Huaiyu mountain range edge!

Fortunately, the Formation Powerhouse of the Black Tortoise family took the time to block, so that the pale Huaiyun, who had a pale face, was lucky to escape.

It was precisely because of the killing intent that the White Tiger family ’s most powerhouse did not hide, Dongfang Huaiyun knew that he had been completely forced into a desperate situation.

If she can crack the five-element Five Elements Formation method in the shortest time, then she may still get the understanding of the four most powerful powerhouses in the guardian family, so as to save her life.

But if she fails to break the Formula, today she will not only burn away the jade, but also affect the Dongfang Family behind her, and become the eternal sinner of the family defeat.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Huaiyun suddenly stood up, and then spit out three blood essences by biting the tip of his tongue, and directly improved the formidable power of the nine-type lifting method with the innate blood essence, and expedited the cracking of the formidable power and five-element Five Elements Formation method. speed.

Dongfang Huaiyun’s approach of cutting off one’s means of retreat has also temporarily subsided the anger of the four most powerful powerhouses in the guardian family.

What Dongfang Huaiyun didn’t know was that her approach of cutting off one’s means of retreat was completely self-destructive.

As the Eastern Huaiyun uses the natural essence of blood to improve the formidable power of the nine-type lifting of the ban, and block the five-element Five Elements Formation method of the Huaiyu mountain range, the speed of cracking is getting faster and faster.

At the same time, more and more traps have been touched and opened.


When the five-element Five Elements Formation method was turned on to 20%, from the increasingly dense white mist, there was a strange cry that made people feel scalp tingling.

Even the Tower Spirit staying in the sea-conscious space, even though Divine Soul’s body is based on Paragon Peak Realm, the strange sound of white mist also made him feel a familiar heart tremor.

Familiar heart tremor immediately opened up the memory of any Artifact Spirit, which made Tower Spirit not only know the true origin of the strange call, but also more clearly understand the strength and horror of the strange call.

Therefore, he had to forcibly interrupt Yu Haoran who was using the blood essence of Zuwu to improve his realm and strength, and reminded him to leave quickly.

“Yu Haoran, leave here quickly. The strange cry just now is a ghost ghost that specializes in sucking flesh and soul.”

Although I do n’t know where the Wraith Beast came from, being able to make Tower Spirit so panic is enough to show the power and horror of this thing.

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not hesitate at all, forcibly suppressing the writhing blood essence within the body, and tore the void behind him directly.

However, as he stepped into the void of the void, the only trace of guilt left in the Eastern Huaiyun made him turn his head and warn loudly.

“Oriental Huaiyun, if you want to end the disaster in front of you, you’d better stop casting the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban immediately, otherwise, not only will you die next, including your father, everyone on the edge of the mountain range, and Those powerhouses hiding in the void also missed their lives. “

After the loud warning, Yu Haoran stepped straight into the void, and then appeared on the peak of a mountain a hundred miles away.

“Tower Spirit, help me focus on the mountain range!”

Sitting on an azure rock on the peak with a bent knee, Yu Haoran continues to use the essence of the ancestral witch’s blood to enhance realm and strength.

At the same time, he was warned repeatedly against Tower Spirit, Yu Siqi, and the Red-Beasted Beast.

“Sister, Brother Chi, continue to protect me.”

Yu Haoran’s high-pitched warning made Dongfang Huaiyun’s ten-finger method of lifting the ban a pause, and hesitant and struggling expression appeared.

But when a rays of light from azure replaced hesitation and struggle, the stopped ten fingers continued to perform the method of reversing the nine-type lifting of the ban.

However, the four most powerful powerhouses guarding the family, and the eastern powerhouse that successfully solved the two elements of the giant dragon, did not pay attention to the Eastern Huaiyun who continued to implement the method of lifting the ban, or ignored the strange cry of white mist, but directly mobilized Peak. Realm’s divine thoughts began to look for those who had just been hidden in the void by Yu Haoran.

In fact, don’t say that those powerhouses on the edge of the mountain range can be regarded as Tower Spirit. They can’t help but use the deities of the three Demi-God Peak Realm, in conjunction with the original energy of the domain tower, to find those who are hidden in the void.

But the result is exactly the same as the guardian family and Dongyu’s powerhouse, without any gains.

The Tower Spirit couldn’t help but start to worry. Yu Haoran, who had experienced the blood essence of Valkyrie Realm, had begun to surpass himself comprehensively.

The more worried, the more I could n’t help but start fantasizing. After the fantasizing, Yu Haoran did n’t need his help or continue to discuss with him no matter what he did.

The more illusioned, the greater the anxiety inside.

In the end, when the inner anxiety reached its limit, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but interrupt Yu Haoran’s realm breakthrough and directly asked him how he found the powerhouse hidden in the void.

Fortunately, it is just to assist the realm’s breakthrough, and being interrupted temporarily at not all has too much influence.

Therefore, Yu Haoran not at all because of Tower Spirit’s interruption, there was any dissatisfaction in his heart, and he smiled in response to his question.

“Tower Spirit, even your Paragon Artifact, the Demi-God realm of Three Tribulation, can’t determine whether the Void is hiding people. How can I find out that the cultivation base and strength are not as good as yours! That’s just a casual note of mine. Say.”

“Really?” Tower Spirit asked, unbelievably.

“It’s true!” Yu Haoran quickly promised.

According to Zhong Lishuiqin’s introduction to the five hidden world inheritance families, he knows that the five hidden world inheritance families that seem to be unknown, the true details and ambitions are not lost to the four guardian families.

Since the four guardian families know the hidden secrets of Huaiyu mountain range, the five hermit inheritance families have no reason to not know.

Therefore, the seemingly casual note just now also includes a part of guessing and bluffing, hoping to have unexpected gains.

With Yu Haoran’s assurance, Tower Spirit finally relented, and then continued to watch the developments at the edge of the mountain range.

Dongfang Huaiyun, who did not follow Yu Haoran’s warning, continued to use the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban to forcibly crack the five-element Five Elements Formation method.

This made the strange cry of white mist louder and louder, and gradually made the crowd feel panic.

“No, it’s too dangerous here. I’ll withdraw first!”

The impact of the panic sentiment led to a Demi-God powerhouse from a family in Dongyu, and finally decided to give up the opportunity of the mountain range.

But when he was about to leave when he was just vacated, a faint shadow flew directly from the white mist, and then moved near the speed of the moment, directly behind the Demi-God powerhouse.

The instinct of the Demi-God powerhouse allows the opponent to instantaneously inspire defense of Magical Artifact while turning around and blasting out a boxing technique including strength of law.

Facing a boxing blast of Demi-God powerhouse, the faint shadow greeted directly without hiding.

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