Chapter 493

As the outside world became more and more turbulent, the inside of Hogwarts gradually returned to its former calm.

Except for the rapid bottoming of Gryffindor College’s college points and the arrogant appearance of the little snakes at Slytherin College, there was no difference in normal times.

It is worth mentioning that after the Triwizard Tournament was officially over, the students of Durmstrang and Boothbatten returned to their schools within a few days.

According to the original plan, they should stay at Hogwarts until the beginning of the summer vacation.

But after all, so many things have happened, and the hospitality level at Hogwarts is really broken, let alone a home away from home, Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff have their hearts in tearing down Hogwarts. .

So, after a brief cleaning, the two of them came to say goodbye to the newly promoted principal Snape.

Especially Karkaroff, in just two or three days, an old man who was already thin, he just lost a whole circle.

For Karkaroff, the death of the mysterious person did not relieve him, but the fact that the mysterious person was indeed alive, which scared his guts.

He is now thinking about whether or not to completely abandon the fluke mentality and go directly to the East of China for refuge.

The decision made by the two principals to return early also received strong support from the students of the two schools.

Although the food at Hogwarts is really good, as outsiders, they are always better off staying in their own school here.

Not to mention, Hogwarts still seems very dangerous?

Whenever they thought that they had been in such close contact with a Death Eater for more than half a year, everyone felt a bit afraid.

Although the Death Eater has been arrested, who knows if there are other Death Eaters still lurking in Hogwarts?

So, as expected, their Durmstrang (Booth Barton) is the best magic school in the world!

And the only one who was dissatisfied with this decision, or even very dissatisfied, was little Gabriel.

“No! I don’t want to go back! I want to stay with my brother-in-law!”

On the grass outside Hogwarts Castle, little Gabriel, who was bidding farewell to Bell and the others, suddenly hugged Bell’s thigh, no matter how Fleur pulled it, she couldn’t pull it off.

Just kidding, the food at Hogwarts is so delicious, and Shanna Big sis and others accompany her every day, and little Fina gives her every day, so she shouldn’t return to France!

What’s so fun about going back to France?

After returning, she couldn’t stay in Boothbarton with her own Big sis. After returning home, Mom and Dad were busy with work all day, and because of her own blood, she couldn’t go out to play alone.

bored to death!

“Gabriel! Don’t mess around! Returning to Boothbarton today is Mrs. Maxim’s decision. How can you change the schedule just because you are unwilling?

The carriage is about to leave, let go and go back with me! ”

Fleur looked at Gabriel angrily.

She had just dragged Gabriel for a long time, tired and sweaty, but she couldn’t pull the other person off Bell’s lap.

By the way, why hadn’t she noticed before, this little girl is so powerful?

In fact, it’s not that Gabriel’s strength is strong. No matter how strong the little girl’s strength, can it be greater than the power of the spell?

So, it’s just that Furong was afraid of hurting Gabriel and didn’t dare to exert any force.

“I don’t care! I’ve said that I will stay here until the summer vacation! What happened to Mrs. Maxim? Can Mrs. Maxim say nothing?

snort! So, you adults, there is nothing credible in your mouth! ”

Little Gabriel justly reprimanded Mrs. Maxim for her unbelievable behavior, and said that she would resolutely fight the evil to the end!

“No nonsense! Mrs. Maxim also has many things to consider!”

With that said, Furong looked around with a guilty conscience.

If the speech just now was heard by Mrs. Maxim, it would be necessary to give Gabriel a lesson.

“You can say something too!”

There was really no way to take her own Little Sister, and Furong had no choice but to point her gun at Bell.

Bell, who was lying on the gun, scratched his head sadly in the face of the increasingly dangerous eyes of his girlfriend and the two girls of Furong.

What can he do?

He is also desperate!

“This… Gabriel, listen to your Big sis, will you go back obediently?”

I don’t know what to do with Bell, so I can only persuade him without pain.

“Brother-in-law… even you don’t want me… Brother-in-law…”


Little Gabriel looked up weepingly at Bell, her pitiful little eyes instantly pierced Bell’s armor plate, causing a ‘broken’ blow.

“…Okay! It’s decided! Gabriel will stay!”

Bell, who has always had no resistance to cute things, instantly rebelled against his camp.


Hermione is so angry!

So what are they here for?

They are here to see you off! It’s not here to make trouble, okay!

Can you stand firm!

Although she also liked the cute and exciting little Gabriel, facing the tearful eyes of little Gabriel, it was difficult for her to say rejection.

However, she can’t refuse, but it won’t work if Bell doesn’t refuse!

It seems that she has to increase the power of the anti-derailment radar and expand the age range of the alert target a bit.

So this guy Bell, how come he likes to be so cute!


“Ahem, no, I mean, that’s right! The Magical Creature Ecological Conservation Park (“Ecological Garden” for short) will officially open on the first day of summer vacation. If you go back obediently, Gabriel, I will How many tickets will I give you and take you to play together, okay?”

Bell, who didn’t know that he had been injustice in vain, so that he would not be kicked out of bed by Hermione in the following days, he could only ruthlessly ignored Little Gabriel’s request and tried to pass the law of temptation. , Forcing little Gabriel to give in.

“Really, really!?”

Upon hearing this, little Gabrielle’s eyes widened immediately, and one after another little stars floated out of her eyes.

In the recent period, apart from Voldemort’s resurrection and Dumbledore’s resignation, the most eye-catching news is that the eco-park is about to open.

In normal times, this piece of news alone would be enough for everyone to discuss the whole year. It is a pity that the opening of the ecological garden did not attract much attention because of the untimely birth.

But this does not include the little girl Gabriel.

What mysterious person, what Dumbledore, what Hogwarts principal, etc., are not in the scope of little Gabriel’s concern.

Therefore, the opening of the ecological garden is the topic that the little girl is most concerned about.

It is said that there are many magical or interesting animals and plants in the ecological garden. She dreams of going to this first ecological garden in history.

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