Rich City, City Lord Mansion!

In the fifth stone chamber, there are dozens of mind and martial skill books, and hundreds of old and new jade slips.

There is not much time to view the contents of books and jade slips for the time being. Yu Haoran directly uses the divine thoughts to send all the books and jade slips in the stone chamber to the space of understanding sea, and let the Tower Spirit review and rearrange them on his behalf.

Hou Kedi’s enemies are inspected by the enemy

Exit the fifth stone chamber and step into the sixth stone chamber.

After looking at the arrangement in the stone chamber, Yu Haoran frowned, as there were thirteen iron cages made of black iron in the sixth stone chamber.

Its eight iron cages were it’s empty, and one person was held in each of the five iron cages.

But unlike the seventh stone chamber, the person in the sixth stone chamber is the soft and soft man of each and everyone.

That’s right!

It’s a woman’s body that needs to be soft, and a woman is still a ecstatic man.

Although I know that some nobles of Heavenly Profound Continent like male style, but that’s just hearing, never really seeing it.

Now, witnessing the five eyes in the iron cage with autumn waves, the ten fingers clasping the iron cage are bright white as jade. Yu Haoran subconsciously imagined that kind of picture. The nausea that suddenly appeared in his heart made him almost vomit. come out.

The ship is not innocent and hates Mo Yang

With no heart and mercy, he rescued the iron cage. The five charming and charming men, Yu Haoran expression, exited the stone chamber with a slight panic, and closed the stone gate of the stone chamber.

Closing his eyes, thinking carefully about Qin Lingfei’s tenderness and tenderness, the abdomen Longyang’s tendency to slowly raise his head makes him sighed in relief.

Because while feeling nausea in the nausea, the urge to touch the other person’s skin appeared in his mind to see if their skin was smooth and soft.

Fortunately, he was not bent, or a straight man!

The enemy’s enemies are directed by the enemy

Sun Haoan, the enemy of the enemy, is pointed at the star by the enemy. Therefore, Yu Haoran not at all is worried that the deafening roar sound will shock the people of the City Lord Mansion.

Glancing at the sixth stone chamber with a lingering fear, Yu Haoran did not look back over the seventh stone chamber, and reached out to push open the stone gate of the eighth stone chamber.


Not far away from the school

Chu Di Yuan Ku Sun Shu from the Cold War too I



At the moment when the stone gate of the eighth stone chamber was just pushed away, three deafening roar sounded immediately.

Fortunately, whether it is a stone chamber used to turn off the pressure or the space at the end of the channel, it is made of special materials, which is not only sturdy and durable, but also has the effect of shielding sound.

Therefore, Yu Haoran not at all feared that the deafening roar sound would alarm the people of the City Lord Mansion.

After stepping into the stone chamber, he found that the space of the eighth stone chamber was much larger than the other seven stone chambers.

Hou Jiu, the enemy and the enemy, investigate the war and investigate the enemy.

At the same time, a total of three huge iron cages are placed in the stone chamber, and a huge strange beast is pressed in each of the iron cages.

The blue-spotted tiger of the fifth-order sacred land Grade 1, the channeling sparrow of the fifth-order sacred land Grade 1, the black source python of the fifth-order sacred land Grade 1, watching the three strange beasts inside the iron cage, Yu Haoran slightly Frown.

Like ordinary beasts in front of the three-tiered, five-level sacred realm, it is not suitable to be a beast pet signing a beast pet contract, so what is the purpose of Liu Jizhi to suppress them?

“Yu Haoran, if I didn’t guess wrong, these three strange beasts should be the ingredients for cooking.”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s frowns, Tower Spirit guessed smartly.

“After all, the blue-spotted tiger is the best animal in the tiger system. The channeling sparrow is called the living Phoenix, and the black source python is also called the living Dragon Race.”

“Tower Spirit, I have used the soul searching secret technique to check Liu Jizhi’s memory. If these three strange beasts were used as cooking materials, I would not have doubts.”

Shaking his head to deny Tower Spirit’s speculation, Yu Haoran walked to the blue-spotted tiger while explaining the reason for the denial.

“Because of Liu Jizhi’s memory, the eighth and ninth stone chambers were created by the Artifact Refining Master of Tianxiang Pavilion, and no one is allowed to enter the stone chamber, including him Liu Jizhi himself.”

“So, he didn’t know if the eighth and ninth stone chambers were used for and so on.”

Due to the demon power within the body and Soul Power being sealed, the blue-spotted tiger, although whispering a demonstration of roar, did not have any threat.

After smashing the iron lock with Sword Immortal’s scabbard, he strode into the iron cage, stunned and stunned him at the blue-spotted tiger, and then began to examine his body carefully by using divine thoughts.

When Shennian found the three small lives being born on his abdomen, a terrible thought flashed through his mind. Yu Haoran immediately mobilized Shennian to look at the abdomen of the channeling finches and black source python, and found that they were also breeding new life.

Without any hesitation, he immediately exited the iron cage, exited the eighth stone chamber, and appeared in the ninth stone chamber.

When he saw the wooden frame of the ninth stone chamber, with XNUMX milk-white beast eggs and dozens of weird-shaped strange beast bodies, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly gloomed.

“What is this?”

Seeing more than a dozen dead beast corpses, not only looked weird and ugly, but also had a messy atmosphere, which made Tower Spirit unable to help but frowned.


Fate not succeeded in learning to take the cold enemy’s worst enemy

Stepping forward to a corpse of a tiger, snake, and thin tail, Yu Haoran said with a somber expression.

“Using a specially made medicine pill, Bloodline’s dominant male tiger beast, forcibly possesses two, three, or several female alien beasts, and finally a mixed-breed alien beast.”

“Good means!”

Yu Haoran’s explanation led Tower Spirit to immediately think of the red-blooded beast, which was also half-blooded. He was truly impressed by the amazing approach of Tianxiang Pavilion.

Sun Dike learns to study alone in a warship

After Sun Dibu ’s lone school war, Yueguo Xue, shook his head and denied Tower Spirit ’s speculation, Yu Haoran walked up to the blue-spotted tiger while explaining the reason for the denial.

After all, as long as they can train mixed-blooded beasts, and sign a beast pet contract while they are just born.

Well, as long as you are willing to cultivate your blood, it won’t be long before you can have a terrifying helper.

Tower Spirit’s inner thoughts are also the important reason why Yu Haoran’s face is gloomy and watery.

Regardless of the past life or the present life, he has never really looked at the Tianxiang Pavilion with commercial inheritance. Otherwise, he would not be able to use Pill Dao to directly destroy the cultivation base when there is only a warrior realm. Tiantian Pavilion is located in the branch of Xianyang City.

But looking at the eighth and ninth stone chambers, Tianxiang Pavilion’s hidden methods are far beyond imagination.

Perhaps the means and strength that Tianxiang Pavilion truly possesses, not only has far surpassed the other two Chambers of Commerce, it may even not be lost to the ancient inheritance families like Shang and Zhou.

It seems that in the future, when facing Tianxiang Pavilion, we must raise our vigilance and avoid falling in the sewer under careless circumstances.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran waved a dozen strong palm winds, directly destroying all the beast eggs and strange beast bodies in the stone chamber, and then exited the ninth stone chamber.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the eighth stone chamber again, and also used the palm wind to kill the three-sixth-tier sixth-order imperial realm Grade 1 and left the ground space silently.

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