On the premise that Paragon powerhouse cannot return to Heavenly Profound Continent in a short time, except for controlling the three extinct spirits of the Will of Heavens and having the ability to suppress Yu Haoran with the power of Paragon, any remaining forces and powerhouse are not opponents.

Enemy hate is far from the best

Therefore, for the sake of their own lives and for the consideration of the forces behind them, they can only make a gesture of indemnity in order to obtain the forgiveness of Yu Haoran, and they will not be held accountable afterwards for appearing in the Qinghu mountain range. responsibility.

After hearing Tower Spirit’s story about dozens of semi-robbing Paragon kendo powerhouses, Yu Haoran thought for a moment and knew why they were away from the Qinghu mountain range immediately.

While secretly relieved, I am not worried that someone will destroy Lu Yuan’s Valkyrie realm breakthrough. At the same time, with the assistance of the innate Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword and Sword Spirit, he believes that Lu Yuan can definitely survive the thunder of Thunder Punishment, and eventually become the real god of Eternal Undying.

So, after taking away some of the attention that was reserved in advance, Yu Haoran began to use medicine pill and Chaos Spiritual Qi to fully recover the injury and make up for the overdrawn lifespan and potential.

Sun hates the ball not far away

Sun hated the ball not far away. Fang Yang looked up at the realm who had consolidated the breakthrough and stood in front of Lu Yuan, he asked with a smile.

Although Lu Yuan’s Thunder Punishment and formidable power attracted by Lu Yuan far surpassed those of Wu Zhengjun’s Thunder Punishment, with the dual support of Xuanyuan Sword Artifact Spirit and Kendo luck, he was supported by Lu Yuan’s firm Kendo belief. In the end, I successfully passed through the nine Thunder Tribulations brought by Thunder Punishment.

At the same time, with the reward of Thunder Punishment, Lu Yuan not only cultivated the realm of Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak in one fell swoop, but also condensed his own Sword Domain, which was officially promoted to Sword God of Kendo realm.

With Sword God ’s Kendo realm and the training base of Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak, it can definitely kill the opponent of Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak and fight against the powerhouse of Valkyrie Grade 8 Peak.

“Senior Brother Lu, how do you feel?”

At the reminder of Tower Spirit, the cultivation base was restored to Yu Haoran of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm, and he was temporarily awake from the state of healing.

Looking up at the realm who has consolidated the breakthrough, and standing in front of Lu Yuan, he asked with a smile.

“At Junior Brother, thank you!”

Looking at Yu Haoran who was awake from the healing state, Lu Yuan put his right hand on his chest, his eyes expressing his gratitude and gratitude.

In less than four years, the cultivation base was promoted from Martial Sovereign realm to Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm in one fell swoop. Yu Haoran’s help accounted for at least 70% of the credit.

If it weren’t for Yu Haoran who often asked him to send him a large number of top-notch medicine pills, it would be impossible for him to maintain a breakthrough speed of a great realm a year.

If it weren’t for the help of Yu Haoran and Tower Spirit, he would not be favored by Xuanyuan Sword and Sword Spirit, so he could be instructed by the master of cultivation, and he would not be able to accumulate the potential to surpass Wu Zhengjun’s bloody physiology.

If it wasn’t for Yu Haoran’s advance notification of the three swords of Heaven and Earth representing Kendo, and he used a trick to kill Heavenly Sword, then he would not be able to get the blessing of Kendo, so that he could improve the innate talent of Kendo, and finally condense Sword Domain with absolute control.

If it wasn’t for Yu Haoran’s selfless gift of ginseng fruit, one of the three spirit roots, he would not be able to continue to increase the potential before breaking through Valkyrie realm, and then use the power of the formidable power to boost Thunder Punishment and Thunder Punishment to upgrade to Valkyrie Grade 6 in one fell swoop. Peak’s cultivation base.

Therefore, he can achieve today’s success, thanks to Yu Haoran’s help, how can he not be grateful to him.

Enemy Studies

“Senior Brother Lu, do you still need to be so kind between you and me!” Yu Haoran asked with a smile after he got up.

The enemy’s enemies learn from Qiu Kegui’s cool skills. Therefore, he can achieve today’s success, thanks to the help of Yu Haoran, how can he not be thankful.

“At Junior Brother, I see!”

