Huaiyu mountain range!

Based on the experience of realm breakthrough at the time of strength improvement, Yu Haoran speculates that the real emperor with complete tenth rank of Emperor Wu will have the strength to enter the realm of Valkyrie.

Today, since Tower Spirit gives him a feeling that his strength is far better than his own, then it shows that when he attacked the perfect realm of the Ten Emperors of Wudi, the damage of the body of Tower Spirit Divine Soul was greatly restored, thus breaking through Demi-God realm Alas, promoted to Valkyrie realm of Eternal Undying.

“Yu Haoran, you guessed it, my Divine Soul body has indeed been restored to Valkyrie realm.”

Although Yu Haoran didn’t say anything, from the shocked expression that emerged from his eyes, Tower Spirit probably knew that he had guessed his state at this time, and there was no concealed active explanation.

“Ginseng Fruit Tree, one of the three spirit roots in the world, not only has the counter-effect of assisting the soul to upgrade the Valkyrie realm, but also the Life Essence gathered at the root of the Spirit Tree. It also has the Divine Soul body that restores the Magical Artifact Artifact Spirit. No less than the power of Life and Death. “

“I just used the opportunity of the Earth Book Artifact Spirit to be attracted by the Thunder Tribulation, and quietly arranged the god-level formation of the spirit interception. Then I used a breath of the Divine Thunder to destroy the soul interception, and shielded the induction of Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul.”

“Finally using the stolen Life Essence, the body of Divine Soul was restored to the realm of Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak in a short time.”

Tower Spirit was able to use the Life Essence gathered at the roots of the Ginseng Fruit Tree to restore the power of Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak Realm, and Yu Haoran was sincerely happy for him.

However, considering that Zhen Yuanzi is likely to possess the strength of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, he still wonders how confident Tower Spirit can defeat and kill Remnant Soul of Zhen Yuanzi.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s inner question, Tower Spirit looked at Zhen Yuanzi with shocked expression through the barriers of the sea space and asked with a smile.

“Yu Haoran, do you think Zhen Yuanzi easily killed Azure Dragon and White Tiger, relying on the powerful strength of Remnant Soul.”

“Isn’t it?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“Yu Haoran, if I now tell you explicitly, the real strength of Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul is only the first time to enter the Valkyrie realm, I don’t know if you believe it!” I did not directly answer Yu Haoran’s question, and still asked with a smile.

“I don’t believe it!” Yu Haoran shook his head immediately.

As the descendants of the ancient Guardian God beast, the Azure Dragon and White Tiger that have reached the Grade 6 Peak of the realm not only have the strength not inferior to the Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak Realm, but also the powerful physique of Divine Beast, but also let them Has a strong defense that is not lost to the magical artifact.

It is considered that Zhen Yuanzi has no existence in the Paragon Realm world, and the use of power is far stronger than Azure Dragon and White Tiger. It is absolutely impossible to easily kill the Valkyrie Grade 7 Peak strength and god with the cultivation base of the Valkyrie realm. Two Divine Beasts defended by Magical Artifact.

“Yu Haoran, now that you have successfully been promoted to the tenth perfect realm of Emperor Wudi, presumably will soon be able to impact Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm, then I will explain to you in detail the difference between Valkyrie realm and Emperor realm.”

As the cultivation base of the Divine Soul body was restored to Valkyrie realm, many secret techniques and methods that could not be performed before can now be easily displayed.

Therefore, before explaining the characteristics of Valkyrie realm and Emperor realm in detail, Tower Spirit mobilized the space-time energy of the tower of the ontology domain to arrange an independent space of time acceleration between him and Yu Haoran.

This will not affect Yu Haoran’s absorption of the milk white energy rewarded by the Thunder Tribulation because of the time spent telling, let alone the doubts of Zhen Yuanzi and Earth Book Artifact Spirit.

After the time-accelerated independent space layout is completed, Tower Spirit begins to introduce the different levels of power use of Emperor Wu Realm and Wu Shen Realm.

The breakthrough of Emperor Wu realm is also related to the perceived strength of Law, but in the real application process, the use of fleshhy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power far exceeds strength of Law.

The reason is that integrating the strength of law into the body of the flyhy body, whether it is the speed of movement or the strength that can be exerted, is far inferior to the formidable power displayed by the flyhy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power in conjunction with high-grade martial skills.

However, after the promotion base was promoted to Valkyrie Realm, the situation of the use of the strength of Law has changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Although Valkyrie Realm ’s fleshhy body grade and quality have been transformed by the Divine Force and Soul Power, the formidable power is far better than that of Emperor Wu Realm. Soul Power, and the increase in martial skills, has reached an unimaginable height.

Therefore, the gap between the Valkyrie powerhouse cultivation base and strength can really be affected. Fleshy body grade, divide force and Soul Power account for only a small part of the factors.

The strength of the strength of the Law of Law is the key to the depth of the mystery of the Law.

Although Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul’s cultivation base is only new to Valkyrie Realm, the strength of his understanding of the mystery of the law of mysticism is far from comparable between Azure Dragon Divine Beast and White Tiger Divine Beast.

This is also the real reason why Tower Spirit’s Divine Soul body is restored to Valkyrie realm, why not 怵 Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul.

After all, the innate Supreme Treasure born of chaos, the Strength of Law that Tower Spirit can mobilize, and the understanding of the mystery of the law, are also far from comparable in terms of Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul.

Tower Spirit’s detailed introduction to the use of Emperor Wu Realm and Samurai Realm gives Yu Haoran complete peace of mind, while her ambitions change.

Originally, according to his own understanding of Valkyrie realm, the process of transforming from Origin Force into divide force was the key to improving the strength of Valkyrie realm.

Therefore, he intends to use the milky white energy rewarded by Thunder Tribulation to fully enhance the quality of Origin Force of dantian, and compete for the promotion of Origin Force realm before cultivation base breakthrough Valkyrie Realm.

Now that he knows the decisive influence of the law mystery on the real strength of Valkyrie, the reward of Thunder Tribulation that can also enhance the strength of Law is the focus of his next cultivation.

After taking a deep breath, to signal Tower Spirit’s withdrawal of the time-accelerating independent space, Yu Haoran began to use the absorbed milky white energy to fully assist the perception of the strength of Law and compete for the mystery of the Life and Death dual line strength of Law as soon as possible.


As Yu Haoran regained the powerful momentum when realm breakthrough, the spirit leaf floating in the air also fell to the ground. Zhen Yuanzi reached out and sucked against the spirit leaf that fell to the ground. The spirit leaf appeared in his palm instantly. .

Feeling carefully the residual breath of Lingye’s scars, Zhen Yuanzi’s complexion gradually condensed, and his eyes even showed hesitant expression.

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