Sunset over lake, island!

The enemy learns to hate the most one-sided master

“Yu Haoran, what do you mean?”

Not only ignore his threat, but also allow his relatives and friends to challenge himself as an opponent.

Yu Haoran’s move just now seems to Zhongli Qingyang to be a complete shame for Chi Guoguo.

And Yu Haoran’s subsequent response also confirmed his conjecture.

Hate the ball to the ground post ghost alone Yumo early

It was because of Zhongli Shuiqin’s negligence that he gave the chance to humiliation, which eventually led Wu Zhengjun to not only suffer serious mental damage, but also to lose his special bloody physique.

“What do you mean?”

Turning to look at Zhongli Qingyang, who had a blushing complexion, Yu Haoran replied with a contemptuous look after Yu Haoran asked a question.

“It’s very simple. You Zhongli Qingyang is too weak. It’s not worth the shot of this Prince Consort himself, so you can only send one of my brothers to teach you how to be a man.”

“Last name, you dare to humiliate me!” After getting the mark of Yu Haoran, the angry bell Zhongli Qingyang instantly scolded the Entranced Realm sword sword.

“Yes, I’m insulting you, what can you do to me!” Yu Haoran retorted, not to be outdone.

“My friend, my Zhongli Family has no grudges with you in the past and no revenge in the past. Why do you humiliate my patriarch so much?”

Just as Yu Haoran’s scolding voice had just fallen, and Zhong Li Qingyang waved Divine Sword’s intention to shoot, a gentle and kind questioning came from the core of the palace.

Accompanied by a gentle and kind questioning voice, a white haired old man wearing a gray coarse cloth robe, with a restrained atmosphere, showed kindness at the palace side.

The enemy learns to hate the terrestrial star

Then, the kind-hearted white haired old man stepped in the void, seemingly slow, but in fact, appeared across Zhong dozen Qingli in one step.

“Flash the mystery of the dual system!”

Seeing the speed at which the white haired old man was exhibited, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but feel the flash of the double-strength strength of Law that he felt.

“Qingyang has seen Zhiyuan Old Ancestor!” After regaining his glare at Yu Haoran, Zhong Li Qingyang respectfully saluted the white-haired Old Ancestor.

Facing Zhongli Qingyang nodded, Zhongli Zhiyuan turned to Yu Haoran with a kind look.

“No resentment in the past, no revenge in the past!”

Since Zhong Li Zhiyuan has been showing the mystery of the dual-system law for too short a time, he cannot take this opportunity to deepen his understanding of the strength of law.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who took the initiative to end the law, repeated the sentence with a sneer, and took out three special jade boxes, three pill bottles and three jade slips from the storage ring.

Ghost Feathers

“Senior, my Junior Brother Wu Zhengjun truly loves the noble harp girl, and as Wu Zhengjun’s Senior Brother and elder brother, I Ha Haoran personally went to the door with his nine treasures, and it was a perfect expression of my sincerity with the Junior Brother. But what the nobles do! “

Having said that, Yu Haoran’s gaze turned to Zhong Li Qingyang, and his eyes were immediately rebuked by angry anger.

“Not only did the aristocrat patriarch not invite us to sit on the island, but he also sent an act recklessly humiliating slave to my brother, causing my Junior Brother to suffer irreparable damage and lose hope of impacting Valkyrie realm in the future.”

When his eyes turned to Zhong Li Zhiyuan’s body, his anger was immediately replaced by the expression of grievance, Yu Haoran questioned indignantly.

Kekegang love is far from the test

“Senior, do you say there is any hatred between us? Should Junior come to revenge Snow?”


In the face of Yu Haoran’s infuriating interrogation, Zhong Li Zhiyuan didn’t know what to respond to immediately, so he frowned slightly and asked Zhong Li Qingyang to drink.

“Old Ancestor, that’s it …!”

The plan to reject the proposal of Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun, and to assign Zhongli Shuiqin to the son of Destiny, was a joint decision of all the family’s real power Elder and several Valkyrie Old Ancestor. It was not his Zhongli Qingyang’s tendency to flaunt Void. Jade Palace.

Therefore, Zhong Li Qingyang, who was not at all too worried, informed Zhong Li Zhiyuan of the whole sequence of events in detail.

When Zhong Li Qingyang told the cause of the incident, Zhong Li Shuiqin, who tried his best to get rid of the obstacle of General Ge, quickly rushed out of the palace, and then went straight to the palace.

It was precisely because of the negligence of Zhong Li Shuiqin that he gave Mr. Ge a chance to humiliate. Eventually, Wu Zhengjun not only suffered serious damage, but even the special physique of bloodthirsty gradually disappeared.

So when he saw Zhong Li Shuiqin rushing out of the palace, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed with annoyed cold light, and he planned to directly punish her.

However, when he saw Zhong Lishuiqin’s swollen cheeks and internal injuries remaining on his legs, his inner irritation suddenly disappeared.

“Huiqin, what are you doing!”

After quickly telling the whole sequence of events, Zhong Li Qingyang also saw the rushing Zhong Li Shuiqin.

However, when he saw Zhong Lishuiqin reaching his side, instead of stopping immediately, he rushed directly to Yu Haoran.

After the hate of Chadi Ke Gangfang

However, in the face of Zhong Li Qingyang’s reprimand, Zhong Li Shuiqin not only ignored it, but hurried to the front of Yu Haoran.

Then, to the surprise of everyone on the scene, Zhong Lishuiqin rushed to Yu Haoran, kneeling directly on both knees, and began to apologize with two lines of tears.

“Senior brother Yu, I’m sorry, everything is the fault of the harp, it is the harp that made you humiliated for no reason, and it is the life and death of the army that the harp has harmed.”

“Girl hydrophone, what are you doing!”

Ship from the Hate Division

Because Zhong Lishuiqin’s kneeling gesture was too sudden, Yu Haoran did not respond at the beginning and could not stop it in time.

But when she began to apologize with tears in her face, Yu Haoran, who reacted quickly, bent forward to lift her without any trace of resentment, and wanted to comfort her, the roar of Zhong Li Qingyang came from her ear.

“Zhong Lishuiqin, do you know what you are doing!”



He looked down on himself, and Yu Haoran, who had insulted himself fiercely, knelt down and apologized. Zhong Lishuiqin’s move just now seemed to Zhong Li Qingyang to be in front of everyone and gave him a loud slap.

This made Zhong Li Qingyang wave Di Di Sword directly after screaming at the inner anger, and stabbed at the back of Zhong Lishuiqin.

At the same time, Zhongli Zhiyuan looked towards Zhong Lishuiqin and Yu Haoran’s gaze, flashing a trace of unhappy expression.

“Senior Brother Lu !”

Feeling the intense Murderous aura emerging from Zhong Li Qingyang, Yu Haoran knew that he would definitely not be merciful because of the blood between his father and daughter, so he quickly pulled her behind and instructed Lu Yuan beside him.

Standing quietly in the void, Lu Yuan was like an ordinary swordsman.

But when he started to mobilize his sword intent, the whole person suddenly became a Divine Sword capable of breaking the ground.


Neither took out the sword, nor used the innate Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword. By virtue of his own sword intent and speed, Lu Yuan hit the clock directly with a sword and flew from Qingyang.

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