Inside the Qing Long Family!

“All friends in Paragon Realm are back!”

Xingtian Paragon can defeat the rule power of more than 40 Paragon Realm powerhouses at the same time with only a pair of Iron Fist. ..

From this alone, it is enough to prove that he has completely restored the cultivation base and strength of the Immortal Divinity Realm.

So, when the remaining dozen Paragon Grade 9 Peak Extreme powerhouses were going to shoot, there was a sound in the endless void that could not capture the specific location.

“This is the voice of Paragon Black Tortoise!” Just as the voice of dismissal sounded in the endless void, he quickly returned to the bloody beast on Yu Haoran’s shoulder, expressing a hint of panic.

“If Xingtian Paragon can survive the real calamity after getting out of trouble, it depends on his next performance!” When Xuexu Beast pointed out that the owner of the voice of dismissal was Paragon Black Tortoise immediately, Yu Haoran immediately thought of the way to upgrade to the realm of magic , Seeing some pictures that will happen in the future, I can’t help but sigh of expression grave.

“Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Ming Zu, Fu Sheng, Poison Source, you all show up!” After hearing the voice of dismissal in the endless void, Xingtian Paragon looked up and looked at him. The marginal endless void, the tone was differently said.

“Since it was the unsolicited invitation of Xing Tianxiong, then the four of us siblings would be respected rather than obeyed!”

With a seemingly polite, but extremely arrogant reply, an azure Divine Dragon with a body reaching millions of meters, a white tiger above a million meters tall, a Vermilion Bird Divine Bird with wings spread over a million meters, and a volume like a city Black Tortoise, like gray, slowly emerged from the endless void cloud. ..

The four giant giant beasts seem to be slow in pace, but they are far faster than the horror speed of instantaneous movement, allowing them to appear directly in the void of Heavenly Profound Continent within ten seconds.

“Seniority in blood deficiency, don’t worry, this is just the projection of four Divine Beasts, and they only have 10% of the power of the body. Can I defeat Xingtian Paragon? I do n’t know, but they never thought of hurting you in front of me Yu Haoran. One cent. “

Just when the four Divine Beasts just appeared in the void above the mountain range, Yu Haoran suddenly felt the bloody beast on his shoulder. Not only did his body start to tremble violently, but the atmosphere within the body gradually became a little chaotic.

It is clear that for many years, four Divine Beasts possessing terrifying power have brought about the pressure of fear to the Blood Deficiency Beast. It is even more clear that the pressure of fear has caused him to start from the heart.

So, Yu Haoran immediately pretended to be a very confident expression of relief.

Actually, it’s not pretending to be confident.

After all, the Instant Move Space Law martial skill, which has tripled the speed, gives him the ultimate speed to avoid Paragon Grade 9 Peak powerhouse and the immortal powerhouse. ..

“projection !”

After hearing the reminder from Yu Haoran, a flash of decisive expression flashed in the eyes of the Blood Void Beast, immediately mobilized the remaining Space Rule energy within the body, and ventured to look at the four Divine Beasts in the mountain range in the void. Haoran has exactly the same answer.

Just projection, not the advent of the ontology!

The fear of the Blood Deficiency Beast immediately dissipated for more than half, and at the same time, he was full of confidence in whether or not Xingtian Paragon could finally defeat and kill the four Divine Beast illusory shadows.

After all, as the once-immortal Peak existed, he could clearly feel how powerful the return to Peak Realm’s Xingtian Paragon can be.

However, when five powerhouses dressed in robes stepped out of the endless void, the blood-empty beast’s confidence in Xingtian Paragon was suddenly reduced by 90%.

Because the five robe powerhouses coming out of the endless void are all a projection of the Immortal Divinity Realm powerhouse.

“Beginning of Illusion!”

“Fu Sheng!”

“Poison source!”

“Meet the Big Senior Brother!”

When the five robe powerhouses appeared in the mountain range, three of them took a step forward, and cup one fist in the other hand.

“Since the moment you destroyed Divine Soul of Junior Brother Tian and cut off my head, the brotherhood between us was cut off!”

Faced with saluted by the illusory Paragon, the old man of Fusheng and the old man of poison source holding the status of Junior Brother, Xingtian Paragon desperately suppressed the sadness and anger in his heart, and flatly refused to accept the saluted of the other.

And when Xingtian Paragon mentioned that Tongtian Paragon actually died in the hands of the three people in front of him, Yu Haoran knew Tower Spirit in the sea space, his eyes immediately glowed with scarlet blood, and his body exudes unimaginable murderous horrors. aura.

Fearing the horror Murderous Aura emanating from Tower Spirit alarmed the mountain range in the void, the attention of the nine half-death immortal powerhouse projections. While Yu Haoran tried her best to block the sea space, she also hurriedly used her ideas to force the Tower Spirit into the fury.

At the same time, the strange blood-empty beast that was detected also quickly entered the sea-conscious space, and then cooperated with Yu Haoran’s idea, and finally successfully awakened the Tower Spirit in the fury.

“Yu Haoran, I am willing to take out all the congenital spar and the ability to use the time acceleration of the time and space domain tower to improve the cultivation base of the murderous spirit rat.”

Tower Spirit, awakened from the rage, took a deep breath, took ten congenital crystals from the Blood Void Beast from the tower, and then asked Yu Haoran.

“And I only have one requirement to do this, and that is to wait until the cultivation base of the murderous rat is promoted to Immortal Divinity Realm, and immediately manipulate the fate of Yuanshi, Runsheng and Poison Source, which will allow me to revenge for Tongtong . “

Seeing Ziling’s bloody beast awakening from his fury, when he was about to leave Yu Haoran’s sea-conscious space, Ziling suddenly mentioned the fate of killing a spirit rat and manipulating three and half immortal powerhouses.

A flash of light flashed through my mind, making the Blood Demon Beast immediately aware of Yu Haoran’s true identity.

“Yu Haoran, you are the son of destiny?”


Faced with the shocked and expectant interrogation of the Blood Void Beast, Yu Haoran did not conceal without any hint.

After all, after returning to the Prince Consort, he needs to use the breath of destiny to see the hidden secrets in the portrait. At that time, he cannot hide the bloody beast that controls the power of the Space Rule.

“Yu Haoran, have you got the allegiance of the Destiny stone tablet and the Desperate Soul Rat?” Holding on to the short claws, Middle-Stage of Blood Deficiency Beast Eyes continued to ask more intensely.

“Yeah!” Yu Haoran acknowledged with nodded who also did not conceal.

“Yu Haoran, I need to adjust my mood!”

After being acknowledged by Yu Haoran, he did not know what to say and what to do. He could only temporarily fly to the edge of the sea space and then adjust it using a special secret technique. Inner emotions.

“Tower Spirit, I promise you!”

After nodded promised Tower Spirit’s request, Yu Haoran first took five congenital crystals from him, then took out five congenital crystals from his storage ring, and then sent them directly to the slaying spirit rat in the heart space. .


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