Huaiyu mountain range!

If it weren’t for Abi Divine Sword’s ability to withstand the breath of strength of Law contained in Thunder Tribulation.

If it wasn’t for Tower Spirit who risked the body of Divine Soul and suffered heavy damage, using Yuan Tu Divine Sword to defeat the ink-colored Divine Dragon in time, I am afraid he may be planted in Thunder Tribulation at this time.

Fortunately, in the end, Divine Dragon was beheaded by him and Tower Spirit, and the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder was successfully passed, which is also the completion of his plan.

“Tower Spirit, the next Enlightenment Tree, Tianyuandao soul tree, and Ginseng Fruit Tree look at you.”

Looking at the sea space, Tower Spirit used Yuan Tu Divine Sword’s crushed ink-colored Divine Dragon to transform it into countless rich and refined energy. Yu Haoran was surprised to learn the mental skills before absorbing it. Tower Spirit warned repeatedly.

“I know!”

After nodded responded to Yu Haoran’s command, Tower Spirit immediately used the remaining half of the divine thoughts to quietly put away the Enlightenment Tree and the Tianyuandao soul tree, which did not attract anyone’s attention at the scene.

Afterwards, he stared at Ginseng Fruit Tree, which was moved by little Dragon by Azure Dragon, and watched the pit gradually escaping from the ground.


Ignoring the Azure Dragon that is moving the Ginseng Fruit Tree, Earth Book Artifact Spirit looked at the cage formed by the mystery of the Slaughter Rule, and after a flash of scornful expression, he began to perform Zhen Yuanzi’s second trick to create a martial skill against the sky.

With the sip of the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, the first grave on the east side of the mountain range suddenly trembled, then the second grave trembled, and the third grave trembled until the 36th grave also The jitter is also a bit.

With the shaking of 36 tombs, the Earth Book Magical Artifact in the mid-air buoy also began to quickly turn pages, and from the quickly opened pages, a continuous wave of energy fluctuated.

“Not good !”

After the energy wave emitted from the Earth Book page touched the cage formed by the mystery of Slaughter’s Law, a shock containing destructive force, the cage was instantly broken, and the mind of White Tiger was also traumatized instantly.

The cage formed by the mystery of the Slaughter Law has both his own perception of the Slaughter Law and the assistance of extracting nine clansman strength of bloodline, which can be said to be the strongest means he can use so far.

The strongest method was defeated by Earth Book Artifact Spirit with a simple martial skill. This made White Tiger immediately realize that things were not good, and quickly reminded Azure Dragon who was moving the Ginseng Fruit Tree.

“Big brother, I’m not an opponent of Earth Book Artifact Spirit, let’s withdraw!”

Attached to the soil of the root, Ginseng Fruit Tree has been successfully pulled up by more than 70 cm. Seeing the upcoming Supreme Treasure, how can Azure Dragon give up willingly.

So, while choosing to overdraw his Bloodline power, he sincerely asked for White Tiger’s attitude.

“Second Brother, ten seconds, give me a maximum of ten seconds, and we will be able to assist us in the future promotion of Ginseng Fruit Tree in the semi-robber Paragon Realm world.”


Azure Dragon’s sincere request made White Tiger’s eyes flash a hesitant expression.

Looking at the Ginseng Fruit Tree that is about to be pulled out of the ground, watching the shock that is about to spread to his side, he finally roar towards the sky, then spit out three golden blood essences in succession, and began to perform the ancestral secret taboo secret technique.

“Blood Tiger Eater!”

When seeing the three golden blood essences spit out by White Tiger quickly fused together, and then gradually stretched into a red tiger about 100 meters high, Earth Book Artifact Spirit whispered to himself while flashing a faint expression of surprise.

“Get up!” Overdraft the strength of bloodline in exchange for stronger strength, allowing Azure Dragon to eventually successfully pull up Ginseng Fruit Tree.

Seeing the Earth Book Artifact Spirit in this scene, quickly reached out and held down the ever-turning Earth Book page, then quickly stepped back to the 100 meters position.

Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s initiative to retreat flashed the gloomy White Tiger’s eyes, but Black Tortoise at the edge of the mountain range couldn’t help reminding him aloud.

“Second brother, immediately stop the taboo secret technique of blood tiger biting the sky, and then quickly leave the graveyard with the big brother.”

The White Tiger, who has been alert to Black Tortoise, will not hesitate to remind him. Not only did he not stop the use of the taboo secret technique, but he accelerated the speed of the taboo secret technique through the overdraft strength of bloodline.

“oh! ”

Seeing that White Tiger didn’t heed his own reminders, and still insisted on the taboo secret technique, Black Tortoise Divine Beast couldn’t help sighing, and then turned to Ginseng Fruit Tree, which had just been pulled out of the ground by Azure Dragon.


Immediately after Ginseng Fruit Tree was off the ground, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in the cemetery.

With a majestic voice, a young Taoist in his 40s, dressed in a star robe, holding a duster, elegant in temperament, and serene, floated slowly from the tree pit pulled out of the Ginseng Fruit Tree.

“Illusory shadow of time and space!”

When he saw the elegant Taoist priest, Tower Spirit whispered to himself, and his eyes flashed with an astonishing expression.

“Zhen Yuanzi!”

“Zhen Yuanzi!”

Both Azure Dragon and White Tiger couldn’t help but yelled suddenly after seeing the handheld whisk, like a young priest like Yunxian.

After all, it is Divine Beast powerhouse of Grade 6 Peak Realm. The powerful state of mind and strength let Azure Dragon calm down quickly, and then carefully observe the Zhen Yuanzi in front of him, and soon found that not only is the body slightly illusory, but also has no breath. As powerful as imagined.

“Second Brother, this is just a remnant reserved by Zhen Yuanzi in advance. The strength is far less powerful than we imagined. Let the blood tiger deal with him.” After confirming Zhen Yuanzi’s true state and strength, a glimmer of Azure Dragon flashed , Immediately reminded and instructed to White Tiger.

“Got it!”

Azure Dragon’s reminders and instructions made White Tiger calm down quickly, and immediately raised white claws and pointed at Zhen Yuanzi.

Immediately thereafter, a blood tiger exuding a strong baleful qi rushed towards Zhen Yuanzi in a murderous-looking manner.


Facing the murderous-looking blood tiger, Zhen Yuanzi expression brushed indifferently, then raised his right hand and pointed at the blood tiger.

A special power that even Tower Spirit couldn’t detect, instantly exploded in the blood tiger’s body.

Even within 10% of the time, the blood tiger with a height of more than 100 meters completely disappeared into the air, and there was only one drop of blood essence exuding a special flavor on the scene.


When seeing the blood essence floating in the air, retreat to the Earth Book Artifact Spirit beyond several hundred meters, and after flashing a little expression of surprise, immediately raised his hand to take the blood essence, and then the blood essence fell into him Hands.

“oh! ”

Lift the Tower Spirit pointed to the hand by the same hand. When you saw the blood essence falling into the Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s hand, helplessly sighed, put down the raised arm, and then watch your fingers point to Zhen Yuanzi of White Tiger. There was a dreadful expression in his eyes.

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