Virgin forest!

Along with the continuous roar, the shielding position that was successively attacked by the black giant tail, Trapping Immortal Sword, Extinguishing Immortal Sword, Yuantu Divine Sword, and Abi Divine Sword appeared a trace of flawy body identifiable gaps.

Looking at the tiny gaps appearing in the invisible barrier, Yu Haoran was surprised, and immediately turned his head to the black mouse instructed.

The enemy ball is far away

“Brother, continue!”

But just after the voice he commanded fell, the whole man was completely there.

Because when they attacked the invisible barrier, a huge stone tablet about ten thousand meters high and about 1000 meters wide emerged from the ground of the stream.

Of course, what really stunned Yu Haoran was that the front of the black stone tablet was carved with densely packed white fonts, and each font represented the name of a living being, or the title.

Chaos Bell, Haotianyin, Tower of Time and Space, Void Realm …!

Scorching Spirit, Silver Spirit, Astral Spirit, Null Rat, Stepping Beast …!

Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Evergreen, Zulong …

Guiguzi, Laozi, Silence, Tongtian, Yuanshi, Zhen Yuanzi …!

When I saw the ten thousand meters stone tablet erected from the bottom of the stream, and the densely packed name of the stone tablet, the Tower Spirit immediately appeared on my face, and the expression shouted without excitement.

“Yu Haoran, this is your destiny stone tablet that Child of Destiny can truly open up countless robberies and can control the foundations of countless life and death.”

At the same time, Tower Spirit has finally learned why Dao Tribulation, and the independent space under the stream spring, gave him a sense of fate being manipulated and threatened.

Upon hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran, who was sober from the shock, couldn’t help frowning.

“Tower Spirit, if the black stone tablet in front of me is the legendary destiny stone tablet, why don’t I have any interaction with the stone tablet?”

According to Tower Spirit’s introduction between Child of Destiny and Destiny stone tablet, when Destiny stone tablet just broke out of the independent space of concealment, he should have sense.

Gekko Cool Momo Ghostball Ghost

But it turned out!

“Yu Haoran, it’s my fault!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s question, Tower Spirit suddenly thought that in order to conceal the breath and identity of Child of Destiny, he used the taboo method to completely seal the already opened destiny luck.

With Yu Haoran’s simple explanation and confession, Tower Spirit immediately mobilized the space-time energy in the tower of the ontology domain, and eighteen Primal Chaos Seal records, forcibly tearing the seal formed by the taboo secret technique.

At the moment when the seal was torn, Yu Haoran immediately felt the destiny stone tablet in front of him, just like the organs of his body, and he could control and manipulate it at will.

When Yu Haoran showed off the breath of Child of Destiny, he was planning to use the black giant tail to force the destiny stone tablet back to the black giant rat that was brought back to the bottom of the stream. At the same time, his eyes were shocked, and his expression was full of excitement and surprise.


At the moment when the destiny stone tablet completely broke away from the bottom of the stream, in an unknown valley at the junction of the Eastern and Southern Regions, the silver man in a silver moon robe with a large knee on a huge chessboard opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashed a little doubt Expression.

Sun Qiu hates the farthest point and is pointed at by the least

Looking at the old man and the starry robe old man with closed eyes, the silver man robe old man thought for a moment, and then his fingers began to condense dozens of marks.

The condensed mark quickly condensed into a mirror, and the mirror emerged from the entire southern region.

With a thin and thin left hand pressed against the mirror, the silver moon robe old man mouth mutter incantations.

“In the name of ancient exterminators, the order of all things, the rules of Heavenly Dao, the master of destiny, the destruction of chaos, guide the manifestation of destiny!”

Solving the Enemy and Dirk by Sunball

Kickball is far from the cool post-war star

With the mutter incantations of the Old Man of the Silver Moon Robe, the mirror’s south domain picture quickly shrinks, and soon the entire Great Qin Empire territory picture is displayed.

Kickball science is far from being cool. After the cool war, when the stars also saw the ten thousand meters stone tablet erected from the bottom of the stream, and the name of the stone tablet densely packed, the face immediately appeared a surprise Tower Spirit, expression without excitement Roared.

But at this time, a white energy that appeared in the mirror picture out of thin air, directly flying and pressing on the left hand of the mirror, also made the silver moon robe old man spit a mouthful of blood.

“Yinyue, what’s wrong with you?”

Spitting blood caused a drastic change in the breath of the silver moon robe old man, which immediately caught the attention of the starry robe old man.

Sun hates hatred, the coolest ghost picks up cold secrets

After opening his eyes, the starry robe old man asked with concern.

“The backlash of the secret destiny secret technique.” After reaching out to wipe away the remaining blood on the corner of the mouth, the silver moon robe old man expression replied calmly.

Sun Shuxue is the most ghostly and lonely

“Yinyue, why is the secret technique of Fate Locking the Spirit suddenly carried out?” The starry robe asked old man slightly frowned.

“One minute ago, I faintly felt the birth of the Destiny stone tablet. I intend to use the secret technique of fate to lock the soul to completely lock the specific whereabouts of the Destiny stone tablet, and then give it to the Child of Destiny to refining.” In the picture of Qin Empire, the Silver Moon Robe old man talks about the reason why he performed the secret technique.

“Yinyue, although my star and spirits were born far less than you and Zhuori, but my understanding of the destiny stone tablet far exceeds you.”

Hearing the silver moon robe old man gave a reason to perform the secret technique, the starry robe old man who frowned into a Sichuan word reminded.

After the ball is not the enemy

“The Destiny stone tablet only senses the breath of Child of Destiny within a certain range, and will break away from the independent space of existence and formally appear before the world.”

Back ball is not against the ghosts and ghosts, and Mo Fan Nuo Sun, but at this time, a white energy appearing in the mirror picture out of thin air, directly hitting the left hand of the mirror, and also making the silver moon robe old man spit a mouthful of blood.

Speaking of which, the starry robe old robe reached out and pointed at the mirror condensed by the Silver Moon robe old man. The original mirror showed the picture of Great Qin Empire and was quickly replaced by a floating palace.

As the star man in the starry robe stretched out his finger and pressed it down, the picture that was quickly drawn down showed a young man sitting on the jade bed with a bent knee and absorbing pure Spiritual Qi.

“Today, Child of Destiny is still staying in Heavenly Palace closed-door cultivation. How could the Destiny stone tablet be born early!”

Looking at the progress of closed-door cultivation, recalling the explanation of the starry robe old man, Yinyue robe old man finally thought that his induction was wrong, and there is no need to continue to track the fate of the destiny stone tablet.

Therefore, when he reached out to wipe out the mirror condensed by the secret technique, the Sunburst Robe had opened his eyes suddenly for a million years, and his eyes were burning with two flames.

“Yinyue’s sensing is correct, and the destiny stone tablet is definitely born!”

Suddenly stopped the silver moon robe old man who erased the mirror, and asked with a faint expression.

“Sunburn, where did the Destiny stone tablet come from?”

“Although the three of you and me are the Spiritual God condensed by the retention qi, they are also creatures with their own lives and luck. They are also limited by the Destiny stone tablet, so using the secret technique cannot trace the specific whereabouts of the Destiny stone tablet. “Shook the head, old man expression of Sunburst Robe somewhat helplessly explained.

“Zhaori, what shall we do next?” Not at all Because Zhaori overthrew the reason he just said, the old man in the starry robe had the slightest dissatisfaction, and he expressed the same anxious questioning.

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