Qinghu mountain range!

Enemy Discipline Discipline

The life-saving grace at the time of the second crisis, the transformation of the ginseng fruit and the physique of the Shape Transformation grass, has left the gibbons not knowing how to return to Yu Haoran.

Now, when he is about to hit the Divine Beast realm of Eternal Undying, Yu Haoran is giving away so many Divine Pills. This makes him even more deeply moved, but he is also reluctant to continue to owe hard-to-pay gratitude.

Sun Chaxue Yuanke ’s most ghostly secret

But when the gibbons tried to refuse to open their mouths, Yu Haoran chose to close his eyes and pretend to continue to heal, without giving the other party a chance to refuse to accept medicine pill.

“oh! ”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s gesture of refusal, the gibbons couldn’t help but sighed hydrazine and reached out to take the medicine pill floating in front of them.

Afterwards, he flew directly to the mountain range and started preparing for the breakthrough of the Divine Beast realm.

At the same time, Yu Haoran also hurriedly asked Tower Spirit who knew the sea, and asked why he wanted to give himself all the medicine pill used to restore his strength.

“The gibbons that realized Bloodline’s return to ancestors with the help of epiphany are essentially infinitely close to the physiology of Long-Armed Divine Ape, and Long-Armed Divine Ape is still an innate spiritual object born of Heaven and Earth.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, Tower Spirit looked at the gibbons floating in the air through the sea space, explained expression grave.

“The inborn spiritual object encountered during the promotion of Divine Beast realm was Thunder Punishment. The grade and formidable power did not lose the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment of Yu Siqi’s girl, so those medicine pills used to quickly recover their strength are used by the gibbons. To defend God Punishment from life-saving means. “

After hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran suddenly thought that when he reunited with the ethereal rat, he could not help but ask a sudden change in his face with the help of the picture he saw with the memory crystal.

“Tower Spirit, if you just explained, will the gibbons arouse the Will of Heavens and Heavenly Dao rules when they hit Divine Beast realm?”

“The rules of Heavenly Dao, which are in the state of perfection, will certainly not appear, but the three extinct spirits that control the Will of Heavens may appear.”

Having said that, Tower Spirit recalled the feat of Long-Armed Divine Ape in ancient times, and then expressed grave’s reminder.

Postdoctoral Cork Loneliness by Ghost Secret

The post-operative science of Cork is devoted to the ghosts and secrets. “The inborn spiritual object encountered during the promotion of Divine Beast realm is Thunder Punishment. The grade and formidable power do not lose the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment of Yu Siqi girl, so those are used to The fast-recovering medicine pill is a life-saving means used by the gibbons to withstand the thief Thunder Punishment. “

“However, the top forces in ancient times will definitely be prepared to restrain me, and then coming to kill will definitely be promoted to Long-Armed Divine Ape’s Gibbon.”

“Because of the Long-Armed Divine Ape, which has a violent temperament, a slaughter, and a stronger strength than the Paragon who only knows to improve the cultivation base and strength, it has caused even more pain to the top forces in ancient times. For Long-Armed Divine Ape, Rebirth is even more daunting. “

“Tower Spirit, what should I do next?”

If the other party really has the means to restrain the Tower Spirit, then with only Yu Siqi, Qingfeng, Lu Yuan, Wu Zhengjun, and the Red Beast must not be able to withstand the ancient top power cultivation base to reach the powerhouse of the Paragon Realm Realm.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured!” Faced with Yu Haoran’s worries, Tower Spirit laughed and relieved.

“Why?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“Because of the top forces in ancient times, I will definitely make restraint preparations based on the strength I used to control your fleshhy body.”

“But not only did I play less than 50% of my strength at that time, but I did not use the Ontology Tower, which had recovered 70% of my injuries, and incorporated the six wishful clocks of Primal Chaos Seal.”

Sun Shucha enemies the most ghostly enemy Yugang

“So, as long as it is not the powerhouse of Paragon Peak Realm, then no force or anyone can destroy the breakthrough of the gibbons, and no one can easily hurt you.” Tower Spirit replied proudly.

After hearing Tower Spirit’s arrogant reply, Yu Haoran was relieved temporarily, but he did not continue to treat the injury, but instead he got up and walked to Qin Lingfei’s side, looking up at the realm breakthrough of the gibbons. At the same time, he instructed the looming spirit rat to pay attention to the movement around the Qinghu mountain range.

After the gibbons calmed the gratitude that came out of their hearts, and adjusted their Essence, Qi and Spirit to Peak, they let go of the realm and breath.

However, with the black clouds over thousand miles away, not only Yu Haoran and the others were shocked, but also the connecting gibbon himself was taken aback.

Because after the Transcending Tribulation process of Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, and the Red-Beasted Beast, he has profoundly seen the formidable power of Thunder Punishment, and the strength of Thunder Punishment for midable power, and the innate talent and Transcending Tribulation ’s own talents and Potential, air transport and accumulation have the most direct relationship.

In terms of innate talent and potential, he is far inferior to Yu Siqi, who has a special physique and cultivation. He is inferior to Lu Yuan, who has a dark sword physique and kendo demon innate talent.

In terms of luck and accumulation, he is not as good as getting the Slaying Immortal Sword of the Immortal Beheading Four Swords, and has experienced several times the potential increase of the red hated beast.

But why the range and speed of attracting black robbery clouds during the Transcending Tribulation far exceeded Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan, and the Red-Beasted Beast!

Is it related to the epiphany of Bloodline’s return to ancestors some time ago?

Thinking of this, the gibbons finally understood why Yu Haoran had to give a large number of first-grade Grade 1 Divine Pills before he chose to break through the Divine Beast realm. I am afraid he would have seen the extraordinaryness of his physique and knew that he had encountered Thunder Punishment. formidable power.

Enemy learns far away to seal the cool side of Mo Fang secret show

The reason why he didn’t inform in advance should be that he didn’t want to put too much pressure on himself to avoid affecting his determination to impact Divine Beast realm.

At this moment, the gibbons who have figured out all this, in addition to more deep gratitude, also have a sense of mysterious respect and conviction for Yu Haoran.


In the unknown valley at the border of South and East!

Sun hate subject earth star ghost cool by secret moon Yang

After the shock of the birth of Purple Spirit Paragon, separated from the burning sun, silver moon, and stars of the Will of Heavens, he sat on the huge chessboard without talking and communicating for a long time.

Because at this moment they are remembering the mysterious about the space-time domain tower and the power of the Purple Spirit Paragon, which is regarded as a sensation caused by Lu Yuan and Red Creature Transcending Tribulation, and they have not awakened them from their memories.

However, when the gibbons began to break through the Divine Beast realm and caused a sensation like heaven shaking earth shattering, the burning sun, the silver moon and the stars immediately awakened from the memories, and the horse used divine thought to look at the source of the sensation.

When he saw the source of the heavens shaking earth shattering sensation, it was the gibbons that followed Yu Haoran’s side, his expression was distressed.

Post-Academic Far Cork Cool Ghost

Although Sunburst, Silvermoon, and Stars have never seen the real Long-Armed Divine Ape, when they were born by the power of the destruction of the world, they knew from the memory of countless souls and knew the Long-Armed Divine Ape clearly. terrible.

Knowing that if the gibbons are successfully promoted to Long-Armed Divine Ape, they are likely to become their opponents and hidden dangers in the future for immortal opportunities.

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