Chapter 494 The Ownership of the Academy Cup

“Of course! Don’t worry, brother-in-law… No, it’s me, I’m not an adult, so I can believe it.”

All day long, little Gabriel called “Brother-in-law~Brother-in-law~”, and he almost said smoothly just now. It’s really dangerous!

“Then let’s pull the hook and hang on the hook for a hundred years!”

Little Gabriel put out her little thumb cutely and looked at Bell expectantly.

“Okay, hook.”

Bell smiled and hooked little Gabriel.

In this way, in any case, finally, in the cry of the little guy, Bell and others bid farewell to the little Gabrielle sisters.

Then, Bell became depressed…

Walking alone in the dark castle, Bell was full of question marks, but he couldn’t get a single answer.

So he perfectly persuaded little Gabriel to go back according to Hermione’s request. Why was he still kicked out of the bed?

It didn’t matter if he was kicked, after he asked Hermione why he was angry with the good quality of asking if he didn’t understand, the result became what he is now.

Let alone the bed, he can’t even enter the room now.

So why did Hermione kick Bell out of bed?

Hermione was so angry that she mentioned this!

She really did not expect that Bell promised to take little Gabriel to the Ecological Park during the summer vacation, in order to persuade the little girl to go back.

Doesn’t this mean that during summer vacation, they will spend many days with little Gabriel?

You know, according to the original plan, after returning from the Ecological Park, the Bells will go to United States. She will not see Bell for most of the rest of the summer vacation!

Therefore, she is looking forward to visiting the eco-park with Bell!

(Sanna has been automatically ignored by Hermione.)

By now, she finally understood. She has always regarded Furong as the number one enemy. But it turns out that the little Gabriel hiding in the shadow of Furong is the real hungry wolf!

If I knew it, it would be better to let little Gabriel stay!

Hermione, who had made a mistake in decision-making, had to throw the evil spirit in her heart on Bell.

‘Let you recruit bees and butterflies! ’

Of course, since this year’s summer vacation can’t be spent together, Hermione can only decide to reduce the punishment for Bell a little bit in desperation.

Now that she is not tired of being together, how can she live the rest of the day!

Due to the holding of the Triwizard Tournament and various things that have happened, this year, Hogwarts postponed the summer vacation time.

No way, the third game of the Triwizard Tournament was held on June 24. If there is a holiday on July 1, the remaining time will be less than one week, and the final exam will not be finished.

Not to mention, the 5th grade OWLs test and the 7th grade NEWTs test are even more time-consuming.

Therefore, even if you hurriedly hurry up, this year’s summer vacation is one week later than in previous years.

Regarding this, the little wizards were full of complaints and threw the pot all over Snape, the new principal, completely ignoring how hilarious they were when watching the Triwizard Tournament.

At night, in the auditorium.

Today was the year-end dinner, and everyone gathered in the auditorium excitedly, preparing for the summer vacation, which was one week late.

What’s different from previous years is that this year, there is a tragic atmosphere above the Gryffindor table.

Even if they suddenly rushed to Snape in a group and blew themselves up, no one else would be surprised.

I have to say that Snape is really a talent!

In a short span of less than half a month, Snape just let Gryffindor’s college points plummet from 3 digits to 1 digit.

If it weren’t for the four colleges, but the tradition that has lasted for thousands of years since the founding of Hogwarts, Snape was afraid that Gryffindor College would not be dissolved.

As for Snape’s shameless behavior, Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor College, certainly couldn’t turn a blind eye to it.

But to let the old professor add points to Gryffindor College for no reason, or pull the other three colleges into the water together, as a ethical and persistent professor, she really can’t do it.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall could only go to Snape to protest again and again.

For the children of his college, it is said that the old professor makes several trips to the principal’s office every day.

Even when Dumbledore was the principal, the old professor did not go to the principal’s office so diligently.

However, trees don’t want bark, they must die, people don’t wanting face, and the world is invincible.

Facing Snape’s hooligan gesture of ‘I’m not wanting face, how can you drop me’, Professor McGonagall gritted his teeth with hatred.

This caused Snape to feel tight every time he met Professor McGonagall, always prepared to face an attack.

Under the gaze of Professor McGonagall’s gaze that seemed to choose someone, Snape also had a guilty conscience!

Although the front is tough, he doesn’t mean McGonagall. But if the opponent is sneak attacked from behind and loses the first move, then it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

Fortunately, Snape’s many Death Eaters were not in vain. Under his strict defense, Professor McGonagall never found a chance for a sneak attack.

In desperation, the angry Professor McGonagall could only turn his gun and aim at Bell.

Among all the students currently studying at Hogwarts, Bell is the only one who can make old professors find faults without any psychological burden.

‘This damn kid is just under-trained! ’

Therefore, Bell, who was lying on the gun again, could only deal with all kinds of difficulties from Professor McGonagall with a dazed expression.

Cleaning the toilet, wiping the armor, handling magic materials, etc., as long as Professor McGonagall can think of, he will send Bell to do it. Filch, a genuine administrator, had nothing to do.

For this, Filch fought for a long time, thinking that Hogwarts didn’t plan to want him anymore.

“Quiet! Everyone is quiet!”

Finally, Snape appeared in the auditorium.

I saw him standing in front of the principal’s seat vigorously, sweeping the whole auditorium triumphantly.

“Today is the last day of the school year. Tomorrow, everyone will return home and start enjoying their summer vacation.

Therefore, I am here to announce a few things briefly.

First of all, this year’s Academy Cup. Slytherin College won the first place without any suspense with a high score of 600 points.

As for the other 3 colleges, I won’t talk about it. I believe you all know how many points your college has.

I hope that in the next school year, you can learn more from the Slytherin classmates, which will cause some pressure on them anyway.

Otherwise, they will always win the Academy Cup with a big gap. After a long time, they will easily become proud, which is very bad. ”


Before Snape’s words fell, there was a boo in the auditorium.

I have seen shameless, but I have never seen such shameless.

Not only the little lions of Gryffindor, but even the people of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff can’t listen.

‘How did Slytherin get such high academy points, don’t you have any idea in your heart! ? ’

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