The edge of Huaiyu mountain range!

“Ji Xiaolong!”

Looking at the thirty-five people floating in the void, the noble temperament, the white haired old man in a white robe, the most powerhouse from the White Tiger family clenched his fists, and gnashing teeth said to himself.

“Void Jade Palace !”

Or it may be because the cultivation base and strength are too low, or it may be because of the invisible shelter of the Eastern Huaiyun.

Dongfang Zhixiang, who has always been ignored by the crowd and the Wraith Beast, sees thirty-five powerhouses persecuted by the Wraith Beast, his eyes immediately ignite endless anger, and the same gnashing teeth whisper Road.

How could she offend Yu Haoran for no reason if she did not threaten Oriental Huaiyun with her sons and daughters because of the honor of Void Jade Palace.

If it didn’t offend Yu Haoran, then by virtue of the special relationship between the two people, and sincere cooperation with each other, things would never become as bad as they are now.

Moreover, with Yu Haoran’s discreet personality and omniscient means, she will never end up dragging herself into the predicament of if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

All of this is because of the landlord, because of the damn Void Jade Palace.

Watching the silhouette of the ghostly beast slowly emerging from the human skin, Ji Xiaolong immediately took out a tower-shaped Magical Artifact, and expression looked at the ghostly beast with full of tension and fear.

After returning to the half-empty Wraith Beast on the edge of the mountain range, he looked at Ji Xiaolong disdainfully, and then continued to cast his eyes full of chill into the distant void.

With the bloody lessons of Void Jade Palace just now, those Demi-God powerhouses who continue to hide the inheritance family of the Void, and the Loose Cultivator powerhouse of the famous Earthly Profound Continent, all appeared honestly in the void and exposed to everyone’s eyes.

Looking at the void in the mountain range of Huaiyu, the XNUMX Emperor Wudi and Demi-God realm’s powerhouse standing in the sky, Tower Spirit frowned.

If the five hidden hereditary families are due to special secret techniques and Magical Artifacts, which prevented him from detecting them in advance, then how did the ordinary inheritance families and the top powerhouse of Loose Cultivator conceal his three Demi-God realm gods? Search for it!

Thinking of this, Tower Spirit glanced at the Wraith Beast floating in the air, and after flashing a decisive expression, immediately mobilized the Primal Chaos Seal of the Twenty-six Road Tower of the Ontology Domain, and then promoted the three disasters with the Primal Chaos Seal. Demi-God realm’s deities, re-adventurous check five yuan Five Elements Formation.

Maybe it ’s because the mindfulness of using Primal Chaos Seal is too powerful, or it may be because the attention of the Wraith and the Beast are all in the powerhouse of the void. Yuan Five Elements Formation, and then start to carry out a careful investigation.

With his powerful Formation cultivation base, and one of the 40% of the formulas cracked by Huaiyun of the East, Tower Spirit soon discovered the anomaly of the five-element Five Elements Formation method, and finally figured out why he couldn’t find those hidden in advance. Reason for Void powerhouse.

“Great!” Tower Spirit, who quickly withdrew his thoughts, praised Zhen Yuanzi’s method of laying down the formation.

“Tower Spirit, what awesome?” While Tower Spirit praised it sincerely, Yu Haoran also successfully ended the realm breakthrough process. While consolidating the realm of the breakthrough, he couldn’t help asking.

“Yu Haoran, what’s the harvest?” Yu Haoran’s question was not answered for the time being, and Tower Spirit asked in turn with anticipation.

“The state of mind cultivation base, fleshy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power have all been promoted to Wudi Grade 9 Peak Realm. With the combination of Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword, they should be able to exert the power of Demi-God Peak Realm.”

After a little estimation, Yu Haoran replied with some depression and helplessness.

“Unfortunately, my own potential has reached its limit and I cannot continue to improve my accumulation for the time being.”

“Next, if there is no opportunity to increase the potential, we can only use the breakthrough of the cultivation base to impact the successful realm of the ten emperors of Wudi.”

Able to have a perfect cultivation base with ten grades of Martial Venerable, possess a realm of cultivation base, fleshhy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power, Emperor Grade 9 Peak Realm, and have the strength of Demi-God realm.

Yu Haoran’s achievements at this stage can be said to be unprecedented, and there may be no future in the future.

Such an amazing achievement, but still unable to satisfy his ambitions, Tower Spirit had no idea what to say except shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“Well, Tower Spirit, what did you say?”

Depression and helplessness were just a moment’s sigh. Yu Haoran was not dissatisfied with his achievements, so his emotions quickly returned to normal, and his attention immediately returned to the original problem.

“What I said awesomely was the formation that Zhen Yuanzi used to guard his graveyard.”

Tower Spirit, who also sighed inwardly, began to explain in detail why he did not find the powerhouse hidden in the void in advance.

It turned out that Zhen Yuanzi’s original five-element Five Elements Formation method incorporates a part of the essence of the Formation of the Sun and the Sun, as well as several treasures that contain the breath of the duality law.

This led to the entire Huaiyu mountain range seemingly standing in front of the eyes, but it was in a different spatial fault from Heavenly Profound Continent.

This is also the four most powerful powerhouses of Tower Spirit and the Guardian Family.

“Tower Spirit, I also have a certain understanding of the Formation Dao Formation. I can integrate the other Form essence of the Paragon Level in the formation of the original Divine Peak. I am afraid that the real God’s ability cannot be achieved!”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran suddenly had doubts about Zhen Yuanzi’s true Formation Dao realm.

“Actually, not only the Formation Dao cultivation base, but also the realm of auxiliary path of cultivation such as Rune Dao, Shu Dao and Mantra. I am afraid that Zhen Yuanzi has also reached a higher realm.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s skepticism, Tower Spirit reminded expression grave while expressing his inner judgment.

“Yu Haoran, what I’m really worried about now is not the real realm of Zhen Yuanzi’s auxiliary path of cultivation, and whether his own Martial Dao’s cultivation base has been promoted to the Paragon Realm world.”

“If Zhen Yuanzi is already non-existent in the Paragon Realm world, he would never be buried in the ruins of ancient times. The cemetery of Huaiyu mountain range is a trap.”

“So, why did he do this? What did he want from it?”

The information just revealed by Tower Spirit involves too much content, and the problem is too esoteric and complicated.

This made Yu Haoran not know for a moment whether it was time to figure out why the destruction of the ancient period could not kill the Paragon powerhouse, or whether the real and fake mountain range cemetery in front of Huaiyu should be considered.


And at this time, within the mountain range of Huaiyu, hundreds of miles away, there was a sudden burst of scalp, and Divine Soul shivered.

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