Huaiyu mountain range edge!

Yu Haoran, who had accepted the memory of the twelve strongest ancestors of inheritance, was very clear about the ultimate fate of the ancient ancestor witch. !

Therefore, he was very puzzled that Zhen Yuanzi, who was born in the ancient times, could find five ancestors with pure Bloodline.

“Yu Haoran, what is the strongest means of far ancient ancestor witches?” Tower Spirit asked with a smile without answering Yu Haoran’s doubts immediately.

“Of course it’s fleshhy body!” Yu Haoran replied without thinking.

“What is the Valkyrie realm?” Tower Spirit continued to ask.

“Break the mystery of Life and Death and enjoy the way of eternal life!” Yu Haoran continued to respond patiently.

“What is the way of eternal life?”

“Fleshy body is not destroyed, Divine Soul is not destroyed!”

“If Divine Soul is destroyed, can the fleshhy body be retained forever?”

“If saved properly, of course …!”

In response to Tower Spirit’s fourth question, Yu Haoran answered only half of the words and remained silent.

Because he already knew what Tower Spirit ultimately wanted to express, he knew more about the origin of the five ancestral fleshhy bodies.

The ancient Lich battle lasted for more than hundreds of years, during which countless ancestors and monster races died. Some of the forces and powerhouses who peeked at the powerful fleshhy body of the ancestors did not steal the ancestors’ parts may.

Then, Zhen Yuanzi is likely to have obtained the five ancestral witches fleshhy bodies from those forces and powerhouses who have escaped the ancient ruins, and forged into a powerful puppet to guard the cemetery.

The five ancestral witches striding away from the white mist were also under the control of the Formation instinct, ignoring the eastern powerhouse that had gradually occupied the wind, and directly killed the one hundred guardian family powerhouse still floating in the air.

Seeing the five Optima giants rushing over, the sixteen Demi-God powerhouses guarding the family powerhouse’s face changed slightly, and quickly took out their natural Magical Artifact, and greeted their companions behind them, and began to take the initiative.

Although the strength of the five ancestral witches burst out is only the Demi-God realm of the three robbers, the legendary Valkyrie fleshhy body and the formidable power of the fleshy body defense have been carefully transformed to make their flyhy body defense have reached the Divine Item level. .

Therefore, the five ancestral witches ignored the guardian family powerhouse’s attack with the combined attack, and directly waved their palms like the sky, and fiercely slammed the guardian’s one hundred powerhouse.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, the guardian family’s XNUMX powerhouse teamed up to launch an attack, which was heavily bombarded in five bodies.

As a result, the five ancestral witches took a few steps backwards.

However, the attack with five palms waving both palms directly took away the lives of thirty-three guardian family powerhouses.

The Enemy Department Is Not Enemy

“damn it!”

Just the first confrontation, the family powerhouse directly damaged the number of one third, which made the two most powerful powerhouses from the Qing Long Family and the White Tiger family unable to resist the curse of fury.

Subsequently, the two took out two swords of the same level as the Divine Realm, and then rushed towards five ancestral witches in a murderous-looking manner.

Although the sword of the God Realm can break the defense of the five ancestral sorceress’s fleshhy body, facing the huge body of nearly ten thousand meters, three or five Sword Art attacks cannot directly destroy the ancestral sorceress’s core hub.

Sun Kediyuan’s cool match against Yang Yangmo

Therefore, when the two most powerful powerhouses of the Azure Dragon and White Tiger families tried their best to kill five ancestral witches, only one hundred powerhouses guarding the family left only sixteen Demi-God realm. Powerhouse.

“Sister, Brother Chi, protect me!”

When the two most powerful powerhouses of the Azure Dragon and White Tiger families successfully destroyed the first ancestral witch’s core hub, the ancestor witch’s fleety body that was out of the control of the sorceress instantly began to wither, and eventually turned into a pile of white powder drifting In the wind.

But the remaining blood of the ancestral witch fleshhy body appeared in Yu Haoran’s within the body because of the induction between Bloodline.

The ancestral witch blood of Valkyrie realm, even if over time, half of the essence of blood is lost, and the remaining half of the essence energy is an imagination for Yu Haoran, who only has the Emperor Grade 9 Early-Stage. Great energy.

Feeling that the ancestor Witch Bloodline within the body is boiling, feeling that the ancestor witch’s fleshhy body is burning, Yu Haoran knows that his opportunity to cultivate base and strength advanced by leaps and bounds is coming!

Hate the enemy, the cruel enemy hates the loneliness

So, while telling Tower Spirit to rush to arrange the cover-up defense Formula, he told Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast to defend the law for himself.

He then sat down with his knees bent, and then ran Destiny to absorb the essence of the ancestor and witch from Valkyrie Realm.

It has been more than two months since returning to Fengrun City.

For more than two months, in addition to accompanying the Red Tired Beast to impact the cultivation base of the Empire 9’s Grade XNUMX Peak limit, and three battles to guard the left army in the dark, the rest of the time was spent on improving realm and strength.

In more than two months, a large number of black Bai Yu wings were refined with the help of yin and yang. His state of mind cultivation base, fleshy body grade, Origin Force, and Soul Power all successfully promoted to Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Early-Stage. At the same time, he still has not felt the limit of accumulation.

Therefore, Yu Haoran’s first thought was to enhance the grade of fleshhy body when he felt the essence of the ancestor and witch blood of Valkyrie Realm through the destiny mind method.

At the same time, he has a bigger ambition, which is to use the blood essence of the ancestral witches of the five martial arts realm to impact the fleshhy body grade of the perfect realm of the ten emperors.

With the pure energy contained in the blood essence, it quickly integrates into the fleshhy body, and the grade of fleshhy body begins to increase rapidly at a rate that fleshhy body can discern.

In just 20% of the time, the freshy body grade was successfully promoted to the 9th Emperor Wudi Grade.

In just five minutes, the level of fleshy body was successfully promoted to the high season of Wudi Grade 9.

Sun Qiu, Ke Yuan, Independent School

In just ten minutes, the fleshhy body grade was successfully promoted to Emperor Wudi Grade 9 Peak.

However, when he started preparing to impact the perfect realm of the ten-grade perfect realm of the flushy body, he suddenly felt the boiling of Origin Force and Soul Power and the floating of his cultivation base.

Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran immediately stopped the impact of the fleshhy body grade and sighed.

Because he knows that his own accumulation has reached its peak and the potential for stimulation has reached its limit.

Before the self-cultivation base did not break through the Emperor Wu realm, the grade of the fleshhy body could not directly impact the ten real realm.

Although such a result disappointed Yu Haoran, the experience of two generations and his powerful mentality cultivation base allowed him to quickly adjust his mentality and then began to use the pure energy contained in the essence of blood to enhance the mentality cultivation base, Origin Force and Soul Power’s realm.

Looking at the clansman who was blasted into countless pieces of minced meat by the ancestral witch, the White Tiger family’s most powerhouse that has never suffered such a heavy loss, his eyes flashed red and flashed back to the white rock, the sword of the god of hands holding the sword , Directly to the east Huaiyun sitting on the white rock.

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