Rich City, City Lord Mansion!

Hearing Yu Haoran’s time for laissez-faire, Xiao Jie asked in his heart, lightly trembled. Product W ()

“Senior brother Yu, does it really only take five hours!”

Hou Keke Complex Complex

After the Division of Science and Technology Sun Chacha Moon Moon Star Wars

“Yes, five hours!”

At the same time of nodded confirmation, Yu Haoran went straight up to the city gate.

Looking at Yu Haoran who quickly left the rockery courtyard, Xiao Jie’s eyes showed a trace of struggling expression, and her slender ten fingers raised slightly.

However, when Yu Guang looked at the passage to the underground stone chamber, she finally couldn’t help sighing, and then put down her ten fingers she had just raised.

“Why are you following me?” As Yu Haoran rushed to the city gate, he accidentally found Xiang Muling behind him, which made him have to stop and ask.

“You are good to me, and I will protect you!” Xiang Muling replied very simply.

“Mu Ling, I don’t need your protection,” Yu Haoran slightly refused frowns.

Not to mention that Xiang Muling’s cultivation base only has Martial Sovereign Grade 1 Early-Stage. He has no ability to protect himself, and he neither needs it nor likes being protected by a girl.

After distant revenge, I got through the ball

“You are good to me, and I will always protect you!”

In the face of Yu Haoran’s rejection, Xiang Muling, who is a kind-hearted person, looks like a little child, repeating her point of view.

Turning to see Xiang Mu’s spiritual eyes Childlike clear eyes, thinking of the tragic life she experienced, the softness that emerged from the heart instantly made Yu Haoran unable to bear to continue to refuse her to follow, only to remind him with a mild voice.

“Okay, then you pay more attention to safety!”

“I see.” With the consent of Yu Haoran, Xiang Muling was immediately nodded.

Seeing Xiang Muling as if he had not grown up, Yu Haoran couldn’t help sighing, and then took her to the presence of Lan Rong and the others.

“Pay respects to Prince Consort!” Lan Rong and several other generals immediately paid knees on one knee.

“Let’s get up!” Yu Haoran signaled with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he put a smile on his face and expressed a majestic instructed expression.

“General Lin immediately led the soldiers and horses of the headquarters to completely block Fengrun City. They were not allowed to enter or leave within five hours.”

“Subordinates get orders!”

When Lin Xiangrong got up, he took nearly XNUMX horses from the headquarters to block Fengrun City.

“General Li, General Yuan, immediately led the headquarters to kill all the remaining city guards in the city.”

“Subordinates get orders!”

Li Quanqing and Yuan Shihai also got up on command and led more than XNUMX horses murder-looking to kill the city guards who flee.

“General Qi immediately led the headquarters to appease the emotions of the people in the city.”

“Subordinate proud!”

Qi Wei Xian immediately got up and dispersed nearly XNUMX horses in the headquarters to do soothing work.

Invincible Ghost Enemy

“General Blue, attack City Lord Mansion!” Pointing at the position of Beicheng, Yu Haoran instructed Lan Rong.

“Subordinates get orders!”

After getting up, Lan Rong drew a sword that symbolized the status of Great General, and yelled at the remaining XNUMX elite soldiers.


More than XNUMX soldiers at the same time took out the birth of the Magical Artifact, his roar exhausted.


With the deafening roar sound, more than XNUMX soldiers flew into the City Lord Mansion just like the rolling waves.

Ignoring the actions of Lan Rong and the others, Yu Haoran chose the tallest tower in the city.

Sitting on the top of the tower with curved knees, while blocking the area within the radius of ten thousand li by using divine thoughts, alerting to the threats that may occur at any time, while continuing to use the yin and yang different fires to refine the black Bai Yu wings, to improve his realm and strength.

Xiang Muling, who was right behind him, stood quietly on the side, a picture that would never leave half a step.

The red hated beast that completed the assassination mission early, in order to avoid meeting with the kindhearted Qing Si, has been staying in a separate house of the City Lord Mansion.

Immediately after seeing Yu Haoran sitting on his knees, he appeared at the top of the tower.

Ignoring Xiang Muling who was standing aside, he sat down with his knees bent, and continued to realize the baleful qi of Slaying Immortal Sword, while waiting for instructions.

City Lord Li Jizhi and most of the city ’s Martial Venerable and Martial Saint powerhouse were killed, and the city guards and family forces immediately fell into chaos without heads.

Facing the well-trained left army, facing the murderous-looking thousand thousand elites, in just one hour, the elite masters of the fifty thousand city guards and more than ten Wan Family clan were either directly ruthless The beheading is either thrown into the death row by the seal cultivation base and strength.

At the same time, under the command of experienced generals such as Lan Rong, the hundred thousand elite soldiers will perform their duties, quickly occupy the important positions and gates of the city, and in the shortest time, appease the people who have taken the opportunity to escape from Fengrun City. .

Time passes by every minute!

The chaotic Fengrun City gradually calmed down, and Yu Haoran at the top of the tower slowly opened his eyes.

Di Yuan Qiu Ke Fang kicked the ball

In less than five hours, Tower Spirit, with the 20th percentile, had successfully arranged the Sun, Moon and Stars Formation and Attack Formation without encountering any changes.

“Yu Haoran, these two jade slips record Sun, Moon and Stars Formation and attack formation manipulation methods, and you can just hand them to Lan Rong and the others.” Return to Tower Spirit, who knows the sea space. While throwing two jade slips, warned repeatedly.

“Brother, go!”

After reaching out to take two jade slips, Yu Haoran turned his head and signaled to the Red-Beasted Beast, and then headed for Lan Rong and the others of City Lord Mansion.


Yu Haoran frowned slightly, looking at the marginal lake and small islands around 1000 meters away.

After the enemy’s hatred, he hated Leng Fanggang

“Tower Spirit, how can I reach the Mermaid’s Nest?”

After successfully occupying Fengrun City, Yu Haoran kept his promise and allowed Xiao Jie and the others to leave Fengrun City smoothly.

Subsequently, he waited for another seven days in Fengrun City.

At this point, he needs to wait for the dragon to successfully refining the first Divine Beast corpse and assist it with Tower Spirit to put away another eight Divine Beast corpses.

Secondly, he also needs to give the Great Han Empire a bloody lesson, so that the Imperial Family and the Ministry of Defense of the Great Han Empire know that the occupied Fengrun City has completely changed its surname and is now his Yu Haoran’s private territory.

In seven days, Fengrun City encountered a total of five attacks from the Great Han Empire.

Among them, the three attacks were assaults from Emperor Wudi and Martial Venerable realm powerhouse, but they were all beheaded and killed by the team he and the Red Giant Beast.

The other second attack was a siege by the army, which was killed by Lan Rong and the others with a hundred thousand elite soldiers, and coordinated with Tower Spirit’s attack Formulation.

Perhaps it was because of the failure of five attacks that the Great Han Empire knew that Fengrun City was already a difficult bone, and that it needed to convene more troops.

It may also be that the loss of the six emperors and seventeen Martial Venerable realm powerhouses was too severe, which caused the Imperial Family of the Great Han Empire to feel the pain and intend to completely abandon the remotely located Fengrun City.

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