Depressed Fairy

Chapter 527: Tracing the origin of cause and effect to know the rise and fall, and the human heart f

Under the influence of the unknown, countless causal connections are transmitted back along the spiritual thoughts. It feels like a river pouring back.

Even if it has happened in the past, due to the characteristics of this world, everything you do must leave traces of cause and effect. Following these traces is like following the vine, and many things in the past are like seeing them with your own eyes.

Just like now, under the resonance of Chen Yuan's thoughts and the remains of the ancient gods, his perception of time was biased. Suddenly, nearly a year had passed. Everything that happened in the year was now connected with cause and effect. , feedback came to Chen Yuan’s heart one after another.

And because Chen Yuan's will resonates with the ancient gods' relics, it has expanded and extended mightily, and has touched the edge of the jade monument world. Therefore, not only the shape, outline and distribution of the entire jade monument world are like a blurry world Generally reflected in his mind, many things that were causally connected to Chen Yuan in the past period of time were also clearly presented.

Many causes and effects are either parallel or intertwined. Each cause and effect involves many things, big or small, like branches. The thickest one among them is entangled with many branches of cause and effect, like hundreds of rivers converging on it. Like rivers, they contain the most intense conflicts.

When Chen Yuan concentrated on his thoughts, the content inside gradually unraveled, allowing him to understand the reason.

The root of everything is Chen Yuan's foundation in this world, the source of cause and effect that he temporarily added - Chuanyin Pavilion.

When Chen Yuan entered the secret realm of Kunwu Mountain's forbidden area, he did so under the name of the third founder of Chuanyin Pavilion. Not only did he defeat the formation protecting the mountain, but he also met with two senior members of the Sword Alliance and made them suffer. A big loss.

And when Chen Yuan entered the forbidden area and was in a daze for a year, Lian Jian, the original master of the Sword Immortal Projection who had suffered a loss, undoubtedly became the protagonist of this era.

It turned out that Chen Yuan had been dormant in the world of jade tablets for a long time. He took the incarnation of Black Lotus and traveled around various places to explore the local customs and customs. He also heard about the name of the Immortal of Yunxiao Lianjian.

This person is a true immortal. Because he is a sword cultivator, he is best at fighting enemies. His illustrious and fierce reputation has long been known in this world. However, compared to the ancestor of Yunxiao, Chimei, the name of Lianjian is mostly given. Yes, there is not much planning ability.

Nowadays, the Yunxiao Sword Sect is about to flourish, and the Four Saints with Two Spirits have emerged. On the contrary, this has taken away a lot of the momentum of the Lianjian Immortal.

But he didn't expect that this person would actually hide his secrets!

He seemed to hold a grudge against Chen Yuan for being defeated. After being repelled, he did not rush back to the forbidden area immediately. Instead, he remained silent and lurked. It wasn't until half a year later that Chen Yuan couldn't help but walk out, and Lian Jian suddenly took action!

If you don't move, it will be a blockbuster!

"This person actually managed to win over all three sects and four sects in half a year. In addition, he also contacted several casual cultivators and major cultivator families to form a cultivator alliance. There are indeed some tricks! However, what is unpleasant is that this person is using my name to win over all parties and contact people. "

To put it simply, Lian Jianxian connected the sudden appearance of the third ancestor of the sound transmission with the devil, saying that he was the reincarnation of the devil ancestor and the devil king! This time he reappears in the world, it means that the devil has entered his heart and wants to act against heaven!

If it were other sects, such rhetoric might not necessarily have much influence, but Chuanyin Pavilion was infected with demonic energy and demonic nature due to the blood sea. It had long been regarded as a demon sect reserve, so it declined and was annihilated. , now the sword immortal of Yunxiao Sword Sect came forward to call, and there was an immediate response, and then became more and more eager.

In just three months, a special team was assembled from all major sects. Its main purpose was to search for the "remnants of the message transmission" from that year.

"I don't know how the Lianjian Immortal organized and connected people behind the scenes. It is said that among the people he has attracted, there are many rising stars who are born with great luck, and the Four Saints of Two Spirits are among them. Having said that, it will not take more than a year. When they arrived, the destined sons of luck were gathered. This Yunxiao Sword Sect really has some luck. "

With Chen Yuan's current knowledge, he can naturally imagine that his appearance is actually a huge variable for the world of jade monuments, which may lead to disasters or a large number of causes and effects. Chen Yuan's choice to go straight to the Kunyu Forbidden Land is undoubtedly a A direct act of detonation.

