Qinghu mountain range!

After the black Divine Dragon quickly left the Qinghu mountain range, Yu Haoran slowly landed on the lakeside of Qinghu, and then instructed the Tower Spirit to send Qin Lingfei and the others out of the space of the domain tower.

“Prince Consort, what happened to you?”

As soon as he left the space of Yu Pagoda, Qin Lingfei and Jian’s indiscriminate eyes immediately turned to Yu Haoran.

When they saw his pale face and the breath of falling to Martial Ancestor Grade 9, the two immediately rushed to his side and asked worriedly.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Xiang, Fang Man and Xiang Muling rushed to his presence.

As for Wu Zhengjun, Lu Yuan, Red Tired Beast, and Gibbon, it was a sturdy murderous aura that immediately aroused a posture of revenge and snow hate.

“I’m fine!”

After shaking his head in front of Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin, and instructing Wu Zhengjun and the others not to be impulsive, Yu Haoran directly took out two Shape Transformation grasses, and then sent them to the Red-Beasted Beast and the Gibbon using the method of god wrapping. said with a smile.

“Brother, Senior, presumably you know what kind of spiritual grass this is, so don’t be kind to me.”

Glancing at each other, the eyes of the red hated beast and the gibbons flashed excited expression.

After all, the transformation of the shape into a human shape through Shape Transformation is more conducive to the realization of mood and the improvement of realm.

However, considering the beast pet black bear beside Yu Haoran, the blue magpie beside his wife Qin Lingfei needs Shape Transformation to become a human. Therefore, the red hated beast and gibbons forcibly suppressed their inner desires, and then quickly shook their heads to refuse.

In response, Yu Haoran had long expected to take out another XNUMX Shape Transformation grasses and explained with a smile.

“I just defeated the Paragon black Divine Dragon of the ancient Monster Race by the secret technique and used the twenty three Shape Transformation grasses as conditions for survival, so Red Brother and Senior can safely put away the two Shape Transformation grasses.”

Looking at the sudden pile of Shape Transformation grasses from Yu Haoran’s hand, the eyes of the red annoying beast and gibbons showed expressions that were not shocked, but after hearing his explanation, they immediately reached out and took the Shape Transformation grass, and Thank you, archer.

Subsequently, Yu Haoran took out eight Shape Transformation grasses and gave them to Qin Lingfei and Wu Zhengjun and the others, and let them use the Shape Transformation grass to change the beast pet they signed the contract to improve the realm and strength of the beast pet.

Get to know the faraway Xingkufang fight too

After packing up the remaining XNUMX Shape Transformation grasses, Yu Haoran suddenly vacated the sky to return to the Prince Consort mansion, but Lu Yuan suddenly stood up to remind him.

“At Junior Brother, I plan to attack Valkyrie Realm next.”

Sun Chashu is the most lonely ghost in the battlefield.

After hearing Lu Yuan’s reminder, Yu Haoran froze a little, then looked up at the ten thousand li cloudless void, his eyes revealing a hint of hesitation.

Although Lu Yuan’s own accumulation is not as deep as Yu Siqi’s, but as the top evildoer of sword repair, the physique of the fourth child of the kendo dark sword, he encounters the formidable power of Thunder Punishment when he strikes the real god of war, and I am afraid he will not lose to Wu Zhengjun.

By then, it will inevitably attract the attention and vigilance of some Kendo top powerhouses.

As the saying goes: no first, no second Wu!

Facing the top evils of kendo like Lu Yuan, facing the thunderous Thunder Punishment that is enough to stun the entire Heavenly Profound Continent, some narrow-minded kendo top powerhouses, and some insidious villains, driven by jealousy and jealousy, It is inevitable to do something extreme.

In his current state of serious injury and unhealed, I am afraid he cannot give too much guardian support unless he continues to trouble Tower Spirit to control his fleshy body.

Sun Qiu hates the coolest party in the distance

However, if Tower Spirit continues to shoot, it will inevitably affect the speed of his injuries and potential recovery, and then affect the migration of Prince Consort Government, and respond to disasters that may come at any time, which is also an important reason for his hesitation.

However, now that it’s ready to impact Valkyrie Realm, Lu Yuan’s own Essence, Qi and Spirit have all been adjusted to Peak status.

If he refuses his request to strike Valkyrie Realm now, I am afraid it will affect his state of mind and mentality, which will not only reduce the blessing of Kendo luck to him, but also affect his future cultivation.

In serious cases, it will affect his strong Kendo confidence.

Therefore, after repeated consideration, Yu Haoran finally decided to agree to Lu Yuan’s request, allowing him to strike Valkyrie Realm in the most Peak state, allowing him to gain more favor and blessings of Kendo luck, making him stronger. Kendo Faith.

Thinking of this, returning to the shore of Qinghu again, and instructing Qingfeng and Yu Siqi, who had just consolidated realm, to let them do their best to protect the law, Yu Haoran sat down with his knees bent.

Immediately afterwards, he used the idea to tell the looming spirit rat in the heart space and the Tower Spirit in the sea space to keep them alert to the situation of the Qing Lake mountain range to prevent someone from destroying Lu Yuan’s realm breakthrough and accepting it after realm breakthrough God Punishment rewards.

Later, he took a large number of top-level medicine pills from the Storage Ring Buddha, and a small part of the chaotic Spiritual Qi guided by Tower Spirit to heal the injuries of fleshy body and Divine Soul, and make up for the overdue lifespan and potential.

When Lu Yuan rushed into the air to reach the mountain range and then let go of the realm and breath that had been suppressed, the black clouds that had just disappeared and started to converge again.

In addition, although Lu Yuan’s speed and range of gathering black clouds when attacking Valkyrie Realm was not as good as Yu Siqi, it also far surpassed Wu Zhengjun, which is enough to prove his own innate talent and potential, and how outstanding his luck and accumulation are.

Looking up at the rapidly gathering black black clouds, Lu Yuan sat straight in the air with his knees bent, then took out the ginseng fruit presented by Yu Haoran, and used the huge pure spirit strength contained in ginseng fruit to launch a final impact on the bottleneck of Valkyrie realm.


End to school hate to star cool love then moon love

With a deep, depressing roar sounding, the speed of the black clouds suddenly increased by more than ten times, bringing the entire Qinghu mountain range back into the dark of the fingers, and it also attracted the attention of Heavenly Profound Continent’s many forces and top powerhouses.

According to the information transmitted by the black black cloud, when it was learned that the person in the Transcending Tribulation was a kendo demon genius, thirteen and a half robbed the Paragon kendo powerhouse from the Pure World Organization, five inheritance families, Lingxiao Pavilion and the Loose Cultivator Alliance. The intention of Murderous Intention to kill and kill the future can threaten them, and compete with them for Kendo Demon Genius.

However, when they found that the location of the Transcending Tribulation was in the Qinghu mountain range, and that the kendo demon genius in the Transcending Tribulation was Lu Yuan, not only did the horses turn around and return to their closed-door cultivation, but they also prepared a lot of gifts. Congratulations to Lu Yuan for the success of Transcending Tribulation.

Because Yu Siqi accepted the reward of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran relied on the special secret technique to kill the Paragon powerhouse with the power of Paragon Realm. With the return of the black Divine Dragon, and the red hill Fox Race spread throughout Heavenly Profound Continent in the shortest time.

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