Qinghu mountain range!


Qinghu mountain range Void black clouds converge quickly, and Thunder Punishment is coming faster.

When the gibbons just took out the ginseng fruit donated by Yu Haoran, and before they came and took it, the black black cloud above his head immediately chopped down a thick arm-like, golden with a hint of destruction black.

From this point alone, we can see how much the Heavenly Dao rule hates the innate spiritual object born of Heaven and Earth.

Quickly swallowing the ginseng fruit into the belly, the gibbons immediately inspired Bloodline, the ancestor within the body, and instantly became a giant ape with a height of about 1000 meters, and then directly met the thunder and lightning.


Hate to hate the ghost alone

Along with a deafening roar, although the golden lightning of the thickness of the arm was directly smashed, Iron Fist of the gibbons also left a black paint wound, and the blood flowing from the wound was like a stream of blood.


It did not give the gibbons any respite. At the moment when the first thunderbolt was dissipated, the 2nd golden thunderbolt with a bowl-thickness was split immediately.


Fortunately, the ginseng fruit swallowed within the body just broke out of pure spirit strength, allowing the gibbons to quickly smooth Iron Fist’s wound, and roared towards the 2nd golden thunderbolt.

With the huge and pure spirit strength erupted from the ginseng fruit, the gibbons abolished the thunder and lightning formed by the five gods one after another under the premise of ensuring their own safety.

However, looking up at the black black cloud quickly chopping off the formidable power of the sixth golden thunderbolt and reaching the realm of the God 1 Grade XNUMX Peak, the gibbons looked dignified and took a deep breath, then slowly raised the right arm.

As the right arm slowly lifted up, the surrounding void gradually began to appear distorted. Inside the distorted void, the turbulent flow of the space was like a sea wave.


Along with the sip of the gibbons, an energy very similar to Natural Law of Time and Space Rule appeared in front of the sixth golden thunderbolt out of nowhere, and then quickly shrouded the sixth golden thunderbolt.

Subsequently, no matter how desperately the sixth golden thunderbolt attacked and struggled, it couldn’t escape the shroud of special energy.

In the end, the sixth golden lightning was forcibly reduced and sealed into a small dragon with a length of about one meter.

Immediately afterwards, the sealed thunderbolt small dragon appeared in the hands of the gibbons, and was directly swallowed by him.

“Yu Haoran, the gibbons just showed the means to seal the sixth thunder and lightning, which is one of the four Bloodline innate talents derived from Long-Armed Divine Ape. They can take the sun and the moon regardless of the strength gap!” When swallowing the sealed sixth small lightning thunder dragon, the Tower Spirit in the sea space knew the expression and reminded with sighs.

Sun Cha hates Ke Buxingqing You Xuetongta

But for the reminder of Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran not only did not give any response, but suddenly took out four five-color and six-color void fruits and a basin-sized space spar from the storage ring, and then sat directly on the knees. Come down.


Yu Haoran’s actions just now, as well as the clear and energetic breath emanating from him, let Tower Spirit immediately know the state he is now in.

Considering that Yu Haoran enters the state of epiphany, it is exactly that the gibbons use the Bloodline innate talent secret technique which contains time and space rule energy. At the same time, he successively took out the void fruits that assisted the perception of strength of Law, and the space spar containing pure space energy. Tower Spirit determined that he is likely to continue to realize the remaining six auxiliary strengths of Space Law with the help of epiphany .

Without any hesitation, Tower Spirit directly mobilizes the Space Rule energy in the tower of the ontology domain, and then uses the special secret technique to directly penetrate the space spar to improve the purity and grade of the space spar’s space energy, thereby assisting Yu Haoran to realize as soon as possible And control the remaining six auxiliary strengths of law.

“Nothing, nothing!”

Utilizing the fruit of the void and the purity of space energy to be upgraded in grade and quality, Yu Haoran entered the state of epiphany in less than ten seconds, and successfully captured the trace of the strength of Law, and quickly used three seconds to successfully realize and Take control.

“Heaven and Earth first opened, chaos was one, clean air rose to heaven, and turbid gas fell to the ground!”

One minute later, he simultaneously captured the trace of the next dual strength of Law, and then used five seconds to successfully perceive and control.

At this time, the two five-colored void fruits in his hand completely turned into ashes, and the volume of the space spar also directly reduced by 20%.

“East is wood, south is fire, west is gold, and north is water.”

“Wood creates fire, fire melting gold, golden water!”

After 30%, with the East’s strength of Law, which has been felt and controlled, he successfully captured the South’s strength of Law, the West’s strength of Law, and the North’s law, and used ten seconds to successfully perceive and control.

At this moment, the twelve auxiliary strength of law that can be merged into the spatial strength of law, he has successfully realized and controlled.

Next, just need to merge the four pairs of strength of Law and one against four strength of Law separately, then he can directly hit the third-ranked Space Law.

If you can successfully perceive and control the strength of the space of Law, you can not only greatly increase your potential and increase your own accumulation, but you can also use the breakthrough of realm to advance to the Space Law mystery.

Qiu Yuan Qiu Fang Fang Fang Mo Fan love

If you can successfully perceive and control the Space Law mystery, then the powerhouse in the Paragon Realm world will take the shot himself, and he will not easily hurt him.

When Yu Haoran relied on the pure space energy contained in the void fruit and the spar of space to cooperate with the state of epiphany to strike the strength of the space, the gibbons used the Bloodline innate talent to capture the sun and moon and shrink the mountains, successfully capturing the seventh and the first. Eight Golden Tribulation Thunders.

Hou Di Di Di Xing Qing Fang met

However, after the eighth Thunder Tribulation thunderbolt was swallowed by the gibbons, the mountain range was a black black cloud. Not only did the horse drop the ninth Thunder Tribulation thunderbolt, but all the golden thunderbolts in the dark cloud quickly merged together.

“Golden armor thunder god!” Attention was temporarily directed to the black black clouds that gathered countless lightning energy, and Tower Spirit expression murmured without dignity.

In the spirit of Tower Spirit, the voice of himself had just fallen, and a giant golden foot like the sky suddenly burst out from the black cloud, and then stepped fiercely toward the gibbons at lightning speed.

Without the slightest fear, with the energy of the refining ginseng fruit and three Thunder Tribulation thunderbolts, the gibbons that already have the strength of Valkyrie Grade 4 Early-Stage can directly rise to the sky to meet the giant feet.


With Iron Fist clenched by the gibbons, the center of the giant feet was pounding heavily, and the whole mountain range void suddenly struck a strong impact.

Accompanied by a violent impact, the gibbons that couldn’t withstand the force of the giant foot’s stampede fell directly into the blue lake like a falling star.

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