"Under such circumstances, either the situation will turn into chaos and calamity will appear everywhere and will explode, or someone will take advantage of the situation and turn this calamity into an opportunity to boost luck and make it even stronger! Now the Yunxiao Sword Sect is borrowing This opportunity for the third ancestor of the Sound Transmission to appear in this world is obviously to take advantage of the general trend, which can be regarded as a clever move. "

Since the destiny has been triggered, it is natural to have a place to vent, so over the past few months, the search for and punishment of the remnants of the sound transmission have become more and more unscrupulous.

It stands to reason that the Chuanyin Pavilion has been destroyed, the inheritance has been cut off, the documents and classics in the sect have long been scattered, and even the disciples have died, escaped from the world, escaped from the world, faked their own death, and disappeared. However, under the search of the team led by Lian Jian, he quickly captured a bunch of relevant people, imprisoned them all, and sealed the town into the Sword Prison deep in Yunxiao Mountain.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Sheng, the old man Chen Yuan met in Kunyu Mountain City, was also among them. He was even captured by Lian Jian himself, his cultivation was sealed, his foundation for immortality was abolished, and he was even personally escorted back. In the middle of the journey, he also used Sun Sheng's layout outside the mountain to lure Chen Yuan away.

It's a pity that Chen Yuan was in a trance and thought about it for a year, but even if it didn't happen, he wouldn't have rashly come forward because of it.

"Having said that, the reason Sun Sheng was able to survive in a city and pick up people's memories to maintain his long-term vision was because the promises and agreements made by the major sects to Chuanyin Pavilion at that time involved the Taoist heart and Taoism. The sect is in chaos, and there are still many former Chuanyin Pavilion disciples who have benefited from this and have been blessed. Why are they all suddenly arrested? Are these people not afraid of the backlash of the Dao Heart Covenant? Or is there something else inside? The reason I don’t understand?”

Thinking like this, his spiritual thoughts followed the causal connection and extended towards Sun Sheng's location.

After all, Sun Sheng had personally come into contact with Chen Yuan, and the cause and effect between the two was quite strong. Therefore, through this connection, Chen Yuan could even follow the clues and look towards the deepest sword prison of the Yunxiao Sword Sect!

It was a place shrouded in clouds and mist, with overlapping mountains and lush greenery, quite a bit like a fairyland on earth, but there were no birds in the sky, no animals on the ground, and everything was silent and lifeless.

Because the water vapor that turned into clouds and mist was not naturally generated, but was all transformed by sword energy!

"Amazing! There is such a realm of swordsmanship!"

Upon noticing this, Chen Yuan's heart moved, and he followed the cause and effect and looked deeper, and he felt that there was a breath of heaven and earth in the sword energy!

"The method of false heaven? Huh?"


In the depths of countless drizzles and mist, a pair of tightly closed eyes suddenly opened!

Suddenly, the water vapor all over the mountain suddenly changed, turning into infinite sword energy soaring into the sky!

The sword energy not only pierces the present and here, but also pierces the heart and the past!

Outside the Sword Prison, the disciples of the Sword Sect who were guarding here were shocked and turned around. When they saw the Lingyun sword energy, they all felt their eyes stinging, blood and tears streaming from the corners of their eyes, and they all wailed and screamed.

"This is the Chunyu Sword Intention, which connects the universe and cannot be looked at directly!"

A scolding came from a distance, but it was the "Lian Jian" sitting on a rock peak outside the Sword Prison who reminded them.

Awakened by these words, many Sword Sect disciples quickly looked away, lowered their heads, silently recited the Xuan Gong Sword Art, and guided the invisible sword energy that they saw with their eyes and grew in their hearts to disperse outside their bodies!

Click! Click! Click!

Suddenly, there were cracks on the ground around each disciple. It was evident that they had channeled the sword energy from their bodies, damaging the surroundings.

As for "Lian Jian" who reminded them, he raised his brows and realized the change in the situation: "It's time for Chen to come out of seclusion. In the past few time reincarnations, this person will have some achievements in the transformation of the ancient gods." Harvest, and the earliest time I led people to attack directly, I fell on the spot before meeting him. But the time before this, after this person came out of seclusion, he sensed the location of the sword prison through the causal link, so he led the attack. The visual investigation stimulated the sword devils guarding this place, so I pushed the sword devils out of the mountain to fight with them, and even gathered the power of righteousness, but in the end I still failed! "

As soon as he thought of this, "Lian Jian"'s eyes flickered, and memories that did not belong to this timeline were recalled in his mind.

"However, this also let me know this person's trump card. He can activate the power of the ancient gods' relics, and can even draw out the ghosts and immortals in the relics and turn them into minions and servants! Therefore, simply gather the righteous path In fact, the power is not enough, and more targeted power is needed! The ancient gods' relics were able to be sealed off because of the three forces of good and evil: the righteous path was sealed, the evil path was shaped, and the evil path was isolated! This trump card is gone, and we must regroup the power of the three paths!"

