Destined Martial God

Chapter 2007: A journey to learn the truth

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In the horse house!


Facing Hao Ran's sneer question, Meng Zhengkai didn't know how to answer.

Because since Qin Emperor accidentally obtained the taboo secret method that can quickly promote cultivation and strength, he has always lived a life of retreat and hidden cultivation. Even if he deals with the affairs of the army, it is basically conveyed through the general manager Jiang.

Therefore, even as the absolute confidant of Emperor Qin, he still does not know the true cultivation and strength of Emperor Qin, and he does not know whether he has the means to fight against the powerful warriors of the Zhou family.

"Horse horse, what's the matter?" Yu Haoran's sneer questioning and Meng Zhengkai's difficult attitude to reply made Qin Lingfei gradually realize that something was wrong, and she quickly asked.

"Ling Fei, all right!"

Holding Qin Lingfei's jade hand, Yu Haoran smiled and relieved, then turned to Meng Zhengkai and instructed.

"Old Marshal, please trouble me when you go back to the Holy Newspaper. I said that Hao Ran was half a month short and 20 days long. I will definitely go to the Ghost Mountains where the Zhou family is located to help him completely wipe out all the powerful enemies of the Zhou family. . "

"The old man obeys!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's willingness to help, while Meng Zhengkai's smile appeared on his face, quickly thanked Xie En kneeling on one knee.

"Old Marshal, these are first-class gods. They are used to enhance strength, to enhance understanding, and to heal, and to relieve the demon. Please send me to the holy for me. "

Instructed Meng Zhengkai to get up, Yu Haoran took out seven dan bottles containing the elixir from the storage ring, and then sent it to Meng Zhengkai by the method of wrapping with divine power.

Later, while he told in detail, the tone of eliminating the four words of the demon was slightly aggravated.

"Master Ma, please rest assured that the old minister will give the elixir to the holy face, and introduce the efficacy of each elixir carefully!" Meng Zhengkai promised solemnly after waving the elixir floating in front of his eyes.

"It's a rare opportunity. The old Marshal still rests in the mansion for a day, and will return to the military palace of the Central Region tomorrow!"

Seeing that Meng Zhengkai had heard his true intention of giving elixir, Yu Haoran agreed with comfort, and hoped that he could borrow the innate aura to improve his physique and improve the effect of cultivation and strength. He could gradually get rid of the taboo. Dependence of Mysteries.

But unfortunately, Meng Zhengkai rejected his kindness and immediately turned away from the mansion, which made Yu Haoran even more curious that the Supreme Demon Rain suddenly created the taboo secret method, and a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

After Meng Zhengkai left the mansion through the main entrance, Yu Haoran closed his worried eyes, and then solemnly told Qin Lingfei.

"Ling Fei, half a month later, prepare for her husband ...!"


Yuxu Palace!

Regarding the result of the battle of the guardian family, not only the return of the slain feathers, but also the annihilation of the Valkyrie strong and the semi-robber supreme strong, also caused the strong dissatisfaction of many forces in the Celestial League.

After all, the martial arts and the strong in the semi-robber realm can be said to be the foundation of most towns and towns.

After losing the guard of Valkyrie and the semi-robber supreme power, not only will the family and sects lose the strongest inheritance, but they will also face the crisis of being destroyed and destroyed.

If it weren't for the fact that discipline is the son of destiny that can start and end countless robberies.

If it weren't for the fact that Ji Xing had the support of the three extinct spirits that could control the heavenly consciousness.

I am afraid that the Tianmeng people who had dissatisfaction had already entered the Yuxu Palace, and then forced Jiji to give everyone a satisfactory explanation.

Inside the Tiangong Palace!

Ji Xing, sitting on a dragon chair in the study, holding a jade symbol of Chuan Xun tightly in his right hand, his face was pale as white paper, and his eyes were filled with endless fear.

As the Lord of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace, Ji Xing has always felt arrogant and arbitrarily arbitrary. In fact, he is a wise man who is cautious and good at taking one step and three steps.

The strong support behind the Three Extinct Spirits is not because of the identity of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, nor because of the demon-like talent for spiritual practice. It is nothing more than the identity of the Son of Destiny and the great role that it can play in countless robberies.

If his use value is gone, or if he himself wants to compete for the opportunities in the immeasurable calamity, it will be ruthlessly abandoned by the Three Extinct Spirits.

Therefore, as early as more than 20 years ago, he has begun to get in touch with the organization of Hell and Jingshi, and reached an agreement to support each other secretly.

Just five minutes ago, the mysterious **** organization from the past passed Xunyufu to him, sending him a shocking message, a message that made him unacceptable, and a message that made him instantly fall into endless fear.

That is, the destiny son who can truly start and end the immeasurable robberies, not the three identified spirits, but Yu Haoran, who has always hidden his true identity.

At the same time, Yu Haoran has also obtained the Destiny Stone Tablet containing the power of the rule of destiny, and the companion spirit beast that can manipulate the Destiny Stone Tablet, and the master who killed the soul rat.

Regardless of the strength of the top powerful sects, or the overall strength of the denominations, the Yuxu Palace can look forward to being the top seven denominations because of its identity as the Son of Destiny.

Whether it is cultivation and strength, or connections and influence, he can become the leader of the heavenly alliance that leads thousands of troops, because of his identity as the Son of Heaven.

Nowadays, with the continuous approaching of immense quantities of robbery, with the loss and loss of the guardian family in the battle, if the news that he is not the son of destiny suddenly broke out.

Then, in these years, the opponents in Yuxu Palace, who have offended both secretly and secretly, have lost a lot of forces in Tianmeng, and have not yet tore themselves into countless fragments.

Taking a deep breath, forcing myself to wake up from the fear, Ji Xing suddenly thought of the director of the Palace of the Heavens some time ago to awaken the prince of Sang Yu privately, and planned to leave the Yuxu Palace secretly.

Although they were finally forcibly suppressed by the semi-robbered supreme strongmen from the Lan family and Liu Yunzong in the Tianmeng League, before thinking of the suppression, Ren Tianyi's accusations of anger, and the despair and sadness in his eyes, Jixing had a heart in his heart. This feeling is very strong, I feel that Ren Tianmao may have realized that something was wrong.

Thinking of this, he immediately crushed the jade Jane in his hand, and then took out a crystal clear jade mirror from the storage ring.

The ten fingers quickly closed the seal, and incorporated the resulting mark into the jade mirror.

Soon, a picture emerged in the mirror of the jade mirror. In a prison full of numerous iron chains, the director of the Palace of Heaven and the awakened ancestor Sang Yu were being given dozens of iron chains that penetrated the whole body. Fate to death on the wall of the prison.

Although he completely sealed the orders of Ren Tianmao and Shizu Sang Yu by using the chain of seals, he personally issued them, but when he saw the pale and bloodless faces of Ren Tianmao and Shizu Sang Yu, he fell into the weakness of the martial arts realm, and Ji Xing's eyes flashed Unbearable look.

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