Destined Martial God

Chapter 2008: The fate of Yuxu Palace

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Yuxu Palace, Tiangong Study Room!

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down his emotions, Ji Xing shouted softly into the mirror.

"Master Sang Yu! Brother Shi!"

The chain of seals, from the hand of a demon giant engine in ancient times, can not only seal the essence of the warrior's body, Dantian Yuanli and the spirit of the sea, but also the iron chain is doped with a special toxin, which is directly Acts on the nerves of the warrior, so that the sealed warrior endures painful torture at all times.

In order to reduce the painful torture, Ren Tianyu and Sang Yu could only force themselves into deep sleep through a part of the force reserved in advance.

Therefore, facing the call of discipline, neither responded.

In this regard, Ji Xing was only able to use the subordinate relationship between the jade mirror and the prison, and after careful inspection, a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

After only less than five seconds, the hesitant look in his eyes was firmly replaced.

Subsequently, he directly put his hand into the smooth mirror surface, and then used a special secret method to remove nearly one-third of the seals in Ren Tianyu and Mulberry.

After losing one-third of the seal chain, the strongest Sang Yu took the lead to wake up from sleep, and then immediately checked his condition.

When she discovered that her divine power in Dantian and the soul power in the space of the sea were released by almost half, she instinctively wanted to push out the remaining two-thirds of the seal chain.

But at this moment, Ji Xing's greeting came from his ear.

"The younger generation has traveled, I've seen Master Sang Yu!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, Sang Yu's eyes were burning with cursed teeth.

"Jixing, you **** who seduced the ancestors, you will die sooner or later!"

After hearing the curse of Shizang Sang Yu, Ji Xing sitting on the dragon chair was not angry, but could not help but grin and apologize.

"Master Sang Yu, I'm really sorry, my juniors were also confused for a while, and they did such ridiculous things!"

Ji Xing's sudden apology completely out of Sang Yu's surprise, she looked up at the prison space with a look of consternation, with a look of doubt in her eyes.

"Master Sang Yu, I am afraid Brother Ji already knows that he is not the Son of Mandate of Heaven, and has encountered a plight of helplessness."

Ren Tianxuan who was sober afterwards just heard Ji Xing's apology and confession.

Shrewd, he quickly guessed that Ji Xing's motive for taking one-third of the seal chain and the reason for taking an apology.

After hearing Ren Tianxuan's explanation, Sang Yu, who was completely confused, had a sneer of contempt on her face, and closed her eyes and ignored the trip.

"Brother Ren is right, brother, I really have trouble that can't be solved now." Ji Xing nodded with a bitter smile and admitted.

"Brother Ji, during the period when my ancestor and I were sealed, did you obey the orders of the Three Extinct Spirits and launch a battle against the guardian family?"

Master Sang Yu, who knows resentment and disappointment, is unwilling to pay attention to the reasons for traveling.

Therefore, Ren Tianyi did not explain too much for him, and immediately asked him what he was most concerned about.

"Oh!" Facing Ren Tianzhen's questioning, I felt ashamed to sigh.

"Brother Ji, what was the result of the battle?" Ji Xing sighed helplessly, while Ren Tianyi's face suddenly changed, he continued to question.

"Tianmeng was defeated, and the Qinglong family gave up ...!"

Since it was his own initiative to extract the seals from Ren Tianzhang and Sang Yu's body, the purpose was to listen to their judgments on the existing situation, so Ji Xing did not continue to silently start the whole process of the battle.

After hearing Ji Xing's detailed account of the entire battle process, Ren Tianxian's face gradually darkened.

If they did not go to the Guardian Family, with the friendship between the Yuxu Palace and the Guardian Family in ancient times, there is still the possibility of reconciliation.

If the Confederate's conquest is successful and a lot of spoils are captured, even the identity of Ji Xing's false destiny will be revealed.

Then, with the momentum of the victory and the appeasement of the weapon, Yuxu Palace can also get a short respite, and then find a way to resolve the crisis.

But it turned out!

However, since things have already happened, being angry and complaining can't solve any problems.

Therefore, Ren Tianyu, who calmed down the violent mood by taking a deep breath, began to consider how to resolve the crisis of survival facing Yuxu Palace.

If the identity of Ji Xing's false destiny's son is revealed, the biggest crisis that Yuxu Palace will face first is the loss of many forces in Tianmeng.

Only the three exterminators who can control the heavenly consciousness can have the power to deter the many forces of Tianmeng from dare to act lightly.

Therefore, Ren Tianyi needs to know the attitude of San Mi Ling to the defeated battle, and his true thoughts on supporting Yuxu Palace.

"Ren Shidi, since I returned to Yuxu Palace, I have lost the ability to directly contact the San Mi Ling. At the same time, I can't find the unknown valley where San Mi Ling lives."

It was doubting that he might be completely abandoned by the Three Extinct Spirits. Ji Xing finally believed in the authenticity of the news from the **** organization, and his heart fell into endless fear, and he was determined to release Ren Tianzhang and Shizu Sang Yu.

San Mi Ling's approach to Jixing did not exceed Ren Tianyi's expectations.

Even, he now suspects that San Mi Ling's order for Ji Xing to lead the Tianmeng Army to attack the Guardian Family is an outright conspiracy. The purpose may be to hope to cause unrest in the Tianxuan continent so that he can profit from it.

Without the support of the three extinct spirits enough to deter the many forces of the Tianmeng League, the crisis of the Yuxu Palace being destroyed must be unavoidable, then the next step is to consider how to preserve the inheritance of the Yuxu Palace.

Inheritance from the Middle Ages and Modern Times, and the influence of Jixing's false destiny son, Yuxu Palace has been in a state of rapid development, with nearly 50,000 elders, deacons, and disciples with talents of peerless or above.

How so many elites left Yuxu Palace safely and where they should go after leaving Yuxu Palace is far beyond the capabilities of Ren Tianyu, so he can only resort to the division who has just forced out all the sealed chains Zu Sang Yu.

"Tianji, Ji Shibo, who has acquired the status of the Son of Destiny in ancient times, has accidentally obtained a place with sufficient aura in heaven and earth, with a spatial range comparable to that of the entire central region."

Sang Yu replied with a smile while taking the precious healing elixir, while recovering the severe wounds suffered during the seal.

"The entrance to that secret place is in the right eye of the statue of Ji Shibo."

After hearing the solution given by Sang Yu, the faces of Ren Tianyi and Ji Xing both showed surprises at the same time.

But then, the smiles on their faces were replaced by hesitation and nervousness.

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