Just as he was thinking about it, the sword intent and sword energy that soared into the sky had already rolled back, gradually disappeared, turned into a downpour, and fell, wiping out the little bit of vitality that had re-emerged in the forest!

Immediately, a wisp of sword energy came through the air!

"Lian Jian" raised his hand and grasped the sword energy at his fingertips. With a pinch, it shattered into pieces.

"Jian'er, your swordsmanship has reached this level, which really surprises me."

A slightly hoarse and low voice sounded, and a ghost-like figure appeared from the depths of the dense forest. It seemed like a projection, but also like a real person. Its outline was distorted and erratic. Especially its face, it was not clear and could only be vaguely discerned. It can be seen that his face is covered with a pale ghost mask.

This person is the Sword Devil. Even among the Yunxiao Sword Sect, he is very mysterious. Unless he is a true disciple of the inner sect, he will not know about this person.

After he appeared, he asked in a cold and steady voice: "There is someone watching, and his cultivation level is very deep. If the sword ghost raised by me hadn't already penetrated the secluded world, he might not have been able to find it. Such a method is extraordinary, but what you said The third ancestor of the Demon King?"

"Lian Jian" was not surprised by this person's appearance, and nodded: "It should be this person."

"In this case, we might as well follow his thoughts, go back to the past, and nip this devil in the bud."

"There is no need for this." "Lian Jian" then shook his head, "This person has some tricks, unknown trump cards, and is vaguely connected to the outside world. His unabashed exploration this time may have another agenda. We should not act rashly. , to prevent falling into a trap. For the present plan, we should take steps to accumulate strength, and finally crush the evil heretics with a thunderous strike!"

When it came to the end, he was upright and full of righteousness.

"Since you are taking the lead in this matter, I will naturally obey your instructions. However, the person who spied on is so arrogant and rude. He must be taught a lesson!" Jian Guizi said this with a sword light in his eyes. Surge and be ejected by his fingers!


The sword light disappeared in a flash!

Chi chi chi——

Threads of cause and effect broke, a few strands of spiritual thoughts shattered, and then a sword light shot out from the void, pointing directly at the eyebrows of Chen Yuan's black lotus incarnation, but at the last moment he raised a finger to block it.

At the same time, in the bottom of his heart, a sharp, violent, and cold sword energy suddenly erupted, and it was about to turn from the inside and kill the Black Lotus Soul!

However, at the next moment, the Black Lotus Yuanshen held various projections of the divine treasures in his hands, suppressed the sword energy on the spot, and collected it into the realm of the divine treasures. He sealed it off, understood the internal and external aspects, and understood the subtleties in the blink of an eye.

"What a sword of heaven and earth and people's hearts. It cuts the heaven and earth apart with a tangible sword and nourishes people's hearts with an invisible sword. It seems to be a majestic and righteous way, but in fact it has ghost ways! No wonder Yaoyao was able to be noticed by that person just by probing. And launched a counterattack! With such a level of cultivation, coupled with the fact that he is a swordsman in charge of killing, his combat power is probably close to that of Fudexian! I wonder what his identity is in the Yunxiao Sword Sect, and whether he is the legendary Red Eyebrow Master. . However, if you are the head of a sect, especially the head of a sect whose fortune is about to flourish, the leader of his sect may not be alone..."

At this thought, Chen Yuan's heart moved slightly.

"Counting the Dao Sect Sword Immortals banned by me, there are already four true immortals in the Yunxiao Sword Sect alone. Didn't someone say that there are four immortals in the Yunxiao Sword Sect? Could it be these four people? Is there anyone hiding there? Or is it that the Dao Sect Sword Immortal and the Ghostly Sword Immortal are just hidden immortals? There are two true immortals hiding at once. The Yunxiao Sword Sect has a grand plan, and I’m afraid it’s not just about a temporary prosperity..."

After thinking about it, Chen Yuan gathered his spiritual thoughts and followed the cause and effect of the third ancestor of the sound transmission, and got feedback from many people -

"The Chuanyin Pavilion is dead but not dead. The so-called third ancestor suddenly appears and disturbs the peace of the world. He deserves to die!"

"What about the third ancestor of Chuanyin? Several dead members of the ruined sect were arrested, but their ancestor didn't show up. Could it be that he is too timid to show off?"

"The voice is possessed by demons, and their clan is the root of chaos. Now that they appear, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse..."

"The Demon King has reappeared, and he is still the legendary third ancestor of sound transmission. We may have a chance to fish in troubled waters and sit quietly..."

"Before my grandfather died, he never forgot about his master and wanted to return to the gate. Now that the grandmaster has reappeared, I wonder if he will re-establish the gate and recruit our descendants and disciples!"


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