Destined Martial God

Chapter 1976: Qinglong and Xingtian

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Inside the Blue Dragon Family!

In the face of Xing Tianzun's categorical refusal to accept the salute of himself and others as a teacher and brother, the imaginary Yuanxuan was supreme, and the old man Fu Sheng and the poisonous old man stepped back without notice.

Immediately afterwards, the silver-haired, kind-eyed, old man in the blue robe, and the fierce-looking, cruel, old man in the red robe stepped forward, seeing salute with his fists.

"Li Er!"


"I've seen Xingtian Daoyou!"

Facing the courtesy of Laozi Supreme and Mingzu Supreme, Xingtian Supreme did not turn a blind eye, nor did he speak coldly. Instead, he replied in the same manner.

"Xing Tian has seen Li Daoyou, and met Dao Youyou!"

"Xingtian, you have a brutal and bloodthirsty personality, and you have no worries about acting. It is easy to bring unpredictable disaster to this world."

Xing Tian's courtesy for Laozi Supreme and Mingzu Supreme made the scorned White Tiger Supreme very unhappy.

After taking a step forward, the White Tiger's supreme look was arrogant, as the world dominated.

"For the safety of billions of souls in the world, and for hundreds of friends to wait for countless years, you better go back to the bronze coffin obediently, otherwise, the world may only have your head sealed on both feet."

"It's up to you!" Xing Tian sneered sneer.

Although Xingtian Supreme has no head, several semi-immortal strong men at the scene can clearly feel that he looked at the scorn and disregard of Baihu Supreme.

"Yes, it's me!"

The contempt of Xingtian Supreme, instantly angered the irritable White Tiger Supreme, while responding sternly, with a powerful sword condensed by the power of the killing rule, he quickly cut to the neck of Xingtian Supreme's lost head.


Swinging a giant fist like a mountain, and quickly meeting the giant sword, Xingtian Supreme sang softly.


Along with the roar of the earth shaking of the entire East and Central Regions, the Great Sword that condensed the power of the killing rule broke directly.

The giant fist that was not damaged in any way was the continued bombardment of the White Tiger Supreme.

Seeing himself using the strength of the rule to consolidate the giant sword, was even smashed easily by the Supreme Master Xing Tian, ​​Supreme Master could not help but change his face.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth wide enough to swallow the mountains and lakes and snarled at the huge fist that came quickly.

"Woo ...!"

Accompanied by a roar like a thunder, sound waves that directly shattered the barriers of the void continued to impact the huge fist that came.

Although the oscillating force formed by sound waves continues to weaken the power of giant fist, judging from the bombardment speed that giant fist has not slowed down at all, the idea of ​​Baihu Supreme to use the secret method of sound howling to resist giant fist is shattered.

The projection of the White Tiger Supreme is about to be hit under the giant fist, and the Qinglong Supreme immediately swings the huge blue dragon tail and slams the giant fist fiercely.


Accompanied by the roar that was enough to shake the entire Tianxuan continent, Xingtian Supreme was forced to take three steps back because he could not bear the huge slapping force from his fist.

The Blue Dragon Supreme, who waved the blue dragon tail, also directly stepped back by nine steps due to the strong rebound force.

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that although the repression of countless years made your cultivation impossible, it really made you realize the essence of the power to destroy the rules."

Behind the huge body that retreated quickly and stably, Qinglong Extreme sighed solemnly.

"If you let the skull return to the flesh, I am afraid that your cultivation can directly advance to the immortal realm of Three Calamities."

Qinglong Supreme seems to admire the improvement of Xingtian Supreme, but it is a very insidious reminder to everyone at the scene.

If you wait until Xingtian Supreme summons the sealed head in the future, then those who participated in the siege and seal him will not have any good fruit.

Therefore, when hearing Qinglong Supreme ’s introduction to the strength of Criminal Heaven Supreme, not only the supreme strongmen in the endless void, the expression of horror in the eyes, but also the eight semi-robbers of the immortal realm on the scene, the eyes also revealed Dreadful look.

At the same time, Laozi Supreme and other five semi-immortal powerhouses secretly mobilize the power of rules that they perceive.

"Qinglong, the power of projection alone can reach the immortal state of immortality. Presumably, the recent revision of your ontology can successfully advance to the immortality of three immortals!"

Regarding the sinister intention of Qinglong Supreme, Xingtian Supreme laughed without anger.

Later, he used the feelings of the fight just now and also pointed out that the other side's cultivation was to enter the country, in order to break the hope of the eight semi-robbery immortal strongmen at the scene.

Hearing the introduction of the Supreme Dragon's strength to the Supreme Dragon, except the White Tiger Supreme, the Suzaku Supreme and the Xuanwu Supreme, the remaining five semi-immortal immortals not only showed a stronger look of jealousy in their eyes, but also subconsciously stayed away from the Supreme Dragon. Some distance.

After all, compared with the always-sealed Xingtian Supreme, the Qinglong Supreme, who has been communicating with each other, has always shown its strength to be the second immortal beginning.

So, what is the intention of the other party to conceal the cultivation?

Xingtian Supreme's severe counterattack method made Qinglong Supreme's complexion instantly gloomy and watery. He glanced at Laozi Supreme and others who had stepped back ten thousand meters. After a flash of annoyance flashed in his eyes, he turned his head to the White Tiger Supreme and Suzaku Supreme He Xuanwu commanded.



After hearing the command of Qinglong Supreme, Baihu Supreme roared, and then appeared in the west of Xingtian Supreme with an obstacle across time and space.


After Suzaku Supreme hissed, the south of Xingtian Supreme appeared instantly.


After Xuanwu Supreme shouted, he suddenly appeared in the north of Xingtian Supreme.


Inside the sea space!

After spending almost three minutes, it was a blood-deficient beast that calmed the shock, and returned to the position of the center of the sea.

"Yu Haoran, Zi Ling, you still keep these innate spar to improve cultivation and strength!"

Seeing Yu Haoran and Zi Ling willingly took out the innate spar to help improve the cultivation and strength of the murderous spirit rat, the blood-virtual beast whose mentality had completely changed, while taking ten from the opened independent space Five congenital spar, proposed with a smile.

"I'll come out of the innate spar used to assist the ascension of the rogue rat!"

"Predecessor of blood deficiency, what conditions do you have?"

Being able to secretly recover the peak cultivation and strength of Supreme Nine Pins under the strict surveillance of Qinglong Supreme, it is enough to prove the savvy and cunning of the blood-empty beast.

Well, the number of congenital crystals that have been secretly collected and accumulated over numerous years is definitely more than the twenty gifts he gave to himself at first.

Therefore, Yu Haoran was not surprised to see the fifteen congenital crystals that were removed again by the Blood Deficiency Beast, but some did not understand the reason why he suddenly offered the congenital crystals.

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