Huaiyu mountain range!

Earth Book Artifact Spirit expression horrified shouting, which immediately caught everyone’s attention at the scene, and Zhen Yuanzi, who was also eager to get an answer, hurriedly asked.

“Man, what’s the matter with this kid?”

After taking a deep breath, after forcibly adjusting the inner tumbling shock, Earth Book’s spiritual eyes looked at Yu Haoran full of admiration expressions, and introduced it in a complex tone.

“Brother Zhenyuan, since ancient times, the limit of nine is the number derived from six, three and three.”

“Yi Youyun: One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, and Heaven and Earth gave birth to thousands of souls.”

“So, whether it’s a martial arts realm or a treasure grade derived from the auxiliary path of cultivation, Grade 9 is the limit.”

“Dear man, talk about the key points directly!”

The Earth Book Artifact Spirit just introduced is a fact recognized by the entire cultivation world, and it is also the basic knowledge that every soul needs to know when they enter the cultivation.

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi, eager to know the answer, couldn’t help interrupting the introduction of Earth Book Artifact Spirit, and urged.

“When the Fiendgod races ruled the ancient continent, the Old Ancestor of Demon Race Paragon Peak Realm, also the Pill Dao cultivation base, did not lose the magic heart of Laozi Paragon in the ancient times, and accidentally made a very special mood pill. “

The Earth Book Artifact Spirit, which was suddenly interrupted, gave a rather dissatisfied glance at Zhen Yuanzi and continued to introduce it.

“According to the process of the magic heart Paragon to test the body in person, he found that the effect of the medicine pill in that state of mind is far higher than that of the second-order Grade 9, but it has not reached the level of the first-order Grade 1, which completely broke Pill Dao since its creation. Ironless, so he used to make a bold guess. “

Explained here, Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s eyes swept across the edge of the mountain range. Those attentions were in Yu Siqi, Red Tortoise, Black Tortoise Divine Beast, and the guardian family’s Valkyrie powerhouse, and finally returned to Yu Haoran’s As you go, continue to say.

“Nine is the number of poles, ten is perfect!”

“So, whether it’s the martial arts path of the living beings or the auxiliary path of cultivation, the realm’s grade should be a perfect ten!”

“This is impossible!”

After hearing the Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s introduction to Martial Dao realm, Zhen Yuanzi quickly shook his head and retorted.

“Since the creation of Martial Dao and the auxiliary path of cultivation when Heaven and Earth first started, there have been no records or rumors of the real perfection of the top ten products.”

Yu Haoran, who reached out and began to gradually withdraw from the realm breakthrough momentum, said Zhen Yuanzi’s expression of disdain.

“A trivial innate talent and potential is barely a superior kid, how can it break the countless realm iron rule.”

Zhen Yuanzi’s questioning is also the inner doubt of everyone on the edge of the mountain range.

Even Black Tortoise Divine Beast, who has always suspected that Yu Haoran is likely to be the destiny’s son, also expressed doubtful expression.

After all, the successful realm of Martial Dao’s top ten products is just a rumor, a false statement that has been verified by countless top evildoers.

It is a kind of shelter with the luck of Heaven and Earth. It is a kind of perception with extraordinary natural talent. Black Tortoise Divine Beast does not believe that Yu Haoran can break the iron rule of Martial Dao realm.

Knowing how shocking the explanation was just now, Earth Book Artifact Spirit was not surprised by Zhen Yuanzi’s questioning.

I just reached out to take a spirit leaf from the floating Ginseng Fruit Tree, and then bounced directly towards Yu Haoran’s powerful momentum.

As a top-notch Spirit Fruit that can help ordinary creatures to advance into the Spiritual God Realm world and assist Spiritual God in its continuous growth, Ginseng Fruit Tree has already broken through the first-grade grade and reached the first-grade Grade 9 Peak limit.

If it wasn’t for Zhen Yuanzi’s obliteration of the genius born of Ginseng Fruit Tree, Ginseng Fruit Tree at this time is a powerhouse with the limits of the God 9 Grade XNUMX Peak.

Therefore, even an ordinary spirit leaf of Ginseng Fruit Tree has reached the Divine Item level of hardness.

However, under the impact of the mighty momentum, numerous small scars quickly appeared on the surface of the Lingye.

But no matter how powerful the momentum is, it can’t completely destroy Lingye.

As the master of Ginseng Fruit Tree, Zhen Yuanzi knows more about Ling Ye than Earth Book Artifact Spirit, and also knows what kind of force the Ling Ye will suffer under the impact of damage.

Therefore, looking at the Ling Ye that is constantly rising and falling, and watching the tiny cracks appearing in the Ling Ye, Zhen Yuanzi’s doubts are gradually shocked and replaced, and there are some speculations in the beginning that I believe in the Earth Book Artifact Spirit.


Since deciding to use the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder to assist the idea of ​​perfect realm of the ten emperors of the Emperor, Yu Haoran does not care whether he will expose himself to the realm of the ten consummates.

So, when he heard the Earth Book Artifact Spirit about the ten realms of martial arts, and he might break the iron rule since Martial Dao was founded, he didn’t feel the slightest panic.

Opening your eyes slowly and looking at the void above your head, the black black clouds are still washing away a lot of milky white energy.

Recalling the powerful auxiliary enhancement effect of opalescent energy on cultivation base, fleshy body, Divine Soul and strength of Law, Yu Haoran’s heart gradually showed a hint of ambition.

However, in order to use Thunder Tribulation’s rewards to make ambitions a reality, he needs an absolutely quiet and safe environment, so he now needs to know the power gap between Tower Spirit and Zhen Yuanzi to decide whether to continue his adventures and achieve his ambitions.

“Tower Spirit, with your current strength, how long can you resist Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul’s attack if you cooperate with Yuan Tu and Abi’s two Divine Swords, or with Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword?”

“Yu Haoran, you are wrong!” After a light smile, Tower Spirit gave a reply that made Yu Haoran feel unfathomable mystery.

“Tower Spirit, what do you mean?” Yu Haoran eyebrows asked slightly frowned.

“Yu Haoran, you should ask me how long it will take before I can defeat and kill Remnant Soul of Zhen Yuanzi.” Tower Spirit replies strongly and confidently.

The White Tiger Divine Beast and Azure Dragon Divine Beast that can kill the realm to reach the god level Grade 6 Peak have fully proved the power of Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul.

Facing such a powerful opponent, the cultivation base only has the Tower Spirit of the Demi-God Peak Realm, and how confident can it be to defeat and kill Zhen Yuanzi who owns the Valkyrie Peak Realm.

Therefore, after hearing Tower Spirit’s seemingly arrogant reply, Yu Haoran, still frowning, couldn’t help but start observing in the space where he knew the sea, with a confident smile on his face and his hands behind his back.

The complete realm of the ten emperors of the Emperor Wu, in addition to giving him the strength to enter the realm of the god of war, but also greatly improved his eyesight.

Although the Tower Spirit in the volley standing in the sea space did not show the slightest strength, Yu Haoran was still able to exude the breath from his body, and felt a strong power far superior to himself.

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