Prince Consort House!

Looking up, Yu Haoran found that Du Fengyuan’s projection was covered with bloody beasts’ slender tails, and when he directly pulled out a wound with visible bones, he knew that he should move next.

After hinting that Qin Lingfei and Jian left their arms without a trace, Yu Haoran left the mansion in the air, and then went straight to the original forest where he obtained the destiny stone tablet and the murderous spirit rat.

Then, he sat directly in the air with his knees bent and then closed his eyes slowly, and his fingers began to print quickly.

“You get out of me!”

He severely damaged his opponent’s Blood Demon Beast, and saw that Yu Haoran, who was condensing the mark, was ready, and the slender rat tail wrapped around Du Fengyuan slammed hard.

Du Fengyuan, who was temporarily given a seal power by the bloody beast using a special secret technique, hit the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located like a meteor.


When Du Fengyuan’s projection was 1000 meters away from the mountain range, nine Haoan marks had been condensed. While lightly shouted, he reached out and pointed at Du Fengyuan’s projection.

Five imprints are quickly integrated into the limbs of the project, two imprints are integrated into the dantian and the sea of ​​the project, and one imprint is integrated into the project’s fleshy body.

As for the remaining mark, it is wrapped around the fingers of Yu Haoran right hand.


After waiting for the eight stamps to fuse into the inside of the projection, Yu Haoran lightly shouted, and twisted the right hand of the stamp lightly.

The enemy is far from cool

Later, Du Fengyuan’s projection suddenly started to get smaller, and quickly flew towards Yu Haoran, eventually incorporating the mark wrapped around his fingers.

Taking back the finger of the seal Du Fengyuan’s projection, Yu Haoran looked up at the endless void, and glanced again at East, Northern Territory, Central and West.

After flashing a frosty chill, take a drop of Wan Yao Ling Milk from the storage ring.

After taking a deep breath, after putting Wan Yaoling’s milk in the mouth, Yu Haoran stood up abruptly, and quickly rose from his body with an unimaginable terror.

With the rising of horror, all the black clouds in the entire southern region and the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, as if smelling delicious fish, are desperately converging toward the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

Such a change in heaven shaking earth shattering soon attracted the attention of countless top forces and powerhouses throughout Heavenly Profound Continent. While leaving the closed-door cultivation land, they used their powerful thoughts to start tracking the source of the change that caused the clouds. .

And when they found the black clouds of the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, the final converging end point was in the southern region, and in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect was located, nearly 70% of the top forces and powerhouses returned their thoughts and immediately returned to themselves. Land of closed-door cultivation.

But the remaining 30% of the top forces, as well as the hundreds of powerhouses of Valkyrie Realm, are desperately rushing to the southern region and to the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located.

At the same time, the black cloud changes that have affected the entire Heavenly Profound Continent have also attracted the attention of dozens of Paragon and half-immortal powerhouses in the endless void.

The sea-like deities directly cross the barriers of time and space, and then descend to the southern area of ​​Heavenly Profound Continent.

Do not fail to learn to catch the main ball

“This is Thunder Punishment caused by Breakthrough Valkyrie Realm!”

Feeling the thunder and lightning that is gathering in the dark clouds, a Paragon Grade 9 Peak extreme powerhouse, immediately guessed why the dark clouds converge in the mountain range void.

However, when thinking about the scope where the dark clouds converge, it even spread to the overall Heavenly Profound Continent, and the powerhouse eyes of the Paragon Nine-Peak Peak Limit revealed an incredible shout.

“It’s impossible, it’s impossible at all, it’s the homage to Thunder Punishment in Paragon Realm, and it’s impossible to gather the lightning energy of the entire Heavenly Profound Continent.”

The shouting cry of the Paragon Grade 9 Peak extreme powerhouse also made the endless void powerhouses who pay attention to the change of black clouds, also aware of this problem.

Afterwards, everyone’s eyes had both the joy of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune and the anxiety of anxiety.

The joy is because Yu Haoran is now tempting Thunder Punishment, and the formidable power is far more than the Thunder Punishment enticed by Paragon Realm.

With the cultivation base of Yu Haoran’s Grade 9 Peak, facing the Thunder Punishment of such formidable power, the final result is most likely nine deaths and still alive.

In this case, they do not need to make every effort to get rid of Yu Haoran, but at the same time, they can use the secret technique prepared earlier to re-designate the new son of destiny, and completely realize the plan for countless years.

Anxiety is due to Yu Haoran’s various evil performances since his debut, making them worry that Yu Haoran may finally be lucky enough to survive the thunder of God Punishment, and eventually become Eternal Undying’s Spiritual God powerhouse.

In this case, the complete fusion of Divine Soul and the breath of fate will completely sever the hope of changing the identity of the destiny.

At the same time, it far surpasses Thunder Punishment in Paragon Realm and the rewards after Thunder Punishment. I am afraid that it will not only allow Yu Haoran’s cultivation base to reach the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak limit, but it may also allow him to have Paragon directly. Existing strength.

Paragon’s unexistent strength, coupled with the manipulation of destiny by the fate stone tablet and the desperate soul rat, the endless void can have a powerhouse that suppresses him. I am afraid that there are only thirty or more semi-robbed Immortal Divinity Realm realm.


Neither the powerhouses of Valkyrie, half-robber Paragon, and Paragon Realm who desperately came from the Central, Eastern, Northern Territory, and Western Realms, nor the Paragon and half-immortal powerhouses who used the mind to peep at the endless void.

Yu Haoran, who realized the realm bottleneck breakthrough through Wan Yao Ling Milk, took the Trapping Immortal Sword directly from the storage ring, and then stared directly at the black clouds that were still converging.

At the beginning, in the treasure house of the Qing Long Family tribe, with the help of the magical energy of the bronze coffin seal, he was successfully promoted to the realm of magical arts, and he had seen a picture of the future.

In addition to the criminal day Paragon needs to face the endless void, dozens of Paragon and the powerhouse siege of the semi-robber Immortal Divinity Realm realm, he also sees a short picture of his future facing the god raid Thunder Punishment.

Although the screen appears for a short time, as short as less than 10% of the time, but less than 10% of the time, he has a very clear understanding of the Thunder Punishment formidable power he needs to face.

Because of this, he will continue to suppress the time of realm breakthrough.

Because in addition to the need for Tower Spirit and the 20% body to be used for the defense formation of the Transcending Tribulation, he also needs to raise his cultivation base and strength, potential and accumulation to the limit, and face nine deaths in the most Peak state. and still alive Thunder Punishment.

Maybe it’s because there are too many black black clouds, or it’s because the lightning energy bred by black black clouds is too powerful.

After waiting for almost an hour, the black black clouds began to sound a dull thunder.


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