Anonymous Valley!

“Stars, you immediately get a drop of blood from Child of Destiny.”

Old Man of Sunburst Robe bowed his head for a moment, then instructed Old Man and Silver Moon Robe respectively.

“Silvermoon, you take a drop of blood essence from the ancient Ten Great Ominous Beasts.”


The hatred of Qiu Yuangang ghost

The hate and hatred of Qiu Yuangang’s ghosts are infused with the ominous beast blood essence and the blood of Jixing’s heart into the mirror, Xianyang City, Lanling City, Guangling City, Weishan City, Ping Yang City, Yaowang Valley, Xingchen Tomb Ten places in the valley, the valley where Secret Realm is located, the mountain range that crosses the mountain, and Youniu Mountain are suddenly enveloped by ominous beast blood essence.

Faced with the command of the Sunburn Robe old man, Starry Star Robe old man and Silver Moon Robe old man nodded responded, and quickly closed their eyes.

Tightly after less than three seconds, the eyes of the old man and the silver moon robe old man reopened their hands to appear a pill bottle out of thin air, and then handed the pill bottle to the old man’s hand.

I placed the pill bottle filled with blood essence on the chessboard, and the old man of Sunburst robe took a glance at the mirror surface condensed by the old man of Silver Moon robe, and satisfied nodded.

“Silver Moon, it seems that through the experience of the ruins of ancient times in these years, you have the strength to impact the Paragon Realm world.”

Then, the burning sun’s robe old man was burning with flames in his eyes, shooting out two hot rays of light that even the void burned directly.

The two hot rays of light quickly integrated into the mirror condensed by the Old Man of the Silver Moon Robe. The original picture that could only show the territory of the Great Qin Empire was further narrowed down, and only Xianyang City’s five thousand thousand li range was left.

Subsequently, the burning man’s robe old man waved his wide sleeves, and the two pill bottles placed on the chessboard were shattered directly.

Then, ten drops exuded the blood essence of Taotian baleful qi, and a drop of ordinary blood melted into the mirror.

With ominous beast blood essence and Jixing’s heart blood blending into the mirror surface, Xianyang City, Lanling City, Guangling City, Weishan City, Ping Yang City, Yaowang Valley, the valley where the tomb of the stars, the valley where the Secret Realm is located, Ten places across the mountain range and Youniu Mountain were suddenly shrouded in ominous beast blood essence.

The blood of Ji Xing’s heart was floating on the mirror, without any change.

Research on the Enemy Ball Division Bu Kefang’s Love War

The reminder of the old man who tested Mo Zhuo Sun’s robes on the enemy ’s battlefield, let the starry robes of old man think of the care for Ji Xing and Void Jade Palace in these years, the huge investment in the body of the false destiny, and become angry and starry The robe old man suddenly had a murderous intention.

Looking at the blood that floated on the mirror, the old man’s face in the sunburst robe gloomed down instantly, and white smoke appeared from the nostrils.

“Stars, Silver Moon, how did you determine the identity of the destiny?”

After looking at each other, the starry robe old man and the silver moon robe old man immediately stood up and jumped off the huge chessboard at the same time. The two people condensed different imprints, and the imprints quickly integrated into the chessboard.

The originally stationary chessboard started to slowly lift off with the imprint of the imprint, and quickly spun up.

Along with the rapid rotation of the chessboard, the strength of Star quickly aggregated pieces one by one. After the dazzling strength of Star gathered from the chessboard, in the void of ten thousand meters in the valley, it gradually formed a person’s appearance.

However, the gaps and gaps between the pieces make it impossible to see the person’s appearance clearly.

Xingku Didi Cool Star Wars alone

However, both the body shape, the breath, and the indifference of the indifferent eyes to everything are similar to the main line of Heavenly Palace of Void Jade Palace, which is 99% similar.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the starry robe old man and the silver moon robe old man will finally determine that Ji Xing is the destiny child of this life.

“This is your means to determine the identity of the son of destiny!” After waving the sleeve to shake the silhouette of the chess pieces condensed, the burning sun robe old man expression questioned gloomily.

The starry robe old man and the silver moon robe old man extended their hands and pressed down, and the huge chessboard that stopped spinning returned to its original position. The two men sat on the chessboard with their knees bent, and then the silver moon robe old man’s eyes became puzzled. Asked.

