Virgin forest!

For almost 30% of the time, the black giant rat first responded to Yu Haoran’s question.

“This forest is called Robbery. It is a combination of the energy of destruction and the power of destruction, and the origin of the law of destruction, when Heaven and Earth is about to be destroyed.”

“Except for a specific creature in this world who can enter here safely, there is only one fate of any creature entering the world, and that is Divine Soul’s destruction.”

“Brother Mouse, why can I enter this virgin forest and leave without incident afterwards?”

The black giant rat’s interpretation of the virgin forest in front of him made Yu Haoran vaguely detect the key to the problem, but in the absence of more information, he could not grasp the key point of the problem anyway.

In desperation, he can only hope that the black giant rat can reveal more information, so that he can find the key to the problem and solve the doubts that are constantly emerging.

Unfortunately, in the face of Yu Haoran’s questioning, the black rat’s eyes revealed a hint of irony.

“You say it!”

“I understand!”

The black rat asked sarcastically, so that Yu Haoran understood the explanation.

That was the reason why he was able to leave the virgin forest without incident for the first two times because of the other side’s help.

However, the other party used the ridicule to explain, not at all revealed a little bit of secrets about the virgin forest, which made his question just useless.

At this time, Tower Spirit, who knew the sea, began to explain the origins of the murderous rat.

“Yu Haoran, the murderous rat is just a kind of spirit rat of legend. It was born when Heaven and Earth was about to go to destruction, and the destructive power accumulated by Between Heaven and Earth was born.”

“According to legend, the emergence of the Murderous Rat not only represents that the lifespan of Heaven and Earth has come to an end, but also heralds the disaster of destroying the Heavens and extinguish the Earth.”

Tower Spirit’s interpretation of the Murderous Rat, on the contrary, allowed Yu Haoran to more clearly feel the key to the problem, and to vaguely grasp the point of the key problem, he hurriedly asked.

“Tower Spirit, if you just explained, then there should be a certain connection between the Murderous Rat and the Unbounded Robbery.”

The opening of the immense amount of robbery represents the disaster that is about to destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth.

The end of immeasurable robbery is a sign of Heavenly Profound Continent’s formal transition from destruction to new life.

And the beginning and end of immeasurable robbery are exactly the same as the meaning of the fatal rat, how can there be no connection between the two!

After hearing Yu Haoran’s questioning, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but think.

When Tower Spirit was in deep thought, the black giant rat suddenly trembled, his eyes flashed a busy expression, and he directed to Yu Haoran instructed.

“Hurry out of here.”

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?” Yu Haoran, who noticed the abnormality of the black giant rat, asked quickly and caringly.

Sun Qiu inspects the ground to observe the star

“Don’t ask why, the horse left here.” The black giant rat with a sudden mutation in expression, scolded sharp expression.

“Yu Haoran, listen to the black mouse’s orders, and quickly leave here.”

Enemy inspections do not seal the situation

Once the absence of Paragon Peak Realm, although Tower Spirit lost the power of Paragon Peak Realm due to the body and Divine Soul injuries, Peak Powerhouse’s instincts are still there.

At the moment that the black giant rat trembled, a sense of danger locked by fate made him aware that a more powerful and dangerous existence in the independent space was awakening.

So he quickly reminded Yu Haoran to leave.

The black rat commanded fiercely, and Tower Spirit reminded him nervously, letting Yu Haoran quickly extinguish the key idea of ​​continuing to pursue the problem, flashing the law of the two-line strength of Law, and letting him leave the spring of the stream instantly, appearing in the stream of 1000 the location of meters.

“hong long long !”

At the moment Yu Haoran had just left the bottom of the stream, there was a roar of sound from the bottom of the stream.

With the continuous roar, the ground of the whole virgin forest began to shake violently.

“Give me back!”

Similarly, the black giant rat rushing out of the ground of the stream, after violently drinking after seeing the violent ground, four giant claws suddenly stepped on the ground of the stream.

With the suppression of the black giant rat, the original shaking ground gradually quieted down, but the tiny eyes of the black giant rat showed panic expression.

Kickball Kung Fu Ghost Fighting Early Ji Mo

“Leave this forest at once, leave this mountain range!” Looked up at Yu Haoran, who was floating in the midst of the stream, and the black giant rat snarled exhaustedly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran reached out and tore the void in front of him, intending to leave here instantly by means of crossing the void.


But when the hands of his secret technique were just inserted into the void, suddenly there was a void as hard as Divine Item, and he bounced his hands back directly.

Facing the unbreakable void, Yu Haoran didn’t have any panic, calmly and quickly mobilized the speed dual system strength of law, and then rushed directly to the cliff leading to the entrance to the virgin forest.


But when he just rushed to the edge of the virgin forest, an invisible force also bounced him back.

Fortunately, the rebound force formed by the invisible barrier is very soft, not at all has caused him any damage.

The ship of hatred is not hated

The ship of hatred and hatred is not alone, but when his hands for the secret technique were just inserted into the void, suddenly it was as hard as the Divine Item, and he bounced his hands back.


Seeing Yu Haoran rebounded back, the black giant rat lifted up the two giant claws in front of it and patted them on the ground again, expressing harsh demands.

“Let him leave here, don’t force me to shoot.”

“hong long long !”

In the face of the threat of the black giant rat, the response from the bottom of the stream is to hit the ground more violently, trying to get rid of the bondage of the independent space and the bottom of the stream.

“That being the case, don’t blame me for breaking each other’s agreement.”

In the face of being unwilling to succumb to his threat, the black rat’s eyes flashed a short breath, and the tail behind it quickly became long, and then drew heavily towards the invisible barrier that prevented Yu Haoran from leaving.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, the black giant tail that became ten thousand meters long was beaten against the invisible barrier.

Utilizing the dual-strength strength of Law can not shake the slightest invisible barrier. Under the black giant tail’s beating, numerous ripples appeared immediately, which also allowed Yu Haoran to see the specific envelope of the invisible barrier.

Seeing that the black mouse’s tail can shake the invisible barrier, Yu Haoran flashed a light, and immediately took out the Trapping Immortal Sword and Extinguishing Immortal Sword, intending to cooperate with the black mouse to attack the invisible barrier at the same time.

Tower Spirit, who knows the sea space, at the same time took Yuan Tu and A Bi two Divine Items from the domain tower, and also planned to cooperate with the black giant mouse to break through the invisible barrier.




With the black giant rat’s black giant tail beating on the invisible barrier for a second time, Yu Haoran immediately waved the Trapping Immortal Sword and Extinguishing Immortal Sword to perform the most aggressive Sword Art, and directly cut to the position being drawn by the black giant tail.

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Sun Xueqiu, Ke Yuanke, Fang Ghost, Revenge Gang Gang

Tower Spirit, who followed closely from behind, made the exact same attack method as Yu Haoran.

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