Knowing the meaning of Yu Haoran’s questioning, Lu Yuan closed his grateful expression and then nodded heavily.

“Now that Senior Brother Lu has been successfully promoted to Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak, now we are hurrying to return …!”

When Yu Haoran was preparing to propose the crowds to return to Prince Consort’s residence, the red beast suddenly came to him, interrupted his proposal, and spoke his request.

“Brother Yu, I plan to impact Divine Beast realm next!”

Sun Shu hates Qiu Qiugang’s cool party to take over Kaoyang

Although Sun Shu hated Qiu Qiugang’s cool side and met Kao Yang, although he knew his innate talent and potential, his luck and accumulation were not as good as Yu Siqi and Lu Yuan. At the same time without frustration, a belief in catching up and surpassing appeared in my heart.

After hearing the request from the Red-Beasted Beast, Yu Haoran was only slightly surprised, but did not hesitate and hesitate without the consent of nodded, and ordered Yu Siqi, Lu Yuan and Qingfeng to protect the Red-Beasted Beast.

After all, the forces that don’t want to see the Red Tired Beast attacking Divine Beast realm are only the ancient Monster Race, the ancient Fiendgod tribe, and the ancient Nether tribe.

But these four races have already been frightened by the restored Tower Spirit in the Paragon Realm world. What they need to do now is how to prepare for their own revenge instead of destroying the realm breakthrough of the Red-Beasted Beast.

Therefore, Yu Haoran is not worried that the realm breakthrough process of the red beast will be attacked and destroyed by the powerhouse.

After the ball, Chaco to seal the ghosts and lonely fingers

After obtaining the consent of Yu Haoran, the Red Beast also soared to the mid-air of the mountain range, and then let go of the realm and breath that had been suppressed.

At the same time, after the investigation of the ball, the ghosts and strangers were secretly relieved, and they were not worried that someone would destroy Lu Yuan’s Valkyrie realm breakthrough. At the same time, with the assistance of the innate Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword and Sword Spirit, he believes that Lu Yuan can definitely survive the thunder of Thunder Punishment, and eventually become the real god of Eternal Undying.

Although the red hated beast has a high heart and wants to get rid of the ancestor Bloodline, but without completely getting rid of the influence of the ancestor Bloodline, his innate talent and potential, his luck and accumulation, not only Yu Siqi and Lu Yuan , And Wu Zhengjun, who owns a blood-sucking physique, is a bit inferior.

Therefore, the black clouds that converge when ginseng fruit hits the Divine Beast realm, whether it is the speed and scope of the convergence, the thickness and pressure of the final condensation, and the formidable power that finally comes to Thunder Punishment, are far worse than Yu Siqi and Wu Zhengjun.

With the Slaying Immortal Sword of Immortal Beheading Four Swords, although the red beast successfully crossed Thunder Punishment, but finally used the reward of Thunder Punishment, he also only hit the realm of the God 3 Grade-Early Stage.

Sun Henshu’s Revenge and Love

Although I knew my innate talent and potential early, luck and accumulation were not as good as Yu Siqi and Lu Yuan, but the gap after the impact of Valkyrie Realm was so great that it also made the red-nosed beasts feel frustrated. At the same time, a catch-up and Overstepping belief.

When the Red-Beasted Beast simply consolidated the realm after the breakthrough and returned to Yu Haoran, Yu Haoran only temporarily stopped the healing action, and simply encouraged the Red-Beasted Beast a few words, then stared directly at the gibbons, and then smiled. Interrogated.

Sun Chaxue Yuan Qiu Xing loves cold sail

“Senior, do you plan to hit Divine Beast’s realm directly next?”

“That’s right!” Nodded signaled.

“Yu Haoran, give your storage ring all the medicine pill used to restore strength to the gibbons.” When Yu Haoran prepared nodded and agreed to the gibbons’ impact on Divine Beast realm, Tower Spirit ordered a voice from the sea. .

For the moment, I have not asked why the Tower Spirit presented all medicine pills. Yu Haoran used the idea to take out five 45 first-order Grade 1 medicine pills from the storage ring to quickly restore his strength, and sent them to the gibbons using the Origin Force package. Before, then laughed warned repeatedly.

“Senior, take these medicine pills to restore your strength in case you need them!”

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