Sunset over lake, island!

Due to the powerhouse shot from the palace on the west side of the island, it possesses the strength of a Demi-God Peak Realm. It mobilizes all the giant palms of the Origin Force and Soul Power, and the formidable power reaches the Emperor Wu 9th Grade XNUMX Peak.

Yu Haoran was worried that the cultivation base was only the gibbons of Emperor Wu’s Grade 7 Peak, which was probably not the opponent of giant palm, so when he planned to let the red hated beast directly help, he was rejected by the gibbons.

“My little friend, don’t need to step in and watch how Old Ape blasts this giant palm like this sky.”

“Senior, stay safe!”

Although agreeing to the requirements of the gibbons, Yu Haoran, who was cautious, was secretly prepared to prevent timely help in the event of an accident.

Looking at the giant palm that came over quickly, the fist clenched by the gibbons began to hit the chest, and every time it hit the chest, its body would skyrocket one meter.

Soon, the original itself had only two meters of gibbons, and became a giant ape with a height of more than 1000 meters.

“Ao …!”

Count 1000 meters tall ape, after a roar from the sky, then rushed straight to the giant palm.

“Yu Haoran, these are the amazing martial skills that evolved from the four innate talent capabilities of Long-Armed Divine Ape in ancient times!” Spirit expression reminded aloud.

Take the sun and the moon, shrink the Qianshan mountain, distinguish the blame, and make the most of the four innate talent capabilities of Long-Armed Divine Ape in ancient times.

Shaking the stars is a powerful martial skill that evolved from the innate talent ability of Sun and Moon.

Therefore, after hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran also quickly increased his attention to observe the changes in the body and the use of strength when the giant ape hits the giant palm.


Entrepreneurship is far from hatred, and solitary love battleship Zaomao

With a deafening roar, the giant palm of formidable power reaching the Emperor’s Grade 9 Peak was directly forcibly crushed by the giant ape.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful giant ape that did not consume too much power suddenly clenched its right fist to the palace on the west side, and to the Demi-God Peak powerhouse that had condensed the giant palm just now.

“Sin, you are courting death!”

Accompanied by a rage, a white haired old man in a sky blue robe rushed out from the palace on the west side, and then Yinggutian giant ape who also clenched his right fist.


With the giant fist of Optima giant ape, and the fist of the old man in the blue robe collided, the island party immediately sounded a 2nd deafening roar.

Kick the ball and hate the enemy

With the deafening roar, Optima giant ape took nine steps backwards, while the sky blue robe old man did not step back, but his face showed an incredible expression.


Just three seconds later, the body of the old man in the sky blue robe suddenly exploded, and Divine Soul was completely destroyed.


The back garden of the Zhongli Family!

After hearing Yu Haoran’s abusive voice, he originally planned to use the means of pretend to be polite to temporarily promise Father to marry the era’s Zhongli Shuiqin, and quickly shut up looking towards the east of the island, expressing expressions of expectation and worry.

I look forward to it because she knows that Yu Haoran, who is cautious, will never return to the island without risking 100% of the Zhongli Family.

Worrying because Yu Haoran had said it before leaving the island.

If Wu Zhengjun is safe and sound, then he will look at his own face, regardless of the humiliation the family brings to them.

But if there is any accident in Wu Zhengjun, he will kill the revenge of Zhongli Family again.

Sun Cha hates the ghosts and the ghosts

Nowadays, Yu Haoran not only kills the Zhongli Family again, but also appears on the island just and honorable, which shows that he has the means to deal with the Zhongli Family, and Wu Zhengjun also has an accident.

“Ignorant child, dare to ignore my Zhongli Family, so my Zhongli Qingyang will make you come back today.” Also watching Zhongli Qingyang on the east of the island, Murderous-looking murmured.

The final ball after the examination of the Chadike

However, as the gibbons easily bombarded more than a hundred family powerhouses of Martial Saint and Martial Venerable, Zhong Li Qingyang’s face gradually became gloomy.

When seeing the incarnation 1000 meters Gibbon ape, the same as the Demi-God Lord of the Family, the face was already gloomy, and the clock left Qingyang and rushed to the edge of the island. .

“Qiner, don’t provoke your father’s anger.”

When Zhongli Qingyang rushed to the edge of the island, she saw that Zhongli Shuiqin, who had escaped the family opportunity, also wanted to rise up to join Yu Haoran, but was forcibly held by her mother.

The ship learns to hate the science and technology of fighting ghosts

“Mother, let go!” Looking at the young woman indifferently, Zhong Lishuiqin sounded as frosty instructed.

“Qin’er, listen to your mother’s advice, don’t meet with surnamed Yu and surnamed Wu, lest you and your family’s reputation be ruined, and you’ll provoke your father and Old Ancestor’s dissatisfaction.” Hold tightly Zhong Zhongshuiqin’s arm The young beautiful woman persuaded bitterly.

“Mother, I’m sorry!”

Bros tightly frowns Zhong Li Shuiqin, after flashing a violent expression, whispered an apology, directly mobilized Origin Force and Soul Power to penetrate into the arm of the left hand, and instantly lifted up while the beautiful young woman was shocked Rushed towards the edge of the island.


Yu Haoran couldn’t help but praise the seeing gibbons using the shocking power of the fleshhy body to instantly smash the fleshhy body of the blue robe old man and Divine Soul.

Ending academics is far from being alone

“Awesome, really amazing, it really is not a martial skill evolved from the is innate talent ability!”

The red beast, who is also good at fleshy body power, is looking at Qingtian giant ape with his eyes polished, an impulse to try.

“Xin Zan, dare to kill my Zhongli Family lord, this Elder must peel your skin, draw your tendons, pinch your bones, and drink your blood!”

As Yu Haoran’s voice of praise had just fallen, another furious yell came from the palace on the west side.

Along with the rage of reprimand, a cultivation base reached Demi-God Peak, holding a low-grade sword, and wearing an old man in a white robe embroidered with a golden flower edge, rushing towards the arm like lightning. ape.

“Brother, go!”

Through the fight with the old man in the blue robe just now, Yu Haoran knows that the gibbons can use the martial skills evolved from Bloodline innate talent through the use of Origin Force and Soul Power.

So, in the face of the cultivation base reaching Demi-God Peak and holding a Divine Sword, a white robe and old robe, I am afraid that he is not an enemy of the opponent.

Koko Star Wars

Therefore, he didn’t hesitate, and immediately turned his head towards the Red-Beasted Beast instructed.

“Inch cut!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s orders, he quickly rushed to the red mane in the white robe old man and directly took out the Sword Immortal. At the same time, he performed a trick from the Bloodline inheritance, the god step Sword Art.

The powerful sword energy formed by Slaying Immortal Sword in conjunction with Sword Art of Divine Order disappeared into the air immediately after breaking away from the point of the sword.

Then, the sharp sword energy disappearing from nothing appeared in front of the white robed old man.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp sword energy quickly condensed into a dagger that was only one inch in length, directly piercing the eyebrow of the white robed old man.

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