An unknown valley at the border of South and East!

According to the habit of the three extinct spirits to stifle all potential threats in advance, it should be shot directly to destroy the realm breakthrough of the gibbons, and let the gibbons eventually die in Thunder Punishment. Mobile terminal

But thinking of the identity of Yu Haoran, the destiny stone tablet, the means of controlling destiny, the power of the purple spirit Paragon and the space-time tower in the sea space, he is also considered to have the burning sun of Paragon Grade 6 Peak Realm, and is also considering Is it worth the risk?

“Sunburn, what should we do?”

Whether it’s risking to destroy the realm breakthrough of the gibbons, or ultimately choosing to give up and sit idly by, you need the strongest burning sun to make a decision.

Therefore, after a brief eye contact with the stars, Yinyue asked looking directly into Sun’s eyes.

Facing Yinyue’s questioning, Zhuo Ri, who was caught in a dilemma, couldn’t help frowning.

Stand by and let the gibbons be promoted to Long-Armed Divine Ape, becoming a powerful enemy in the future for the Immortal Divinity Realm opportunity. This is the result he absolutely does not want to see.

However, if he destroys the realm promotion process of the gibbons, he will inevitably have a positive conflict with Yu Haoran and the Purple Spirit Paragon. He has no confidence in dealing with the Purple Spirit Paragon that was once able to slaughter the Paragon Peak powerhouse in the ancient times. I was also worried that it would cause Yu Haoran’s hostility completely, and eventually could not get the help of fate.

After much consideration, Zhuo Ri finally decided to sit and watch the Mountain Tiger.

Because he believes that the top forces in the ancient times and the inheritance family in the ancient times will never sit idly by and ignore the breakthrough of the gibbons, they will definitely prepare the means of restraining the purple spirit Paragon, so he needs to pass the final battle between the two sides The result is to decide whether to finally take the attitude.

Regarding the idea that Zhuo Ri decided to sit and watch the Mountain Tiger, Yinyue and Fanxing also thought that it was the best way to deal with it.

At the same time as nodded consented, the three men joined forces to control the Will of Heavens and the emptiness hidden in the mountain range side of Qinghu.

Enemy enemies seal the cool ghost to receive Xingtai


Traverse the mountain range!

The deep pit that was originally used to lay down the Seal Formation has been transformed into the ancient castle Yuyu by the ancient Monster Race, surrounded by clouds and mists, and a beautiful view of the Immortal Realm on the earth.

Utilizing vows and twenty three Shape Transformation grasses to save his life, the black Divine Dragon just returned to the palace that traverses the mountain range, and was then summoned by more than a dozen real power members in the clan to the parliament hall, and then asked him to elaborate on the Qinghu mountain What happened to range.

After learning that the young man named Yu Haoran was able to use a special secret technique to temporarily possess the strength of the Paragon Realm in the Emperor’s Grade 9 Peak cultivation base, the XNUMX real power Elders were not shocked, and the cultivation base reached The Great Elder of Paragon Peak Realm three times, immediately made a decision not to try to provoke the other party.

But when the other Elders agreed in nodded, the Thunder Punishment fluctuation caused by the Breakthrough Divine Beast realm immediately alarmed the XNUMX real power Elder and Black Divine Dragon.

When the gibbons that hit Divine Beast realm were discovered, there was a tendency to transform Long-Armed Divine Ape. The strongest Great Elder immediately overturned the decision he just made, and the horse made a decision to kill the gibbons.

In this regard, although the Black Divine Dragon expressed strong opposition, but the reality of people talking lightly, in the end not at all changed many Elder murderous-looking decisions, and they had no choice but to return to their own population.

At the same time, I felt that the Great Elder and the others’ black Divine Dragon was undoubtedly unfolding, and a kind of ambition gradually emerged in the heart, a desire to reproduce the ambition of Divine Dragon to control the Monster Race in ancient times.


Xianyang City, Imperial Palace!

After the battered and exhausted return to the Imperial Palace, the proud nine gods, not at all, because Yu Haoran showed the strength of the Paragon Realm world, there was a slight fear in his heart, and there was no idea of ​​giving up.

Post-study Cork ghost skill early cold

Secretly summoned five emperors who were proficient in the formation and arts, and eighteen powerhouses of the semi-robber Paragon Realm, began to discuss and prepare plans for revenge Yu Haoran.

When finding out the methods that could limit Yu Haoran’s secret technique and formulating plans for revenge, the thunderbolt Thunder Punishment caused by the Breakthrough Divine Beast realm spread to the Imperial Palace in Xianyang City.

This made Shenjie immediately decide to lead the eighteen powerhouses who robbed Paragon Realm, and rushed to the Qinghu mountain range with a treasure of Divine Race.

Moreover, the performance of Shenjie just now made the five emperors unsatisfactory, and they also jointly made a decision to recommend him as the heir of the Divine Race.

Observing disciplines is not the coolest.

If there is no accident, the joint recommendation of the five emperors can be regarded as the sleeping emperor waking up in advance, and the decision of the five emperors cannot be changed.


The enemy of the ball is not the most passionate to learn the enemy ’s skills alone

The valley leading to the Secret Realm!

After returning to the valley in a similarly battered and exhausted manner, the not-for-all demon-devil returned to the valley, not at all as angry as Shen Jie intended to avenge Yu Haoran. Instead, he began to make a deep self-examination, and proactively acknowledged the mistakes and Accepting the punishment also won the understanding of many real powers within the clan, Elder and the emperor.

And when the Thunder Punishment caused by the Breakthrough Divine Beast realm waved to the valley where the ancient Demon Race was located, a dozen real power Elders and Emperors in the clan immediately urged the strong murderous intention, and the horse made a wish Offending Yu Haoran, but also beheading decisions that could threaten Demon Sovereign opponents in the future.

However, through his own influence and persuasive persuasion, Mohao finally made more than a dozen real power Elders and Emperors make the same decision as the Three Extinct Spirits. That is to watch the Mountain Tiger fight.

With the Thunder Punishment fluctuation caused by the Divers Beast realm breaking through the gibbons, reaching the corners of the Heavenly Profound Continent, nearly 90% of the forces and powerhouses inherited from the ancient period have preferred to offend Yu Haoran. The decision to kill the gibbons.

The remaining XNUMX% of the forces and powerhouse have also made the idea of ​​watching the Mountain Tiger.


Qinghu mountain range!

Although the fast gathering of black clouds has completely put the entire mountain range into absolute darkness, for Yu Haoran, who has restored the Emperor Grade 7 Peak Realm, his sight and spirituality have not been affected much.

Feel the formidable power condensed by the black black clouds and gods. The divine mind is fully tracking the scope involved in Thunder Punishment. The original dignified expression was gradually replaced by gloom, and the horse made a decision to continue sending Qin Lingfei and the others into the domain tower.

In this regard, Qin Lingfei and the others not at all who knew the seriousness of the matter had any opinions, but Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, Wu Zhengjun, and Chiyanju refused to shake their heads.

Because they feel that after being promoted to the cultivation base of Valkyrie Realm, they already have the strength to protect the gibbons, and they do not want to hide behind Yu Haoran all the time and be a chick that does not experience wind and rain.

Faced with the requests from Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, Wu Tianjun, and Chiyanju, Yu Haoran, after repeated consideration, finally nodded to agree that they would stay in the Qinghu mountain range, but also made them make an absolute obedience to the promise.

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