Inside the Qing Long Family!

Sun Buyuan’s Single Vessel Chasing Yang After the War

Facing the threat of endless void old voices, Yu Haoran continued to sneer. !

“Senior, if Junior doesn’t leave!”

“If you don’t leave, you will be considered a complicity in Xingtian, soul flies away and scatters will be your final end!”

Gradually losing the old voice of persuasion, threatened by murderous-looking.

“Even the Purple Spirit Paragon and the Blood Void Beast will eventually escape the fate of being destroyed.”

“Senior, Junior has been following everything since his debut.”

Facing the murderous-looking threat of the old voice, Yu Haoran gradually returned a vigorous and righteous return.

“Since it is the seal of Junior Paragon Senior, he is obliged to help him through the disaster of this time. This is Junior’s way of doing things, doing things, doing things.”

“good very good!”

When I heard Yu Haoran’s reason that could not be refuted, the angry old voice said twice, and stretched out his palm like a bone, and patted it lightly to Heavenly Profound Continent.

Hou Yuan Yuan Complex

Then, a giant palm, like a sky, quickly appeared in the void of Heavenly Profound Continent at the speed of crossing time and space obstacles.

“Damn old fox!”

Seeing the opponent’s palm attack range directly enveloped him and Xingtian Paragon, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but secretly cursed, because the opponent was trying to avoid him by using the martial skill, which was unable to apply the law of instantaneous movement.

At the same time, although the distance from the giant palm covering the sky is very far away, from the perspective of the giant palm’s momentum can directly break up the void, the strength of the opponent’s giant palm reaches at least Paragon Grade 9 Peak.

Sun Yuandi’s Enemy Ball by Yang Hengang Yue

When Sun Yuandi ’s enemies ’ball is from Yang Hengang Yue, but in the majestic Divine Force and Soul Power, in conjunction with the two mysteries of Life and Death, when he launches an impact on the bottleneck of Valkyrie Realm, he suddenly stops roaring to death, Paragon, quickly The ancestor witches changed into millions of heights, and then waved like a mountain-like Iron Fist, slamming into the regular forces of attack such as sword energy, Blade Qi, stick, gun, etc.

In desperation, he can only delegate the task of dealing with giant palm to Tower Spirit.

“Yu Haoran, you should go back to the ground first!” Tower Spirit, who carried the ontology space-time tower leaving the sea-conscious space, reminded expression grave.

“Okay, be careful!”

After Yu Haoran nodded urged, the momentary movement made him quickly return to the ruins of the treasure house.

After the enemy is not invincible

Immediately afterwards, he sat down with his knees bent, then took out the congenital spar given by the Blood Void Beast, arranged the formation that can transform the chaotic Spiritual Qi, and began to fully promote his cultivation base.

After the invincible enemies hated the war, when Paragon shot to attack more than 40 rules of power, his divine force and Soul Power just fused with the dual laws of Life and Death, not at all. The bottleneck of Valkyrie Realm is touched, so the realm backlash suffered is not very serious.

Because he had a faint feeling in his heart, he felt that there were many powerhouses that wanted to destroy Xingtian Paragon and return to Peak Realm. There were more Paragon and half-immortal powerhouses that wanted to slay Xingtian, more than Tower Spirit could not resist, so he needed Use unconventional means to continue delaying time.

That was to advance the never-ending immortal Valkyrie realm in advance, and then use the means of God to rob Thunder Punishment to wake up the Heavenly Dao rule, temporarily preventing those powerhouses in the endless void from continuing to shoot.

Although attacking Valkyrie realm in advance may make him lose a chance of transformation, in order to satisfy the friendship of Tower Spirit and protect the safety of Tower Spirit, it is worth losing the chance of transformation.

The Tower Spirit, which is integrated into the space-time space tower, hits it three times with all its strength to completely destroy the giant palm, which is like a sky.

This also made him feel extremely depressed, and his thoughts on recovering Peak’s strength as soon as possible became stronger.

Enemy and enemies

The enemy hated the enemy, and the enemy studied the war. He also felt extremely depressed. At the same time, his thoughts on recovering Peak’s strength as soon as possible became stronger.

