing that he had harvested a lot of Force genes but could not fuse them, he felt itchy.

It's not that there are no solutions! Currently, there are two genetic solutions that can solve it!

The smart assistant searched for it and then said.

Which two are there? One is a sobriety potion that can help the master stay awake when fusing the dark force gene. However, there will still be side effects! If the master fusing the dark force gene, there is a risk of falling to the dark side!

The smart assistant explained.

This knowledge was all obtained from the interstellar network.

Of course, there are also some top-secret information that are not public and cannot be known by smart assistants.

What about the other one?

Lin Feng asked expectantly.

Another genetic fluid is the purification potion, which can help the master purify the dark power in the old man's Force genes!

The smart assistant continued to explain.

The second gene solution, does it have any side effects?

Lin Feng continued to ask.

There are no side effects, but it will cause the force gene to shrink!

The smart assistant replied.

Block this dark force gene for the time being. I'll ask Dihuang. She is a trainee blender. She may have some inside information!

Lin Feng pondered.

Okay! Master!

The smart assistant replied.

Soon, it sealed the dark force gene left by the old man.

Lin Feng sensed the direction of the jelly.

He discovered that the battle over there was coming to an end.

At this moment, the last two guards in black were still running away.

Want to leave?

Lin Feng burst into dazzling golden light, rushed over quickly, and appeared in front of a black-clad guard who was running away crazily.

How can it be?

When the guard in black saw Lin Feng, it was like seeing a ghost.

Because, they saw with their own eyes the leader of the black guards chasing Lin Feng.

But at this moment, Lin Feng came back, but the leader of the black guards was nowhere to be found.

This intelligence illustrates a problem.

That is, the leader of the black guards was defeated by Lin Feng.

It is even very possible that their leader has died!

Suppress me!

Lin Feng waved the Emperor Sword directly.


A green light shot out from the emperor's sword, directly hitting the black-clothed guard.

Huh? I can't move?

The black-clothed guard was instantly restrained by the vines formed by the green light.

On the other side, Jelly controlled the white symbiote dragon and swallowed another black-clothed guard into his stomach.

Seeing Lin Feng, Jelly flew over quickly.

It asked Lin Feng for credit: Master, Jelly has captured them all!

Well done!

Lin Feng admired it.

The jelly did not forget Lin Feng's confession, and it immediately vomited out all the captured guards in black.

At this moment, they are all tightly bound by the black substance transformed by the symbiote, and cannot move at all!

Since I can't fuse the star-level Force genes, I'll fuse these planet-level ones first!

Lin Feng looked at these black-clothed guards and whispered.

Then, he stretched his neck and bit a guard in black.

In an instant, the black-clothed guard was devoured cleanly, leaving only a black robe and a lightsaber on the spot.

Lin Feng asked: How is my harvest?

Master, the life energy you just harvested is negligible, and the force gene is 0.2!

The smart assistant replied.

Only 0.2? But it doesn't matter, there are still six more!

Lin Feng was not discouraged and continued to devour the second one.

What kind of monster is this?

The remaining guards in black looked at Lin Feng in horror.

They were extremely frightened because, with Lin Feng, they were completely reduced to food!

When Lin Feng devoured the second black-clothed guard, the intelligent assistant analyzed: Master, this time the effect is good, I gained 0.25 force genes!

That's okay! Four guards in black can accomplish the small goal!

Lin Feng kept up his efforts.

Soon, all the remaining guards in black were devoured by Lin Feng.

Congratulations, Master! This time you obtained 0.18 Force Gene!

Congratulations, master! This time you have obtained 0.21 Force genes!

Congratulations, master! This time you obtained 0.28 Force genes!

The smart assistant’s beeps kept ringing.

Finally, the intelligent assistant concluded: Master, this time, you have obtained a total of 1.6 Force genes! You have met the conditions for advancing to the medium Force talent! Do you want to advance immediately?

Advance now!

Lin Feng said without hesitation.

Congratulations to the master. After consuming 1 force gene, the master's force talent has been promoted from elementary to medium!

The smart assistant said.

So do I have moderate Force talent now?

Lin Feng said excitedly.

Yes! Master! However, it takes a lot more from medium force talent to high level. Currently, master's remaining force genes are 0.06!

The smart assistant said it truthfully.

As expected, when it comes to medium force talent, the upgrade requirement is ten times that of elementary force talent!

Lin Feng nodded.

According to Basin's previous explanation, with moderate Force talent, it is possible to become a Force master. It seems that my Force talent is very high!

Yes! The Master of the Force is a strong person at the stellar level!

The smart assistant said.

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