The edge of Huaiyu mountain range!

The imaginary fierce confrontation not at all appeared, and the faint shadow penetrated the fist attack at a very strange speed, and then directly stuck to the opponent’s chest, then ignored the defense of the Emperor’s Magical Artifact, and instantly integrated into the opponent’s within the body. !

Without any struggles or screams, the pseudo-god powerhouse of the Demi-God realm, in a short period of less than a second, directly became a dry human skin.

Looking at the human skin falling in the wind, the expression powerhouse of the Black Tortoise family gradually appeared a expression of memories.

When he saw the falling human skin, he slowly emerged with a slightly solid body, shaped like a snail without a back shell, and the memory was immediately replaced by frightened shouts.

“This, this, this is one of the culprits that led to the ruins of ancient times. It can instantly devour the flesh of the soul and the Wraith Beast of Divine Soul!”

“Wraith Beast!”

After hearing the clamor of the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse, the three most powerful powerhouses from the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird family suddenly changed their appearances and immediately appeared in front of sixteen clansmans, then took out one each Flag arrays embroidered with their respective family logos.

Turning his head and glancing at the Eastern Huaiyun, who is still frantically performing the lifting of the ban, the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse couldn’t help sighing.

Later, he also flashed back to his own clansman, then took out a flag array embroidered with the Black Tortoise logo, and quickly formed the Formation mark with his ten fingers.

Based on the four flag arrays that reached the level of the gods as the formation base, quickly form a formidable power to reach the defense level of the formation.


In the formation powerhouse of the Black Tortoise family, when using the flag array to arrange the god-level defense formation, the ghost of the ghost and the beast floating in the midst of the air laughed twice, and then cast his eyes full of evil directly on the eastern Huaiyun standing on the white rock.

Although all efforts are made to reverse the nine-style lifting of the ban, it does not mean that Eastern Huaiyun completely ignores the surrounding situation.

The Wraith Beast just devoured the entire process of robbing Demi-God powerhouse. She also used God ’s mind to see clearly, so when she felt the Wraith Wraith’s attention focused on herself, she suddenly became nervous.

Nervousness can cause distraction!

As a result of the distraction, the speed of performing the method of reversing the nine-type lifting of the ban slowed down, which made the ghostly beast full of evil eyes flashing a little anxiety.

Immediately afterwards, its eyes quickly shifted from the East Huaiyun body to the gathered Dongyu powerhouse body.

“Let’s get out of here!”

When seeing the ghostly beast looking at everyone’s eyes, like the wild beast hungry. When seeing the deliciousness, a powerhouse of the Demi-God realm of Erjie, when he was afraid, he suddenly proposed heartily. .

If you count the remaining 40 Emperor Wudi powerhouses, the number of Dongyu powerhouses gathered at this moment will reach XNUMX.

If everyone flees together, at most only one person will be devoured by the Wraith Beast, but the others can save their lives.

As for who will be bad luck to be selected by the Wraith Beast, that can only be left to fate!

After hearing the proposal from Demi-God powerhouse, all the people on the scene agreed nodded, but no one was willing to be the first early bird that caught the attention of the Wraith Beast.

This caused the proposed time to elapse for one minute, and all of them still remained in place, which also made the Demi-God powerhouse of Erjie just proposed look dull and watery.


As if I can understand the minds of the crowd at the scene, after a few screams of the ghost and the beast proudly, not at all shot against the crowd at the scene, but instead looked up at the void in the mountain range of Huaiyu, full of evil eyes, flashed A sneer of disdain.

Faced with the evil gaze of the Wraith and the Beast, the originally calm void suddenly appeared in waves.

Immediately after, thirteen dressed in light blue and dark blue gowns, silhouettes of all ages, quickly emerged from the void, and looked nervously at the Wraith Beast.

“The Lan family, one of the five hermit inheritance families!”

Looking at the thirteen blue clothed powerhouses that emerged from the void, the guardian family enveloped by the Formation heard the identification of the most powerful house gnashing teeth of the Qing Long Family.

As the powerhouse of the Lan family appeared, the gaze of the Wraith and Beast slowly shifted to another direction of the void.

Also accompanied by layers of waves in the void, nine silhouetted in gorgeous brocades and arrogant temperaments.

“Official family of one of the five hidden inheritance families!”

Facing the second batch of nine powerhouses that emerged from the void, a more angry identification sound came from the guardian family.


When the eyes shifted from the body of the nine powerhouses of the official family to the third direction of the void, the ghost and the beast suddenly made a few strange noises.

But the redness rising from its tiny eyes shows that it is very dissatisfied with those powerhouses who need their own persecution before they emerge from the hidden void.

It seems that the dissatisfaction of the ghost and the beast was detected, and the three positions of the void in the mountain range of Huaiyu, at the same time, there were waves.

Along with the turbulence of the void, eleven silhouettes exuding elegant elegance, seven silhouettes in blue robes, and three white haired old men in gray robes appeared in each of the three locations.

“The Kong family, the Zhongli Family, and the Yingtai family. It seems that the five major hidden family inheritance families are all here today!”

When seeing the twenty-one powerhouses that emerged from the void, the guardian family came to forcibly suppress the scorn of anger.

In the face of the five hidden world inheritance families exposed in the void, let alone the powerhouse of the guardian family is angry, it is a Tower Spirit away from the mountain range hundreds of miles away, and the heart is also annoyed.

A casual remark said Yu Haoran had realized this beforehand.

But yourself!

Not only was it impossible to take advantage of Yu Haoran’s cultivation base and divine thoughts to discover the enemies who were secretly peeking in advance, but he had not clearly realized this in advance.

This is not only his negligence, but it will also reduce the prestige that he managed to accumulate in Yu Haoran’s mind. How can this not make him full of hatred for the five hidden world inheritance families.

Although the five hidden world inheritance families hidden in the void have fully appeared, the evil eyes of the Wraith Beast are still staring at the void, and the scarlet eyes have been replaced by anger.

Infinitely close to the speed of instantaneous movement, allowing it to directly cross the obstacles of time and space distance, appearing instantaneously before the void it is staring at.

Immediately afterwards, its body merged directly into the void.

In less than a second, a dry human skin floated out of the void, and then slowly fell down.

At the same time, the Wraith and the Beast had just merged into the void, and XNUMX silhouettes of people with pale faces and eyes full of terror expression emerged.

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