Qinghu mountain range!

“Everything is gone!”

Just after Yu Haoran had laid out the double defense means, the heart of black clouds suddenly heard Yu Siqi’s cold and indifferent sound.

With the sound of Yu Siqi’s faint sound, a horrifying force of destruction with strong Tianwei breath erupted directly from the heart of the black black cloud, and then blasted towards all around.

However, it is completely different from the destruction impact force formed by the Ten Sides All Extinguish secret technique.

Because of the horrible destructive power formed by the secret technique of all things, all the black black clouds and Divine Weapon armor giants that have been affected seem to have been stopped by the Time Freeze, which also makes Yu Haoran and the others Very shocked.

After all, Time Freeze is a unique secret technique martial skill unique to Time Law.

Time Law, like Space Law and the Law of Destiny, is a kind of anti-strength strength of law that is difficult for souls to perceive and control.


While Yu Haoran and the others were shocked by the secret technique of extinction, Yu Siqi’s indifferent voice continued to come from within the black clouds.

With the indifferent sound of Yu Siqi, thousands of kilometers of dark clouds covering the blue lake mountain range and thousands of Divine Weapon armor giants condensed by lightning suddenly became endless dust at the same time, and then all disappeared into the void of the mountain range.

“zheng! ”

Along with the sound of the sword returning to the sheath, Yu Siqi of the Extinguishing Immortal Sword folded her knees and sat down, and then ran the Tai Xuan Xin method to absorb the first-order low grade Divine Vein swallowed within the body to restore the cast just now. Everything is destroying the divine force and Soul Power consumed by the secret technique, while quietly waiting for the reward from Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment.

After seeing Yu Siqi’s successful crossing of the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment, Yu Haoran finally completely relieved himself, and then whispered to Qin Lingfei and Jian Wu mark.


However, they didn’t talk to each other for a long time, and they were attracted by the loud roar from the top of their heads.

“this is…!”

Ship hate learning is far from star alone

Looking at the void in the mountain range, the torn giant gap suddenly sprayed with milky white energy like waves, not only was Yu Haoran shocked, but even the cultivation base reached the breeze of the Paragon Realm world. The stunned cricket was there.

As for Wu Zhengjun who has just experienced the reward of Thunder Punishment, his eyes are full of envy.

If Wu Zhengjun’s reward after crossing Thunder Punishment is a stream, then Yu Siqi’s reward after crossing the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment is probably a lake.

Looking at the milky white energy washed down by the waves, Yu Haoran was shocked, and he also had a strong expectation in his heart, looking forward to his own God Punishment for Thunder Punishment for midable power, and the reward after God Punishment for Thunder Punishment.

The milky white energy rewarded by the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment not only contains a huge pure spirit strength, but also blends a trace of laws and rules.

Ordinary martial artists may not feel this unique atmosphere, but for the powerhouses of Valkyrie and Semi-Paragon Realm Realm, they can still clearly feel it even tens of millions of kilometers away.


A city about XNUMX kilometers away from the Qinghu mountain range. The prince of the clan, Hao Hao, is holding a black puppy and standing in front of a window on the top of a restaurant. A deep and complex expression emerges as he looks at the street below. Pedestrians coming and going.

While standing in the restaurant room of Buffett, Brows tightly knit looked at Hao Hao, his eyes revealing a trace of hesitant struggle expression.

After watching the street pedestrians for nearly ten minutes, Xun Hao could not help but sighed, and retracted his attention to the street pedestrians, then turned and questioned.

“General Pakistan, are you quite dissatisfied with the way the prince is looking for the son of fate?”

“Don’t dare!” Facing the questioning of Prince Hao Hao, panic instantly replaced Buffel, who hesitated to express, and quickly denied it.

“The son of fate, the lucky son chosen by Cang, not only has the shelter of Pang Great Destiny, but also has the means to manipulate fate.”

Without continuing to investigate Buffel’s previous Yue Yue, Yun Hao stepped to the elegant seat of the room while expressing indifferently.

“If we use the means of the Underworld to manipulate Divine Soul for investigation, although the identity and whereabouts of the destiny’s son can be determined as soon as possible, it will also be regarded as a provocation and threat by the other party.”

“In this case, it will not only delay our Haunted Army’s rule of Heavenly Profound Continent, but also affect the Imperial Father’s plan to seize countless opportunities to rob the front line.”

In fact, Biao Hao also took into account the explanations of Wu Hao just now.

But time is life, time is opportunity, time is opportunity!

The most ruthless sentimental warfare of the investigation department

The most ruthless sentimental warfare of the vessel investigation discipline is “Boom …!”

If you do not use unconventional means to search for it, if the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe take the lead in finding the whereabouts of the destiny’s son, then it will affect Netherworld Sovereign’s plan to seize countless opportunities.

Therefore, after suffering a lot of torture in the heart, Buffel finally decided to take a risk to remind His Highness Hao Hao so that he can consider the existence of several strong opponents.

But when he was ready to remind him, a rule and a rule’s original atmosphere fluctuated, and the complexion changed that both Hao Hao and Buffel could not help but.

Instantly appearing in the void on the city side, Buffel closed her eyes carefully for a while, and then reminded Su Hao with a sudden change of face.

“His Royal Highness, the breath fluctuation just now has a breath of Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment in addition to the original breath of laws and rules.”

“Too Paragon!” After hearing Buffel’s reminder, a flash of horrified expression Hao Ha flashed in his eyes, and his voice shouted with a trembling voice.


After shaking his head to overthrow the identification of Prince Hao Hao, Buffett’s eyes revealed a strong Murderous intention speculation.

“If my guess is correct, it should be the next generation of Paragon, and it was the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment that was attracted when the Valkyrie realm breakthrough was just passed.”

After hearing Buffel’s speculation, Yan Hao’s eyes immediately emerged as a strong murdered aura’s instructed.

“General Ba, immediately determine the exact location of this person, and then destroy his bones, destroy his soul, and completely destroy the future.”

“Subordinates get orders!”

After the arch hand was heard, Buffett immediately closed his eyes and let go of his thoughts, and began to trace the source of the fluctuations in the breath of the laws and rules.

In just five seconds, Buffel opened his eyes suddenly, and said with surprise expression.

“Mr. Hao Hao, I found it!”

“Where?” Wu Hao asked immediately.

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“A mountain range XNUMX kilometers southeast, this person is receiving the reward from the Immortal Tribulation Thunder Punishment,” Buffel hurriedly replied.

“Go!” According to the location provided by Buffel, Wu Hao immediately tore up the void in front of her and headed straight for the Qinghai mountain range XNUMX kilometers away.

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