After the ball discipline is unsuccessful

The post-ball discipline was unsuccessful, and Mo Nuo Youfang “I know!” Nodded, the starry old man closed his eyes slowly.

“Zhaori, did you and I use this method before to finally determine the identity of the destiny’s son in ancient times!”

“Yinyue, using the origin and mystery of the double-cause rule of causality in the star board, is able to determine the identity of the destiny’s son in ancient and modern times. It was also the ultimate disaster. “


After hearing Yinyue’s question, Shao Ri Dao robe sighed and explained in detail.

“So, in order to determine the son of fate that can start and end countless robberies, in addition to the mystery of the two-line rule of the trapped fruit contained in the chessboard, we must rely on the mystery of the two-line law of destiny that can trace its roots.”

The explanation of the burning man’s robe old man, although the question of the silver moon robe old man’s heart, was resolved, but a new doubt followed, and he immediately asked.

“Scorch, since the ancient Fiendgod’s complete decline and seal, the mysterious source of the dual destiny law has disappeared. Where can we find this mysterious energy that can determine the identity of the destiny?”

“Silver Moon, decay is decay, don’t you think that the ancient Diend King and Demon King of the Fiendgod tribe are fools, wouldn’t they take this into consideration beforehand!” The Sunburn Robe asked with a sneer.

“Zhaori, do you mean …!” Hearing the old man ’s questioning from the sunburst robe, the thought of flashing light, let the silver man robe old man immediately grasp the key to the question, his eyes expressing surprise expression.

But his words had not been spoken yet, he was forcibly interrupted by the old man of Shao-ri’s robe, and was directly instructed.

“Silver Moon, for the next period, you will pay close attention to the movements of the Ancient God Trial Field and the Secret Realm, and lock off the descendants of the Bloodline directly connected to Divine King and Demon King. Information.”

“I see!” Nodded, Silver Moon Robe old man closed his eyes slowly.

“Fan Xing, I can now be 100% sure that the idiot of Void Jade Palace is not a child of fate at all.” The old man stared at the starry robe, and the old man of Sunburn robe flashed a hint of contempt.

Post-academic geoscience

Enemy Chaco’s Qiu Gang Fang fights in trouble

“Sunburn, then I’ll kill him now!”

The reminder of the old man of the burning sun robe made the starry robe old man think of the care for Journey and Void Jade Palace in these years, the huge investment in the son of false destiny, and the starry robe old man who became angry and mad suddenly became murderous intention.

“No need to!”

After shaking his head against the proposal of the starry robe old man, the burning man’s eyes revealed a hint of cold instructed.

“Because even idiots have value.”

“Fan Xing, then you order that fool, let him as the son of destiny, gather all the forces that can be conquered by Heavenly Profound Continent, and then destroy me the four guardian families, the Zhongli Family of the Shi Family and the Kong Clan Family, as well as seniors and duckweeds of the Loose Cultivator powerhouse. “

Enemy learning is the coolest feeling of love

“I see!” Nodded, the starry robe old man closed his eyes slowly as well.

Gaze shifted from the body of the starry robe old man to the mirror condensed by the silver moon robe old man, looking at the ten places shrouded by ten drops of ominous beast blood essence, and the sun robe old man whispered softly to himself.

“The destiny stone tablet is a condensed and formed material. It has a trace of essence in the corpse of ancient Ten Great Ominous Beasts. It is drawn by the origin between essence and blood essence. These ten places enveloped by ominous beast blood essence must be destiny stone tablet this time birth place. “

Thinking of this, the burning man’s robe old man looked up towards the direction of Xianyang City in the Southern Region, his eyes burning with flames, and once again shot two hot rays of light.

Sun Qiu hates and hates Fang Kefang and is alone

The ball is invincible

The hot rays of light shot into the air quickly condensed into two huge golden birds with a height of about 1000 meters and a three-legged bird.

“Go! Find the whereabouts of the destiny stone tablet, and lock in those who have the birth of the destiny stone tablet.” Looking up at the two three-footed gold birds condensed from the essence of the fire, the man in the sunburn robe softly instructed.

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After the two three-footed golden birds left the Valley of the Unknown, the Sunburn Robe swung the sleeves to wipe off the condensed mirror surface of the secret technique, then closed his eyes slowly.

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