Nanyu, Xianyang City!

After experiencing the painful lesson of the entire army, after the second break of the seal of the ancient god test field, Jiujinzi Shenjie did not immediately lead the tribe ’s powerhouse to look for the ancient Demon Race and the four guardian families to avenge the snow. No horse sent troops to start the battle. Mobile terminal

Instead, following the suggestions of several wise men and emperors in the clan, they sent many top-level Formation Masters and Artifact Refining Masters to refine and arrange a large number of god-level attacks, defenses, and Gathering Spirit Formation methods, and completely formed the entire Xianyang City. The strongest fortress, and as the ancient Divine Race, is based on the Heavenly Profound Continent.

Inside the Imperial Palace, the House of Parliament!

Sitting at the god of Dragon Throne, looking at the high-level Divine Race standing respectfully in the great hall, while expressing his satisfaction expression, a daring and crazy ambition gradually emerged in his heart.

In the past, the face was suppressed by the emperor and several godsons. He rarely touched and integrated the power of the Imperial Family, and did not feel the temptation and impact of power.

Now, with the slumber of the Emperor and several sons, he was able to take over the power, not only slowly realized the benefits of power, but also gradually indulged in the kind of words that can define Life and Death. Min bowed his acknowledgment allegiance.

In particular, the special structure and layout of Xianyang City Imperial Palace constantly enlarged his feeling of conquest, and also distorted his mentality.

At this moment, he wants to be a high-level god emperor forever and become the master of billions of souls.

At this moment, he wants to eat his father and kill his brother Cheng Yongshi.

The crazy ambition of killing his brother to kill his father gradually made Shenjie’s original clear eyes gradually glow a scarlet, looking towards great hall, allegiance to the powerhouse and high-level of several god sons, scarlet eyes emerged a sharp murderous aura.

When Shenjie was gradually lost in the temptation of power formation and had a strong murderous intention, the sudden appearance of the laws and rules in the great hall suddenly made him wake up quickly, and he couldn’t help his face suddenly.

Because of the unique atmosphere that appeared in the great hall, he vaguely gave him a very familiar feeling, much like the three kings of the Paragon Realm who slayed the family in ancient times and destroyed the powerhouse aura of the emperor.

“Reporting to His Highness Nine, the breath fluctuation that just appeared suddenly. In addition to the origin of the rules and rules, there is also a breath of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment.” When Shenjie recalled the origin of the unique breath, he appeared in the great hall out of thin air. A white robed old man, a puppet report of expression grave.

“Too Paragon’s successor!” Shouting suddenly stood up, shouting a voice of frightened expression.

“Yes, it should be too Legagon’s legacy inheritance disciple!”

While nodded confirmed Shenjie’s guess, the white robed old man’s eyes exuded a strong expression of jealousy.

“At the same time, according to the fluctuation frequency of the original breath of laws and rules, and the intensity of the breath of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, this small official speculates that the legacy inheritance disciple of the Paragon generation is not only its own innate talent and potential beyond monstrous talent level, but also Already have the foundations of Immortal Divinity Realm. “

“The Ghost King Emperor immediately traced the exact whereabouts of this man. The God Son will definitely draw his muscles, peel his skin, burn his bones, destroy his soul, and let him never be born alive. . “A strong murderous aura, the instructed gnashing teeth emerged.

“Subordinate to obey!”

After nodded, a white robed old man known as the Ghost King Emperor closed his eyes and began to use divine thoughts and secret techniques to trace the source of the fluctuations in the breath of laws and rules.

But the in his soul concept just stretched XNUMX kilometers, and the prepared secret technique has not been fully implemented yet, it was found that Qing Lake mountain range is receiving Yu Siqi from the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment.

The ghost gold emperor suddenly opened his eyes, and the expression of to be wild with joy immediately appeared.

After the ball learn far away post

“Ghost King Emperor, have you found it?” The expression of Ghost King Emperor changed, and Shenjie immediately asked nervously.

“Returning to His Highness Nine, the Legacy inheritance disciple of Paragon is too far, and at this time is a mountain range less than XNUMX kilometers away from the Imperial Palace.” The ghost emperor replied immediately.

“Divine Source, Shenjun, Shenzheng, Shenfan, Shenxin and Shenxing, follow His Royal Highness to kill the enemy of Life and Death of my Divine Race!”

After getting the exact drop of the too-legacy inheritance disciple of Paragon, Shenjie forced himself to calm down temporarily by taking a deep breath, and then glanced over the people in the great hall.

In the end, his gaze stayed in the powerhouse of allegiance to several gods, and then expressed serious instructed.

Don’t panic when things go wrong, judge calmly and make reasonable arrangements!

Shenjie just took a selfish approach, and won the appreciation of the loyalty and maintenance of some powerhouses in the great hall. Even the Ghost King Emperor, who eventually could influence the inheritance, nodded.

“This small official obeys!”

The Divine Race of the six Valkyrie Grade 7 to Grade 9 Peak is a powerhouse. After expressing an excited response, he immediately turned away from the great hall, and then directly tore the void in front of him according to the position given by the ghost emperor.


An unknown valley at the border of South and East!

When the original atmosphere of the rules and rules fluctuated and reached the Anonymous Valley, the bent knees sat on the huge chessboard of the burning sun, silver moon, and starry robes, and the old man opened his eyes at the same time, and his eyes flashed a dreadful expression.

“Scorching Sun, kill, or stay?” Shen Nian quickly swept across the stars of Qinghu mountain range, his eyes flashing with hesitation expression.

Without any hesitation, Shao-ri immediately made a decision to protect Yu Siqi.

After hearing the decisive decision made by Zhuo Ri, Yinyue and Fanxing glanced at each other, and Yinyue frowned slightly to remind.

“Zhaori, you also know what the second generation Tai Paragon in ancient and ancient times did. If we protect Yu Siqi, we will definitely be against some of the top forces in ancient and ancient times. Have you considered offending these? Consequences of top forces. “


Nodded responded to Yinyue’s seeming reminder, but after questioning, Zhuo Ri’s eyes flickered with excited expression, and he explained the reason for Li Yuqi.

“Silver Moon, the stars, the girl who experienced the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment has touched the realm of the heart, which shows that she has the hope of impacting the Immortal Divinity Realm world in a short time.”

“With the semi-immortal realm and the Child of Destiny who can control the destiny stone tablet, it already has the power to challenge the rules of Heavenly Dao.”

“At that time, we only need to use special means to guide and bring Heavenly Dao rules into conflict with the sons of destiny.”

“Then, we can simultaneously use the Will of Heavens knowledge and the annihilation board to completely kill the Heavenly Dao rule and the son of destiny. With the help of opening up the calamity of countless calamities, we can enjoy the front line of calamity.”

“Okay, listen to you!”

After hearing Shao-ri’s plan, Yin Yue and Xing Xing’s eyes also expressed excited expression, and Ma Nodded agreed to protect Yu Siqi’s decision.

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