Sunset over lake, island!

“Insect Carving Small Technique!”

After seeing the sharp sword energy quickly consolidating the sword, white robed old man expression scorned a mockery, and quickly waved his hand Divine Sword intended to crush the sword.

But when the Divine Sword waved by the white robed old man was about to touch the inch sword, the inch sword that suddenly accelerated, easily avoided the collision of Divine Sword, and stabbed directly at the brow of the white haired old man.

“damn it!”

Whether it was a sudden acceleration or a sudden increase in formidable power, I felt the white robed old man threatening his death with an inch sword, his body quickly retreated, and he quickly mobilized the Origin Force and Soul Power, and the defense formed by the mysterious law. , Resist the inch sword that has pierced the eyebrow.

When faced with a deadly sword, whether it is the ability to react or the defense method, the white robed old man’s performance is perfect.

But he had forgotten one very important thing, that is the red hated beast that had rushed to his side.

Seeing that the white robed old man’s defenses formed by the rules of Xuan’ao, Origin Force, and Soul Power, not only successfully resisted the damage of the inch sword, but also gradually weakened the formidable power of the inch sword. After the red eyes of the red hate flashed a cold light, Slaying Immortal Sword, coupled with the powerful fleshhy body power, pierced the heart of the white robed old man directly.

Sun Chaxue can’t tell the ghosts and ghosts to fight ghost skills

Just resisting the inch sword has occupied nearly 90% of the energy and strength of the white robed old man.

At this point, he had no ability to resist the Slaying Immortal Sword stabbing to the heart. The death threat approached, and white robed old man expression cried out for help.

“Old Ancestor, save me!”

“hmph! ”

After hearing the white robed old man asking for help, there was a coldly snorted sound full of intense aura inside the palace on the west side.

Accompanied by the sound of coldly snorted, a finger with a sharp murderous aura shot directly at Slaying Immortal Sword at lightning speed.

Ke Yuan Gang Qi Gong Mo Mo Suo Ke Yuan

The enemy ball Ke Yuangang Ghost Cool Mosuo Ke Yuan speculated that the cultivation base was only Yu Siqi, the limit of Wudi Grade 9 Peak, and I am afraid that he already has the strength of Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak.

“Universe in the Sleeves!”

Seeing the lightning-like fingertips, Chiyanbei waved the left-hand sleeve without panic, and already controlled part of the Universe in the Sleeves secret technique to directly put the fingertips into the sleeves. At the same time, the suddenly accelerating Slaying Immortal Sword pierced the heart of the white robed old man.


The injury caused by the pierced heart, and the severe pain caused, made the white robed old man unable to bear the howling screaming, and his attention also showed a certain degree of slackness. Beheaded in Divine Soul.


The heart and Divine Soul suffered at the same time, so that the cultivation base and strength of the white robed old man continued to fall, and it was unable to continue to form an effective defense. At the same time, the red hated animal used the Slaying Immortal Sword to blast the fleshhy body, and directly Strangle Divine Soul who knows the sea.

“Sin, you are courting death!”

At the moment when the red reptilian beheaded and slayed the white robed old man, a light and repulsive sound resounded.

Accompanying the light and crisp sound of repulsion, a white silhouette that surpassed the lightning flashes appeared in front of the red sick beast.

Immediately afterwards, a slender white tender jade hand struck the chest with an obstacle that straddled time and space, but it contained deadly terror.


When the slender white jade hand was less than one centimeter away from the heart of the red hated beast, a sword tip exuding sharp sword energy also stabbed in the palm with obstacles across time and space.

After the surgery hate to seal the cool ghost warrior lonely

Accompanied by a strong roar, the Qiyan beast was shocked by the air wave formed when the sword tip and the jade palm confronted.

“Who are you?” Glancing at the palm pierced by the sword tip, the dripping golden blood, wearing a white corset long dress, Zhong Li Xuena with a glamorous appearance, she looked up in a dark blue gown, Asked the youth of looks delicate and pretty frowned.

“Yu Haoran!” Yu Haoran clenching Trapping Immortal Sword, motioned to the Red Dragon and the Gibbon to return to Qingfeng’s side, staring at Zhong Li Xuena’s reply.

“The Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Peak’s extreme cultivation base, but has the strength to enter the real God of Valkyrie, your innate talent and potential has not lost to the Child of Destiny.” A white rays of light flashed, the wound on the palm of the jade palm recovered After truthfully, Zhong Lixuena looked towards Yu Haoran’s gaze, showing praise for expressing appreciation.

“Over the prize!”

After a polite gesture, Yu Haoran didn’t care about Zhong Li Xuena, who had a beautiful face, and looked directly at the palace at the core of the island. Year man.

Sun Shuqiu Chou Bu Xing Cool Ghost Fighting by Chou Ke

“Qingyang has seen Xuena Old Ancestor!” The young man who rushed to the island side, first respectfully told Zhongli Xuena paid respect.

“Patriarch, you’re welcome!”

After a simple response, Zhong Li Xuena took a few steps back, leaving room for Zhong Li Qingyang to talk to Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, do you know the origin of my Zhongli Family?” After putting Zhongli Qingyang with his hands behind him, suppressing the intense Murderous intention that kept coming out of his heart, expression asked slightly proudly.

“Is there any difference between knowing and not knowing!” Yu Haoran asked with a sneer.

“Of course there is a difference!”

After flashing a gloomy cold light, Zhong Li Qingyang threatened with a high attitude.

“If you don’t know, then this patriarch has an obligation to explain to you the glorious history of our Zhongli Family.”

“If you know, then you should know what kind of disaster offending our Zhongli Family will bring to you, your relatives and friends, and the Great Qin Empire behind you.”


Faced with the threat of Zhong Li and Qingyang, Yu Haoran chuckled ironically, then quickly returned to the crowd, then watched Yu Siqi and Lu Yuan ask.

“Sister, Senior Brother Lu, who are you going to shoot next?”

Sun Xuecha Qiu Kegang Ghost Reception

“Leave it to me!” Lu Yuan signaled a slight smile on his face after taking a step forward.


With the help of Black and Yellow Qi in the Prince Consort mansion, Lu Yuan, who was successfully promoted to the Emperor’s Grade 9 Peak, has infinite strength close to the real God of Valkyrie.

At the same time, the dark swordsphysique and Xuanyuan Sword can improve their strength, even the Spiritual God powerhouse facing Valkyrie Realm can protect themselves.

Therefore, in the face of Lu Yuan’s choice, Yu Haoran agreed directly without much hesitation.

“She gave it to me!” Yu Siqi, who did not choose Zhongli Qingyang, reached out to Zhongli Xuena’s active invitation to fight.


With Yu Siqi’s true promotion to the realm, even Tower Spirit couldn’t see through her true strength, but during his time in the virgin forest, Yu Siqi once consulted with Lu Yuan.

Even with the use of the innate Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword, the result of mutual discussion was that Lu Yuan was defeated!

According to the speculation of the breeze watching the scene at the beginning, the cultivation base is only Yu Siqi, the limit of Emperor Wu’s Grade 9 Peak. I am afraid that he already has the strength of Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak.

And her opponent Zhong Lixue Na is also the cultivation base of Valkyrie Grade 1 Peak.

Considering the increase in strength of the too forgotten feelings method, and the manipulation and influence of the desperate soul rat on Zhongli Xuena’s fate, Yu Haoran finally nodded to agree with Yu Siqi’s request.

Finding hate, hate, and hate

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