Qinghu mountain range!

Three seconds!

Watching Yu Siqi sitting on the knees in the void, with the reward of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, in just three seconds, the cultivation base directly broke through the Valkyrie Grade 1 Early-Stage, period, high period, and Peak. After he was easily promoted to Valkyrie Grade 2 Early-Stage, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed envy expression, and he was looking forward to his God Thunder Punishment. Mobile terminal

“In Junior Brother, you said that Siqi Young Lady could eventually become the cultivation base of the martial arts with the reward of the robbing Thunder Punishment?”

A plague of the cultivation base of the Paragon Realm world, so that the breeze calmed down from the shocked mood quickly, thinking of the Thunder Punishment for midable power that Yu Siqi just encountered, looking at the milky white energy washed down like a lake, his heart suddenly suddenly With a bold guess.

But this kind of bold speculation is too bad, so Qingfeng hopes that Yu Haoran can give him the courage to continue guessing.

“The cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, the strength of Paragon Peak Realm!”

Without any thought, Yu Haoran gives directly what Yu Siqi can finally achieve.

Of course, the answer just now wasn’t his wildly arbitrary guess.

It is Tower Spirit’s final conclusion based on Yu Siqi’s innate talent and potential, as well as the particularity of special physique and Tai Xuanxin method, and then combined with the number of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment rewards.

“Zi …!”

After hearing the answer given by Yu Haoran, Qingfeng couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Because in his opinion, it was too speculative, Yu Siqi was ultimately just the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 9 Early-Stage, and the strength of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak.

If the final facts are as Yu Haoran guessed, then Yu Siqi’s achievements in the realm breakthrough of the Valkyrie will be unprecedented.

As for whether there is no future comer, it depends on the thunder robber Thunder Punishment brought in by Yu Haoran breakthrough Valkyrie realm, and the ultimate achievement.

After giving his own answer, Yu Haoran continued to focus on the reward of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, and when he struck Yu Siqi of Valkyrie Grade 4 with all his strength, the voice of a terrifying spirit rat reminded suddenly in the heart space.

“Master, five strong enemies are quickly approaching the Qinghu mountain range.”

“Brother, the specific cultivation base of five powerhouses?”

Tower Spirit not only gives Yu Siqi what he can finally achieve, but also reminds him specifically to make him wary of the powerhouse that hated Paragon in the ancient times before fully using the time acceleration method to speed up the recovery of Divine Soul and the body’s injuries. , Will come to revenge because of the immortal tribulation Thunder Punishment reward rules and rules fluctuations, which is why Tower Spirit is eager to recover Divine Soul and the physical injury.

Therefore, after hearing the reminder of the murderous rat, Yu Haoran not only did not have the slightest accident, but directly asked the opponent’s strength.

“Three Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak cultivation bases, one for Paragon Peak cultivation base, one for Paragon Early-Stage cultivation base.”

According to the floating and breath of the sculpted name of the Destiny stone tablet, the Desperate Spirit Rat quickly gave the specific cultivation base of the five powerhouses.

Hearing the response from the desperate squirrel, Yu Haoran was instantly nervous.

Because with the chaotic Spiritual Qi to enhance the realm of auxiliary realm, he is confident to deal with three Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak opponents. At the same time, with the strong attack power of the Divine Fire hood in Kowloon, Qingfeng can also deal with opponents who rob Paragon Peak.

Only for Paragon Early-Stage’s opponents, he has neither the means nor the strength to deal with, nor the helper to deal with such strengths.

At this moment, he had a faint regret in his heart. When he used Chaos Spiritual Qi to enhance the realm, he didn’t think of the murderous rat in the heart space.

If the rogue rat can advance to the first or second paragon realm, then through the manipulation of fate, you can defeat and slay opponents who dare to destroy Yu Siqi cultivation base breakthrough.

Fang Mo Fanyang meets the ghost

“Master, seven more powerhouses are speeding up.”

When Yu Haoran was worried about how to deal with the threat of the Paragon Early-Stage powerhouse, the voice of a terrifying spirit rat was heard in the heart space.

At the same time, without waiting for his interrogation, the Murderous Rat actively introduced the specific cultivation bases of the seven powerhouses.

“Four Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak cultivation bases, two Paragon Peak cultivation bases and one Paragon Early-Stage cultivation base.”

If Yu Haoran is only worried and worried when facing the first wave of opponents, then after hearing the number of opponents and the cultivation base of the second wave, he is completely desperate because he has no means or hope of resistance.

It seemed as if the blow hadn’t been thorough enough. Only less than three seconds had passed, and the safari rat then reminded.

“Master, eight more powerhouses are coming at an accelerated rate, and their cultivation bases are six Valkyrie Grade 9 Peaks …!”

After another two seconds, the desperate squirrel continued to remind.

“Master, five more powerhouses are coming at an accelerated pace, and their cultivation bases are Valkyrie …!”

“Master, three more powerhouses are speeding up. Their cultivation bases are …!”

“Master, six more powerhouses are speeding up, their …!”

If the second wave of opponents makes Yu Haoran completely desperate, then in the face of the opponents that keep coming, he is completely numb, or it does not matter.

“Tower Spirit, the number of incoming powerhouses is too large and the strength is too strong. I need Ling Fei to temporarily enter the domain tower so that Qing Brother and I can protect the elder sister and escape back to the Prince Consort mansion.” The idea broke into directly The top of the domain tower, and forced to open the Formation of the chaotic Spiritual Qi, Yu Haoran instructed the Tower Spirit with his eyes open.

“Yu Haoran, I give you part of the control of the domain tower, you control the domain tower yourself and put away Ling Fei girl and the others.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s order, Tower Spirit brow a mysterious yellow energy, directly into Divine Soul, who knows the sea space, and then he expresses solemnly warned repeatedly.

“At the same time, you only need to persist for ten minutes, and my Divine Soul and Ontology will be able to recover 70% of the cultivation base.”

“By that time, the King of the Divine Beasts of the Nine Ancients, the Sovereign of the ancient Fiendgod races, and the simultaneous advent of the Four Great Divine Beasts of the ancients, do n鈥檛 want to hurt you and Siqi.

“I see!” Yu Haoran responded hastily while he was sighed in relief after hearing Tower Tower’s instructions.

After school learn not to hate Kefang love to take a cool ball

Afterwards, Yiyi quickly left Yuta, left Shihai Space, and was instructed to everyone around him.

“Ling Fei, Wu Hen, Zheng Jun, Xiang Er, Man Er, Ling Er, Chi Xiong, Senior, next I will send you to a mysterious place.”

“Master, where is it?” Xiang Muling, with a simple mind, asked with good eyes.

“Linger, don’t ask more!” Yu Haoran criticized Qin Lingfei’s complexion sank when he was about to introduce the space-time tower.

Sun Qiuqiu, Qiu Qiugang, Fang Moyue, Fang Fan

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