Sunset over lake, island!

“Zi …!”

Looking at the powerful force that can’t be controlled by the finger sword, Zhongli Qingyang went back a few dozen steps directly, and there was a burst of breathless sound in the island palace group.

Zhongli Qingyang is the extreme cultivation base of Emperor Grade 9 Peak, monstrous talent level, other innate talent, and Paragon Level. He also cooperated with Divine Sword of Divine Realm, which made him just cut off Sword Art from the water piano. Formidable power has been More than three Dem-God realm.

And Lu Yuan!

It is also the cultivation base of the Emperor Wudi’s Grade 9 Peak, but he easily defeated Zhong Li Qingyang without using any Divine Item and deep Sword Art. This is enough to prove that the opponent has an innate talent like the sky and does not know the depth. potential.

And pure swordsmen such as Lu Yuan who far surpass the evildoers definitely have the hope of impacting Paragon’s non-existence. At the same time, it can achieve the same realm invincible strength.

Therefore, Zhong Lizhiyuan, who was originally unhappy with expression, asked Lu Yuan with a smile after his eyes flashed.

“I don’t know how to call them?”

Sun Henshu is far away from Qi Xingku and he is alone

Treating Lu Yuan so politely was due to Zhong Li Zhiyuan Xinsheng’s idea of ​​soliciting.

Because he was very clear in his heart that he had a pure swordsman who surpassed the innate talent of evil spirits, and possessed the strength against the sky.

Enemies hate Yuan Qiu Gang Qing alone, Yuan Yuancha early

After looking at Zhongli Zhiyuan indifferently, Lu Yuan, who didn’t give any response, turned his head and looked towards Yu Haoran, his eyes were inquiring.

Knowing whether Lu Yuan was interrogating to continue his pursuit of victory, or stopped temporarily to return.

Naval Art

Seeing Zhong Lixuena, who reached out to help Zhong Li Qingyang, was secretly ready for the shot, Yu Haoran shook the head to the landing element.

Quickly withdraw the sword intent that just fired, and Lu Yuan, who changed back to an ordinary person, retreats behind Yu Haoran.

Seeing Lu Yuan who had not even bothered himself, Zhong Li Zhiyuan’s eyes full of mild smile flashed a grim chill, and his heart had a strong Murderous intention to Lu Yuan.

However, no one thought of it. At the moment when Lu Yuan had just returned to the crowd, a vast and simple atmosphere quickly rose from behind Yu Haoran.

Accompanying the vast and simple atmosphere, Yu Siqi, who is also a finger sword, rushed to Zhongli Xuena, who had just let go of Zhongli Qingyang’s arm, at lightning speed.


The enemy of science and technology is not closed

“act recklessly !”

“Kill her!”


No matter how amazing Lu Yuan’s performance is, his opponent Zhongli Qingyang has only the Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Peak’s cultivation base, which are realm at the same stage with each other. The interaction between two people belongs to the normal category.

After the hate of Chadi Kok Fang Kuo Ji Nuo Cool

But Zhongli Xuena is the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak, is the mystery of Life and Death, and enjoys the Spiritual Powerhouse of Eternal Undying.

Cultivation base is only taken by Yu Siqi, who is the limit of Wudi Grade 9 Peak. This seems to everyone in the Zhongli Family to be arrogant and ignorant provocations, so they leave the closed-door cultivation land and sneer with ridicule.

Sun Xue hates Yuan Kegang’s only ghost

However, Zhongli Xuena, who was Yu Siqi’s opponent, expressed grave’s fate and took out her Divine Sword.

Because of the vigorous and simple atmosphere she exuded from Yu Siqi, she felt a strong and fatal danger. She knew that the cultivation base was not as good as her own Yu Siqi, but she had the power to defeat and kill herself.

“Yu Haoran, the realm of Forgetful Peak, will get the martial skill and secret technique that are matched with the method of Forgetfulness. With Siqi ’s current cultivation base, at least he can use the strength of Wu Di Grade 3 Peak Realm, so you are not yet Need help with her. “

Seeing Yu Siqi and Zhong Lixue Na, who were about to fight, worried that the elder sister was not their opponent, Yu Haoran, and intended to let the fateful squirrel manipulate the fate of Zhong Lixue Na, weakening the opponent’s cultivation base and strength, the Tower Spirit who knew the sea immediately Block and give reasons for blocking.

“Tower Spirit, you sure!”

With the inheritance of the destiny stone tablet memory and the improvement of the white energy on the cultivation base of the state of mind, the strength he can now exert is only the realm that has just reached the Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak.

Sun Qiushu’s most revenge in science and technology

The elder sister who has been in closed-door cultivation at Prince Consort’s residence, but unknowingly owns the power of Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak Realm, which makes Yu Haoran somewhat difficult to believe and accept.

“of course!”

At the same time as nodded’s confirmation, Tower Spirit’s eyes revealed the explanation of the memory expression.

“The ancient Paragon, with the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, and the realm who has just been promoted to forgetful Peak, can defeat the non-existent that entered the realm of Paragon Realm.”

Ending school hates Yuanke’s coolest feelings

“Then, the innate talent and potential far exceed the Siqi girl who is too Paragon. With the cultivation base of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak, possessing the strength of the Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak Realm is not worth making a fuss about nothing.”

As if confirming the explanation of Tower Spirit just now, just touching the finger sword of Yu Siqi, Zhong Li Xuena who turned red instantly turned back three steps.


Yu Siqi, who repelled Zhong Li Xuena with one stroke, continued to bully her body without the slightest reluctance and hesitation, and used the Sword Art that is too supportive.

The ship’s art doesn’t stop me from feeling cold

Sun Xue hates not far, most alone refers to the enemy

The slender jade finger with a sword and the Sword Art martial skill, which are ruthless and ruthless, condensed into a seemingly ordinary glow of the word, but it made Zhongli Xuena and Zhongli Zhiyuan’s complexion changed.

Sun Xue hated not only the enemy, but the enemy alone looked at the powerful force that could not control the formation of the finger sword, and went directly back to the dozens of steps away from Qingyang.


After directly spitting out the blood that had just been forcibly suppressed, Zhong Lixue Na immediately mobilized all of her divine force and Soul Power, and then cooperated with the mysterious rule of mystery to form a powerful glow of sword glow.


As Yu Siqi and Zhong Lixuena waved their condensed sword glow, and the two sword glows collided with each other, the deafening roar instantly sounded throughout the island.

Along with the deafening roar, the energy immediately formed by the sword glow collided with the aftermath, sweeping across the island quickly.

As a result, not only the countless palaces on the island trembled, but also all the martial artists below the Emperor Wu realm were shaken to the edge of the island.

There are even dozens of martial arts realm who are empty, but have no corresponding strength of the martial artist, and spit blood into the lake.

At the moment when the aftershock of energy shock disappeared, Zhong Lixuena used divine force and Soul Power to cooperate with the law glow of Sword, which was directly broken like fine jade.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Siqi used the sword glow that was sentimentally and ruthlessly, and continued to pierce Zhongli Xuena’s brow at a speed beyond lightning.

The sword glow condensed by the mysterious rule of law contains a part of Essence, Qi and Spirit of Zhong Lixue Na. The moment when the sword glow was completely broken, the mind and Divine Soul were also severely damaged, and her own strength fell to Valkyrie Grade 1 Early-Stage.

Therefore, when seeing that formidable power only weakened the sword glow of one third, and went straight to her eyebrow to recognize the sea, Zhong Lixue’s face paled instantly.

However, when the sword glow was less than twenty centimeters away from Zhong Lixue’s brow, a slightly rough hand instantly grasped the sword glow.

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