Destined Martial God

Chapter 2010: Yin and Yang life and death mirror, life and death are forever separated

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In the horse house!

The two-line rule of life and death that has been promoted to Xuan'ao has been penetrated into two bronze mirrors with simple colors, then the left and right hands holding the bronze mirror are snapped together.

"One side is yang, the other side is yin!"

"Live on one side and die on the other!"

Accompanying Hao Ran's soft drink, the two bronze mirrors that were forcibly photographed together gradually merged together, and emitted black and white light.

Just when the two bronze mirrors were about to complete the fusion process, Yu Haoran immediately mobilized the mystery of the law of life and death, and then cooperated with the manipulation of fate by the murderous spirit rat to extract a black and white yin and yang from the spirit of the sea space. Tai Chi diagram.

In fact, as early as in his scramble for the Five Dragons Qianlong List, he used the endless thunderstorm to impact the complete state of Wu Zun's ten products. reborn.

The reason why it has not been dealt with in advance is that while waiting for the yin and yang mirror to reintegrate, it can be refined into its own magic weapon in one fell swoop.

After the yin and yang taiji pictures were extracted from the space of understanding the sea, Yu Haoran did not hesitate at all, mobilized all the divine and soul power, and merged the yin and yang tai chi pictures into the bronze mirror little by little.

When the yin and yang taiji figure was completely integrated into the life and death of yin and yang, he sprayed a sperm blood directly on the mirror surface of the bronze mirror, and then quickly condensed the mysterious secrets taught by the towering spirit.

After the struggling Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror is completely quiet, Yu Haoran screamed at the same time, and directly pointed the back of the Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror at the endless void.

"Yin and Yang mirror life and death, life and death are forever separated!"

Accompanied by Yu Haoran's violent drinking, from the back of Yin and Yang Mirror, a black light like ink was emitted.

The black light directly crosses the obstacles of time and space, and disappears instantly into the distant endless void.


Only after less than three seconds, a miserable howl suddenly came from the endless void.

At the same time, there was an outcry.

"His surname is Yu, who dares to sneak attack on the supreme strongman of Liu Yunzong. My Du Fengyuan will certainly destroy your spirit and eat your **** body!"

With the threat of rage, a middle-aged man wearing a white gown, Yushu facing the wind, gentle and elegant, quickly condensed out a projection with 90% of his own strength, and then rushed to the Tianxuan continent aggressively. To the south of where the Maoma House is located.

In this regard, Yu Haoran simply did not give the director a direct flip of the mirror, and directed the front of the Yin-Yang Life and Death Mirror to the Baichi Gate below the mansion.

"Yin and Yang mirror life and death, life and death are forever separated!"

Along with Yu Haoran's violent drinking, the front of Yin-Yang's life and death mirror emits a milky light.

The milky light directly penetrated the obstacles and defensive formations of the mansion, and instantly merged into the deacon old man who had just reached the end of his life.

The dried and withered flesh quickly plumped up, pale hair was quickly replaced by black, and the breath of life that had disappeared began to gradually return.

In just five seconds, the old man who was supposed to die, not only came back to life, but the whole person also had a youthful atmosphere of returning to old age.

"Thank you for your help, and thank you for your help!"

The people inside Baichimen didn't know what had just happened, but as a deacon who was resurrected from the dead, he knew the reason why he could live again, so he quickly hung his knees and thanked the hoe.

"Three years!"

Holding up the yin and yang mirror of life and death in his hand, Yu Haoran reminded Deacon Zongmen calmly.

"Yin Yang Mirror of Life and Death can only give you three years of life. If you can't achieve a breakthrough in physical fitness and cultivation, then you will still have Shou Yuan exhausted after three years, and you will return to Huang Quan."

"The subordinates bear in mind the teachings of the doorkeeper, and dedicate themselves to the practice of desperate deeds, to live up to the lifesaving grace of the doorkeeper!" After hearing Hao Ran's instructions, the deacon Zongmen did not feel any fear or worry.

After all, the 100-foot gate that Haoran has completely transformed is filled with innate aura of higher quality and richer quantity.

Even if he does not practice desperately, he is confident that he can be promoted to the rank of martial king within one to three years only by virtue of the innate aura's nourishment of the physical body and spirit.

Master on the back, master on the front!

Seeing the bronze mirror that has merged with Hao Ran, he has the strength to directly kill the Supreme Being, and has the means to resurrect Shou Yuan's life and death. The eyes of everyone in the other courtyard are incredible, and Extremely shocked look.

In particular, Zhongli Shuiqin, who sent the positive side of the yin and yang's life and death mirror, couldn't help but guess.

If the ancestor Zhong Limingjing and father Zhongli Qingyang knew that the bronze mirrors they had toiled from the Xiao family had such an anti-sky ability, would they regret to hit the head against the south wall.

After telling him, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the endless empty space, watching the projection of Liu Yunzong Supreme Peak Power who was about to reach the Tianxuan continent, and a terrible cold flashed in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, leave it to me!" The same blood staring beast projected by Du Fengyuan appeared on Haoran's shoulders instantly, and then the battlefield with excitement burning in his eyes.

"It can only be severely wounded, not beheaded!" Nodded and agreed to the Blood Veiled Beast to fight, Yu Haoran exclaimed utterly.

"I know!"

Knowing the reason why Hao Ran left Du Fengyuan's projection, Xuexu Beast nodded and motioned into a shadow, rushing into the void, and tore with Du Fengyuan who just rushed to the Tianxuan continent.

Ignoring the blood-virtual beast and Du Fengyuan's projection being torn in the void, Yu Haoran handed the Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death directly into the space of cognition, took the initiative to ask for the first avatar of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Life and Death, and then commanded everyone in the courtyard.

"Get ready!"


Whether it was Yu Siqi, who was cold-hearted, or Lu Yuan who was calm, when he heard Yu Haoran's order, he nodded and flashed a dignified look in his eyes.

"Horse horse, Ling Fei will always be with you!" After Si Qi and others left the horse house, and then scattered across the mountains, Qin Lingfei took a kiss and kissed Hao Ran, and then she promised with tenderness in her eyes. .

"Brother Yu, if you die, Sister must follow!"

The sword in front of Yu Haoran had no trace. After raising his feet to send his tenderness, his face was as red as a red apple, and he also gave a life-and-death commitment.

"Relax! I'll be fine."

At the same time, Qin Lingfei and sword were embraced without a trace, Yu Haoran said comfortably.


Suddenly, a curse of curse burst out in the empty space of the mansion, which immediately interrupted the three people who were still in their warmth.

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