If it is possible to return to the cultivation base of the Paragon Grade 9 Peak limit, Iron Fist and giant palm can be easily destroyed without using the physical space-time tower.

At the same time, he has obtained and created dozens of secret techniques over the years, which allows him to directly attack the owners of the endless void Iron Fist and giant palm.

More importantly, he returned to Peak, and he was able to drive the strongest formidable power of the space-time tower, giving him the means to easily kill the limit of Paragon Grade 9 Peak and to destroy the Immortal Divinity Realm world.


When Tower Spirit destroys the giant palm that hides from the sky, Xingtian Paragon, who has been standing in the ruins of the treasure house, suddenly makes a deafening roar.

“Not good, Xingtian is about to restore the strength of the Immortal Divinity Realm world, and everyone will attack at the same time.”

When Xingtian Paragon made a roar like thunder, a sound of panic and solidity came from the endless void.

With the reminder of a slightly flustered voice, the endless void immediately appeared with more than 40 horrific attacking forces such as sword energy, Blade Qi, stick, gun, and Iron Fist.

“Tower Spirit, come back soon!”

Yu Haoran knew what was going on when a powerful reminder came from the endless void, as he expected.

Therefore, he didn’t hesitate at all, raised his head and screamed summon Tower Spirit, hurriedly returned, at the same time, began to mobilize all his strength to impact Valkyrie Realm.

However, when the majestic Divine Force and Soul Power, combined with the two mysteries of Life and Death, launched a shock towards the bottleneck of Valkyrie Realm, suddenly stopped the roaring Xingtian Paragon, quickly changed to a million-year-old ancestor, and then waved like The mountain-like Iron Fist slammed into the rule powers of sword energy, Blade Qi, stick gas, and gun gas.

Seeing Xuantian Paragon successfully recovering the Tower Spirit of Immortal Divinity Realm, while secretly sighed in relief, he immediately returned to Yu Haoran’s sea-conscious space with the help of time and space energy.

But at this time, Yu Haoran suddenly turned pale and spit a mouthful of blood.

After far no ghost kicking by Gu Yuji not

“Yu Haoran, what’s wrong with you?” Tower Spirit’s face complexed after seeing Yu Haoran, who vomited blood, and within the body divine force and Soul Power riots.

“I’m fine, I just forced the backlash caused by realm breakthrough.”

Quickly took out one of the top Healing Medicine Pill suits, Yu Haoran flexed her knees while sitting for a wound, and briefly explained to Tower Spirit.

“Yu Haoran, thank you!”

In fact, when Yu Haoran decided to move the Prince Consort mansion back to Hundred Chi Sect in the southern region, he mentioned it in detail.

It is said that if he can break through Valkyrie Realm in the mountain range where Hundred Chi Sect is located, he may gain unexpected transformation opportunities, which is also an important reason why he has been reluctant to strike Valkyrie Realm.

Now, suddenly the backlash of Valkyrie realm breakthrough must be the thunderbolt Thunder Punishment that came before the Valkyrie realm breakthrough in order to stop the attacks of the endless Void Paragon and the semi-robber Immortal Divinity Realm realm. Xingtian Paragon strives for more time to restore Peak cultivation base and strength.

And he took such a risky approach for sure to satisfy his brother’s affection.

So, after hearing about the cause of Yu Haoran’s vomiting injury, Tower Spirit appeared in my heart with gratitude, with a trembling sincere thanks.

In response, Yu Haoran just waved his hand and slowly closed his eyes to grasp the time to treat the injury.

Fortunately, when Xingtian Paragon attacked more than 40 rules of power, his divine force and Soul Power just fused with the dual laws of Life and Death. Not at all really touched the bottleneck of Valkyrie realm, so he suffered realm. Backlash is not very serious.

With the help of the top Healing Medicine Pill, the damage caused by realm backlash is fully recovered in less than 20% of the time.

Afterwards, he got up, then looked up at Million metres height Xingtian Paragon, and watched how he responded to the next crisis.


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