Destined Martial God

Chapter 2009: Preparation before the break

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Yuxu Palace, prison in Tiangong!

After losing the identity of the destiny and the support of the Three Extinct Spirits, whether it is the talent and potential in martial arts practice, or the connections and influence within the sect, Ren Tianzhang, the master of the palace, will not lose in the line.

In addition, after tens of thousands of elites in Yuxu Palace entered the mysterious realm, they needed to leave a strong man with absolute trust, secretly transfer and hide the entrance to the secret realm, and also need to attract the attention of the enemy of Yuxu palace.

The actions of the Yuxu Palace over the years, and the defeat of the Guardian Family, will surely arouse the hatred of more than half of the power and power of the Tianxuan Continent.

In the face of so many powerful enemies, whoever stays on the Tianxuan continent may face a deadly crisis at any time.

Therefore, it is precisely because of the dual effects of internal and external problems that Ren Tianyi and Ji Xing will feel very nervous and hesitant, because they both want to lead the elite into a secret place to avoid calamities.

However, after careful and careful consideration, in the end, he still had an upright personality, and Ren Tianyi who really cared about the inheritance of Yuxu Palace made concessions.

"Brother Ji, you will lead the elders, deacons, and disciples of Yuxu Palace into the mystery. My brother and I will be responsible for transferring the entrance to the mystery and attracting the attention of the enemy."

"Teacher Ren, Jiucheng Palace's calamity is responsible for the brother, so you still lead the sectarian elite into the secret place, brother and I will attract the enemy's attention for you."

Ren Tianzheng's voluntary concession rejoiced in Jixing's selfishness, but considering that Sang Yu, the prince in prison, and considering that he could not let Ren Tianzheng feel any sadness and disappointment, he immediately assumed a gesture of righteousness and anger. , Falsely pretending to dodge.


Ren Tianmao, who did not see Jixing's false pretensions, immediately shook his head to refuse, and solemnly reminded him.

"Brother, no one in the Yuxu Palace knows the identity of your false destiny, and all people still respect and respect you."

"So, you are the best person to lead the elite of Yuxu Palace into the secret place, because you can stabilize the military mind in the shortest time, and you can teach them better practice."

Facing the explanation given by Ren Tianzhen seriously, Ji Xing finally pretended to give a difficult look and nodded.

"okay then!"

After experiencing the destruction of ancient times, Sang Yu, who has seen countless different people, sneered with contempt in his eyes after seeing Ji Xing's hypocrisy.

However, she neither persuaded Ren Tianyu to give up, nor refused the act of Ji Xing leading the Yuxu Palace elite to enter the secret place, but closed her eyes and continued to recover the injury.

"Brother, I suspect that among the elites of our Yuxu Palace, there may be traitors inserted by other forces, so you and I need to test them in batches and then quietly send them into the secret."


Time flies like a white horse.

Yu Haoran, who was sitting on the knees and crouching in the practice room, had remained motionless for nearly half a month.

During this half-month period, neither the Zhongli family's supreme ancestors nor the half-robber supreme ancestor of Tianwumen came to visit.

Regardless of the casual repair alliances and Liu Yunzong strongmen who came to grab the greedy Ma Ma mansion, or Ren Tianyu and Sang Yu who visited in secret, he ignored them.

The reason why he attaches so much importance to this retreat is mainly because he needs to directly impact the breakthrough in the realm.

In half a month, with the chaotic aura transformed by congenital spar, both the physical grade, the state of mind, the divine power and the soul power have reached the peak of the peak.

Even the accumulation of its own potential has reached a level where it cannot continue to improve.

At this moment, he can leave the practice room directly to seduce the thunderous thunder and punishment, formally impacting the realm of Valkyrie and the unprecedented perfection of the ten levels of Valkyrie.

But he didn't do it because he was waiting for the news of Taling and the second clone.

Time passed by one minute and one second, when the hot burning sun rose to mid-air, the exhausted towering spirit and the pale second avatar returned to the practice room.

"I'll go back and adjust the rate first!"

After a brief reminder, the second avatar returned directly to the domain tower in the space of the sea, then turned on the ability to accelerate time, and quickly recovered the strength and energy that had been consumed to the limit.

The towering spirit sat directly in front of Hao Ran, and then, with the chaotic aura transformed in the formation, also restored to the limit of strength and energy, he nodded solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, rest assured, everything has been arranged!"

"Talling, you worked hard!"

Knowing how complicated and difficult his requirements are, Yu Haoran was very moved that Ta Ling and the second avatar could be arranged in a predetermined time.

After shaking hands, Hao Ran didn't need to be polite, Ta Ling closed his eyes directly, and hurry up to restore the strength and energy consumed, in order to deal with the most dangerous calamity before the countless robbery was opened.

Without waiting for Ta Ling and the second avatar to return to their peak state, Yu Haoran gathered up and left the practice room, and then used the divine mind to notify the people in the mansion and Lan Rong who was stationed in Zongmen Qingyun Peak.

"Horse horse, how are you going?" Qin Lingfei, who first came to the other hospital, appeared beside Haoran, then hugged his arm and looked at his eyes and asked.

"Rest assured, everything is ready!"

After nodding his head to comfort Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran looked up at the blood rushing beasts, articulated apes, Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, Qingfeng, Wu Zhengjun, Red Tired Beast, Void Rat, and Sword without traces, and his eyes were relieved.

However, when he saw the Guiyuan Emperor standing next to Jian Wuhen, that is, the beast peak of Yujufeng, and Zhongli Shuiqin standing beside Wu Zhengjun, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Practitioner Yu Haoran, met Master Zhang Feng."

"No way!"

Facing Hao Ran's junior status, Zhang Quanshui immediately evaded, and hurriedly dodged.

"You are both the master of the Baichimen and the owner of this mansion. The reason is that I, the master of the beast who controls the beast, is the only one who sees the ceremony."

In response, Yu Haoran just smiled and shook his head, then looked at Zhongli Shuiqin.

"Huiqin has met Brother!"

After seeing the ceremony, Zhong Lishuiqin took out a simple bronze mirror and handed it to Yu Haoran.

"Brother, this is the Ruyi Mirror obtained from the Xiao family by the ancestor himself."

After reaching out to take over the bronze mirror handed by Zhong Lishuiqin, Yu Haoran took out the exact same bronze mirror from the tower and said with a smile.

"Shuiqin, this is not a wishful miracle at all, but a supreme instrument that was accidentally refined by a refining powerhouse in ancient times, a killing treasure that is comparable to the top innate spiritual treasure. "

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