Chapter 495 Going to the Ecological Park

The year-end dinner at Hogwarts finally came to an end in an atmosphere of ‘joy’.

The next day, everyone finally ushered in the long-lost summer vacation.

As usual, he took the Hogwarts Express train back to London’s King’s Cross Station. After watching Hermione and his parents go away, Bell returned to the platform and returned home through Floo fans.

Not surprisingly, just walking out of the fireplace, Bell was greeted with a warm hug from his mother.

“Sorry, baby, I couldn’t pick you up at the platform again.”

Elena looked at her son apologetically.

As for the youngest daughter?

I don’t know where I am going crazy now.

“It’s okay, Mom. Actually you don’t need to rush back in a hurry.”

Bell waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t mind.

Due to the turmoil of the Ministry of Magic, my parents have been very busy recently. Especially my father, even the time to go to bed is almost running out.

Although Bell can’t understand what is so busy.

“How can I do it!? I have to see your own mother as soon as you get home!”

Elena categorically rejected her son’s kindness.

She didn’t want her son to see only an empty house after returning home.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this. It’s about noon, I’m ready… Let the house elves prepare a good lunch. Let’s go to the restaurant.”

With that, Elena grabbed Bell’s arm and strode towards the restaurant.

After busying for a long time, she is also hungry.

“Where’s Dad? Won’t he come back for lunch?”

Bell asked curiously.

He didn’t think his father would be willing to miss the long-lost opportunity to have a meal with Shanna.

“He, I don’t even know what day it is today, but what time is it now.”

Elena curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

“If you want me to say, what is there to think about about those things? How big is it?”

In Elena’s view, it’s just a mere minister of magic, who should be? What’s the big deal.

Anyway, her son and daughter have grown up and can take care of themselves. Your own money is enough to spend, does it matter if you have more and less?

At least in her opinion, it is not as important as she welcomes her children home and eats together.

I have to say that Bell raised his hands and feet to agree with his mother’s point of view.

It was just a Minister of Magic.

You know, the wizard is not a Muggle. For a wizard whose Weili belongs to him, as long as he is strong enough, he can really do whatever he wants.

Bell has sufficient confidence in himself.

He is only 15 years old and is still in a period of rapid growth of magic power, and he is getting stronger every day at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He even has self-confidence. When he was in his 20s, he could reach or even surpass the level of Dumbledore, Voldemort and others.

At that time, who is the Minister of Magic, doesn’t it depend on his mood?

No one really thinks that Fudge can become Minister of Magic because of his own ability, right?

The lunch was eaten by the Bell brothers and sisters and his mother Elena. Father William did not come back unexpectedly.

In this regard, Shanna is still a little unhappy. I don’t know if William will cry in the toilet afterwards?

On the second day of the summer vacation, after her mother reluctantly bid farewell, Shanna drove her beloved little speeding car, the ‘Bena’, and flew quickly towards the horizon.

They are going to pick up Hermione, Phyllis, Lena, and the little Gabrielle sisters.

Relying on Shanna’s not-so-skilled skill, but just daring to step on the ‘gas pedal’, the brothers and sisters soon picked up all the people they wanted to pick up and flew towards the ecological park.

“Bell, where are we going?”

Seeing Bell playing with little Gabriel, Hermione gritted her teeth and tried to divert Bell’s attention to herself by asking questions.

“Huh? Ecological Park, don’t you know it?”

Bell looked at Hermione suspiciously, wondering why the other party asked him knowingly?

“But we are heading in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean. Could it be that the eco-park was built on an island?”

Based on her not very good geographical knowledge, Hermione remembered that there shouldn’t be any big islands in this position, right?

“No, the islands are too small.”

If you want to do it, then you have to do a big one. Therefore, the ecological park built by the Menethil family was built completely in accordance with the highest standards. Its area is as large as a continent, and it will even give people the illusion of crossing to Otherworld.

To this end, the Menethil family has invested a lot of manpower and material resources.

Of course, these investments are not without returns.

Not to mention the income from selling tickets, just to mention the large number of magical plants and animals, the magic materials they provide each year can be compared with the total output of all the Menethil family farms in the world.

With more sources of magic materials, in the next few years, the Menethil family’s magic prop manufacturing industry will inevitably usher in an explosion of production capacity again.

Therefore, I believe that within a few years, all the previous investment will be recovered at a profit.

“Where is that?”

With that said, Hermione also looked up at the sky.

She was on Mars before and saw the Menethil family’s Mars base.

Therefore, after hearing Bell said that the eco-park was not on the island, she immediately thought, could it be on some other planet, right?

That’s… too exciting!

“You’ll know in a while.”

Bell sold it off a little.

The speed of the car was very fast, and after only 10 minutes, it came to the center of the Atlantic Ocean.

Then, I saw the speeding car slammed down and slammed into the bottom of the sea amidst the exclamation of everyone.

As soon as it entered the sea, the speed of the speeding car dropped sharply under the resistance of the sea water.

‘cut! ’

Shanna was very upset about this.

The current situation reminded her of the battle with Big Squid at the bottom of the Black Lake last year.

Although at the end of the battle, she got the tentacles of the big squid as she wished, and ate the delicious sizzling squid.

But the ‘petrified eye’ that was forced to use in that battle, even now, whenever he thinks of it, it still makes her feel heartbroken.

You know, since childhood, that was the only magic item that Big Brother gave her that she used.

‘Damn it’s big squid, when we meet next time, we must cut a few more tentacles to suppress the shock! ’

As the speeding car dived, the surrounding light gradually disappeared. Bell tapped his magic wand once, and the body glowed softly, illuminating the mysterious underwater world for everyone.

“Bell! Look! Then, what kind of magical animal is that? Why have I never seen it in a book?”

Hermione looked at everything outside the car window excitedly, and couldn’t take care of little Gabriel’s jealousy.

Speaking of which, among all the people in the car, Hermione was the only one who had never seen this kind of underwater world.

Even the little Gabrielle, in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament, played with Sanna for a while at the bottom of the Black Lake, and had seen all kinds of strange underwater creatures.

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