Rich City, City Lord Mansion!

Sun Dike loves Sun Shuzhan’s lonely early war

According to Liu Jizhi’s memory, Yu Haoran’s silent beheading was qualified to contact the Great Han Empire Imperial Family and the top of Tianxiang Pavilion, but he did not return to the rockery in the stone chamber underneath the tunnel after he did not suspect the five masters of the target in advance. before.

Gently jumped to the rockery, looking at the rich city still covered by black, he was instructed against the Tower Spirit and the 20% body who knew the sea.

“Tower Spirit, brother, trouble you!”

“Yu Haoran, it will only take up to five hours for the 20th percentile to set up the formation with me,” Tower Spirit reminded Yu Haoran before leaving the 20th percentile to leave the sea space.

“I know!”

Understand the meaning of the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran nodded, and then immediately mobilized the Emperor Wu 5’s Grade XNUMX Peak to notify the blue Rong and Han Guangbei hidden in a jungle thousands of miles away, and ordered them to immediately lead an army to launch an attack to occupy Fengrun City .

Then he stood quietly on the top of the rocky hill, waiting for the army of the left army to hunt into the Fengrun City.

Relying on the flesh essence of the blue-bellied whale of the exalted beast, nearly 90% of the elite soldiers have achieved the breakthrough of the cultivation base and realm, which also allows the hundred thousand elite soldiers to force the few elite soldiers with the lowest cultivation base to reach Martial Ancestor Grade 9 Peak.

Martial Ancestor Grade 9 Peak’s cultivation base, with the assistance of medicine pill and Spirit Stone, can maintain high-speed flight distances over ten thousand li.

Therefore, it took only less than half an hour to rush to the left army of Fengrun City by flying, and then it rushed to a position less than a hundred miles away from Fengrun.

At this moment, the horrible momentum formed by the hunting of the thousand thousand elites has already shocked the countless masters of Martial Ancestor Realm in the city, and the city guards on the south city wall.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack, enemy attack!”

“The army is here, run away!”

Fengrun City’s remote location and the blue lake mountain range as a natural barrier behind it have caused the city guards to never think of the day when they will be attacked by the army.

Therefore, after seeing the hunted thousand thousand elite soldiers rushing out of the city, the thousands of city guards guarding the city wall either screamed in panic, or they did not know what to do, or act recklessly vacated Meet.

Watching the response of Fengrun City Guard, Yu Haoran shook his head and was disappointed, and had to admire Qin Emperor’s heart.

In order to ensure the battle strength of each city guard, and also to strengthen the absolute control of the Imperial Family, every year he will mobilize five to 60% of the city guards from different cities to join the wing guards for a period of three Change to five years.

During the change of defense, the most dangerous and sinful tasks are the city guards. This will not only improve the battle strength of the city guards, but also weaken the strength of each city.

“Senior brother Yu, what’s going on?”

As the rockery channel to the underground stone chamber was kept open and the effect of shielding the sound was lost, the torn between the army of the thousand thousand and the city guard immediately alarmed Xiao Jie and the others of the seventh stone chamber.

Leaving the seventh stone chamber hand in hand, passing through the underground passage to the outside of the rockery, watching the deafening tearing sound of the city gate on the south side, the extraordinary Xiao Jie could not help but complexion changed, and quickly looked up at Yu Haoran, who asked the rockery.

“Xiao Junior Sister, as a descendant of the Xiao family, one of the four Shi Family of Imperial Capital, can’t you guess!” Yu Haoran asked with a chuckle, looking down at Xiao Jie, who was full of doubts.

Yu Haoran asked with a chuckle, making Xiao Jie’s lovable body tremble slightly, and her eyes were immediately shocked and replaced by questioning.

“Senior brother Yu, no matter whether it is the number of top powerhouses or the overall strength of the empire, our Great Han Empire must far exceed your Great Qin Empire. Is your Emperor Qin crazy, and dare to take the initiative to attack our Great Han? Empire. “

“Xiao Junior Sister, the plan to fight your Great Han Empire is not only my decision, but also the master of the fight.”

Yu Haoran replied with a smile and motioned to Xiao Jie to go to the rockery.

“Xiao Junior Sister, based on your experience, is the idea of ​​fighting the Great Han Empire too risky? Will the final plan succeed?”

“Senior brother Yu, don’t you think your question just now is funny?”

After glancing at Yu Haoran, Xiao Jie pointed at the location of the Great Han Empire capital and said proudly.

“Although the territory of my Great Han Empire is not as good as yours of the Great Qin Empire, the East’s territory is far better than the South’s world’s spiritual energy and cultivation resources, and the complete inheritance of sect and family power, so that our overall strength is at least ten times stronger than yours. Not to mention the number of top powerhouses. “

At this point, Xiao Jie’s mouth slightly tilted, and expression was taunted with a slight disdain.

“The goal of the Great Han Empire is undoubtedly the dragon pillar shaking the stone pillar. Some are too overestimate one’s capabilities.”

“Xiao Junior Sister, how do I feel the final result of the battle, but my Great Qin Empire can completely replace the Great Han Empire!” Not at all Because of Xiao Jie’s taunt, Yu Haoran was a little bit angry, his face still faint Smiled back.

Yu Haoran’s gentle response like a breeze, but Xiao Jie couldn’t help but changed the complexion.

Because she suddenly thought of the City Lord Liu Zhiji of Fengrun City, the princes who held their own weight, the Imperial Family, which had eroded to their roots, and was immediately disappeared without a trace.

However, Xiao Cong was taught the idea of ​​patriotism and loyalty to her, so she instinctively wanted to tell the senior family members what was going on.

The hatred of Qiu Yuan’s hatred and the hatred of Sun and Mo Yang

So that the family and the Imperial Family can take precautions in advance, they can defeat the ambition of the Great Qin Empire to fight in the Eastern Regions, and also take this opportunity to ring the alarm for the Imperial Family.

But when she had just started mobilizing Origin Force and Soul Power and was planning to perform a special secret technique, Yu Haoran’s indifferent warning came from her ear.

“Xiao Junior Sister, if you still want to leave Fengrun City smoothly and return to the Imperial Capital Xiao family safely, it is best to put away some unrealistic ideas immediately, otherwise, I don’t mind letting you return to the stone chamber Iron cage. “

Yu Haoran’s warnings and threats made Xiao Jie feel a little scared, and she obediently stopped the secret technique being performed, but she didn’t blame the other party for threats.

Because she knew that as the Prince Consort of the Great Qin Empire, when facing the problem of leading the army, she must give priority to the interests of the empire.

Seeing Xiao Jie giving up the secret technique of contacting the top of the family without resentment, Yu Haoran was deeply nodded, and then he said to XNUMX people including Qing Si under the rockery.

“In order to ensure that the army can successfully occupy Fengrun City and take good defensive measures, I hope you can spend five hours quietly in this other courtyard.”

“After five hours, whether you want to use the secret technique to contact your family or leave Fengrun City.”

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