Huaiyu mountain range!


After easily killing the blood tiger formed by the taboo secret technique, Zhen Yuanzi’s unfinished finger pointed directly at the White Tiger. !

The immediate death threat that emerged from the heart allowed White Tiger to rise directly into the air without any hesitation. When planning to escape from the cemetery, a special force across time and space exploded in his body instantly.

Just like the blood tiger just now, the White Tiger, nearly 1000 meters tall, completely disappeared into the air in less than 10% of a second.

Subsequently, Zhen Yuanzi’s eyes and fingers were directed at Azure Dragon, who was preparing to put away Ginseng Fruit Tree.

“Zhen Yuanzi, if you dare to kill me, then I will directly destroy the Ginseng Fruit Tree.” Thinking of the means by which Yu Haoran threatened the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Azure Dragon put out a huge claw and pressed it on the Ginseng Fruit Tree, threatening expression 狰狞.


Unfortunately, in the face of the threat of Azure Dragon, Zhen Yuanzi expression continued to be lightly shouted without any change.

“Zhen Yuanzi, you forced me!”

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi without fear of threats, knowing that he would die without doubt Azure Dragon, the idea of ​​jade and stone burns together rose suddenly in his heart, and the huge dragon claw fiercely shot at Ginseng Fruit Tree.

But at this time, the special force that straddled time and space instantly burst into his huge body, so that dragon claw was completely disappeared before it touched Ginseng Fruit Tree.

After easily slaying Azure Dragon and White Tiger, Zhen Yuanzi’s eyes and fingers turned to Yu Haoran, who is absorbing the sea energy, and the last Thunder Tribulation transforms the essence of thunder and lightning energy.

“Yu Haoran, be careful!” Seeing Zhen Yuanzi’s attention turned to Yu Haoran, he quickly took out the Tower Spirit of Yuan Tu and Abi Divine Sword, expressing nervously.

“Tower Spirit, don’t worry, Zhen Yuanzi can’t hurt me for the time being!” Looking up at the milky white energy constantly bred by black black clouds, Yu Haoran expression reminded easily.


Like treating Azure Dragon and White Tiger, Zhen Yuanzi expression reached out to Yu Haoran indifferently, and with a special energy spanning time and space, he instantly reached Yu Haoran’s side.

But at this time, a milky energy hood appeared on top of Yu Haoran’s head out of thin air, and also successfully resisted the special attacking force that was going to destroy his fleshy body and Divine Soul.

Expression Zhen Yuanzi has never changed. After seeing the milky energy appearing out of thin air, a glimmer of expression flickered.

Then he glanced up at the milky white energy washed down like a waterfall, and realized to himself.

“It turned out to be asylum for Thunder Tribulation rewards!”

After seeing the milky white energy washed down by the black black clouds, Yu Haoran resisted the surprise that came out of his heart, took a deep breath, and immediately accelerated the absorption of the only quintessential thunderbolt energy remaining in the sea space, and then cooperated with the reward of Thunder Tribulation. Began to impact the complete realm of Emperor Wu Shi’s top ten.

“Brother Zhenyuan, what do you do next?”

The Earth Book Artifact Spirit who flashed around Zhen Yuanzi, looked towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, revealing a hint of envy.

Known as Divine Thunder, one of the three Doomsday Thunder Tribulation, although the process of Transcending Tribulation is more dangerous, it is called nine deaths and still alive, but as long as you can safely pass through the Thunder Tribulation, the harvest after Thunder Tribulation is also quite considerable. Astonishing.

At this moment, the milky white energy washed down by the black clouds can not only bring changes to the shedding body, exchanging bones to Yu Haoran, but also for Earth Book Artifact Spirit, where the cultivation base reaches the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, it can also greatly improve the body and Divine Soul’s physique has more hope to impact the semi-robbery of Paragon Realm.

“It’s my body coming down in person, before the end of Thunder Tribulation’s reward, I didn’t want to hurt him for a penny.” Looking at Yu Haoran’s growing atmosphere, Zhen Yuanzi said with a somber expression.

“Brother Zhenyuan, can you use the mystery of the rules you control to directly move this kid out of the cemetery space?” After hearing Zhen Yuanzi’s explanation, Earth Book Artifact Spirit secretly sighed in relief, posing a thoughtful expression Proposed.


Thunder Tribulation rewards time is limited, just need to wait patiently for a while, then you can completely kill the young man who dares to covet Ginseng Fruit Tree.

So, Zhen Yuanzi was puzzled by Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s proposal, and could not help but frowned.

“Brother Zhenyuan, through all the means shown by this boy’s Transcending Tribulation process, I suspect Lord Ziling has been guarding him secretly.” Earth Book Artifact Spirit did not explain anything concealed.

“Artifact Spirit of the Space-Time Domain Tower!” Zhen Yuanzi couldn’t help but confirm his sudden change of face when he heard Earth Book Artifact Spirit referring to Lord Purple Spirit.


While nodded confirmed, Earth Book Artifact Spirit expression grave reminded.

“Brother Zhen Yuan, the Battle of Magical Artifact when Heaven and Earth first opened, Supreme of Primordial Chaos of Chaos Clock, Haotian Paragon of Haotian Yin, and Purple Spirit Paragon of Tower of Time and Space are all realm I’ve touched the Paragon Peak Extreme powerhouse in Immortal Divinity Realm. “

“So, no matter whether this boy is secretly protected by Lord Ziling or any special relationship between him and Lord Ziling, you and I should not hurt this boy until the immense amount of robbery comes.”

Compared to Tower Spirit’s concern, it is chaotic. He has kept the calm Earth Book Artifact Spirit. When Zhen Yuanzi took action against Yu Haoran, he knew that Yu Haoran who was sheltered by Thunder Tribulation would not be in any danger. This is why he did not have any danger. Reasons to stop Zhen Yuanzi.

After hearing the explanation from Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Zhen Yuanzi’s eyes flashed a hesitant expression.

Regarding the prestige of the Artifact Spirit Purple Spirit Paragon, he knows not as much as the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, but he can touch the immortal realm, and he knows that the powerhouses of the ten Paragon Realm worlds add up, not Paragon Peak. Extreme realm’s purple spirit opponent.

However, with the immense amount of robbery approaching, the entire Heaven and Earth is about to turn into a chaotic state when Heaven and Earth was not opened. Under the circumstances that all creatures may be soul flies away and scatters, I am afraid that Ziling does not have much energy. And time to pay attention to the young man in blue clothed.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Zhen Yuanzi’s hesitant expression was gradually replaced by chill.

However, when Zhen Yuanzi was born with a Murderous Intention, Yu Haoran, who was sitting on his knees, suddenly raised a terror of realm breakthrough.

Whether it is Zhen Yuanzi and Earth Book Artifact Spirit, or the remaining 36 powerhouses of the Black Tortoise Divine Beast and the Guardian Family, they are all powerhouses of Paragon and Valkyrie Realm. They have a deep understanding of the momentum of realm breakthrough.

Yu Haoran’s rising momentum when he broke through the realm just now can not reach the momentum of Valkyrie’s realm breakthrough, but it is far stronger than the realm of Demi-God Peak. This immediately caused everyone at the scene to be confused.

“I know!”

When everyone at the scene fell into a state of doubt because of Yu Haoran’s realm breakthrough, a sudden flash of Earth Book Artifact Spirit flashed through their heads, and expression shouted in horror.

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