Depressed Fairy

Chapter 526: The inner and outer spirits are inseparable, the inner and outer are either real or vir


Chen Yuan suddenly had an idea.

After feeling the true blood in his body appear, it began to flow, extremely active, and in a blink of an eye, it was transmitted to all places of the black lotus incarnation!

Perhaps because the main body was not far from here, or because it had experienced the resonance baptism of the ancient corpse, this time the true blood rune easily manifested on the surface of the black lotus incarnation, exuding an ancient, thick and powerful aura!

"Who is it! Dare to sneak attack someone!"

Opposite, the sword immortal of the Dao Gate felt the danger, suddenly opened his eyes, and then his face changed drastically, surprised and angry!

Unfortunately, before he could respond, Chen Yuan's palm print was like a landslide, directly shattering the sword energy gushing out of the sword immortal's mouth, and then sealed it on the spot!

One was a hasty response, and the other was a full-strength display, the outcome was obvious.

However, at the moment when Chen Yuan's palm, which contained the Heavenly Dao Dharma and the True Blood Rune, fell, countless ghostly voices of demons came out from the dark body, and then runes and symbols emitting golden light appeared on the dark body!

"What is this?"

Chen Yuan's heart was shocked, and then he felt a burst of clouds and mist, and then his will, along with the flying of the True Blood Rune, made contact with a huge body.

This familiar yet strange feeling made him stunned and surprised.

And then, his divine consciousness was like getting an amplifier, and began to expand rapidly, one inward, one outward, and the one outward, in a blink of an eye, exceeded the scope of this incomplete realm, rushed out of the Kunyu Mountain forbidden area, and spread to a farther place!

"Resonance!? Similar to the ancient corpse, it is also affected by the glowing inscription. Could it be that the remains of the ancient god are also related to the Pangu clan?"

Chen Yuan suddenly became interested. With his spirit lifted, he knew that the opportunity was rare, so he gathered his thoughts, eliminated distractions, and focused his attention on the resonance. Following the connection, his mind slowly synchronized with the huge black body.

The runes in this body gradually became clear, resonating with Chen Yuan's true blood runes, maintaining a strange connection.

The black lotus incarnation was immediately drawn into the inside of the black body!

Chen Yuan once again felt the feeling of controlling the ancient corpse before!

However, what he took control of this time was more mysterious. It seemed that this huge black body was not a specific body, but a group of spirits and souls. The feeling of incompleteness and incompleteness similar to the ancient corpse was even stronger and more exciting!


In doubt, a certain idea popped up in his heart, and then he put aside all distractions, concentrated his mind, and explored in depth.

He first felt that there was a world contained in the dark body.

That world was twisted and weird, seemingly bizarre, as chaotic and changing as people's thoughts, especially the time changes involved in this world, sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

Chen Yuan could clearly feel that in this world, tens of millions of creatures were distributed everywhere. In addition, he also noticed that there were several extremely strong wills located at the edge of this world, constantly exerting influence inward.

The world is like water, and these wills are like stains, infecting the entire world, using their own colors to cover the original luster of the world.

"Is this the chaotic world I experienced before? The speed of time has changed like this, there must be a big problem, but..."

Different from the previous experience of a thought being absorbed and giving rise to an incarnation of thought drifting in this hazy world - before, he seemed to have experienced a lifetime in it, although his magical powers remained the same, and he was like a passer-by playing around in the dust, not staying in a certain place, but traveling alone in the world, after all, he was in the mountains and couldn't see the whole picture.

At this moment, Chen Yuan's consciousness was high above, like a rising sun, shining on the whole world, and his will, like the sun, was really spreading in every corner of this world, and he saw the appearance of this world more clearly -

This is a cave world wrapped in a circle of water.

The entire cave is a complete continent, vast and rich, divided into seven or eight landforms, and has bred many ethnic groups and countries. The most powerful country has unified the north of the continent and established a vast dynasty empire, and is sharpening its sword to annex the four seas and unify the world!

Chen Yuan also has an impression of this dynasty, and with the help of his magical eyes, he has seen the cause and effect entanglement in it - after his thought was born into this world, he spent a strange and confusing world travel record. He once met an aspiring scholar from a small country. The scholar was weak at first, and after being bullied by bandits, his family was destroyed, and then he gave up his pen and joined the army.

"I remember that the scholar's surname was Zhao. The blood of the royal family of the Dayu Dynasty contains the aura of Zhao the scholar. It should be the blood left by that person. I just don't know how long it has been since I withdrew my thoughts."

In theory, it was just a moment before, and Chen Yuan's thoughts sank into it, and he experienced a long time, but the time in this world is distorted and unpredictable. Now that Chen Yuan has withdrawn his consciousness, killed a void world master, and comprehended an ancient corpse, ten years may have passed in this world, or a hundred years may have passed.

"I have to wait until I distinguish them carefully before I can know the difference."

Thinking of this, his attention turned to observing the structure of the entire realm in this huge black body——

The water flowing at the edge of the cave is not an ocean in the ordinary sense, but like a river. Although it is wide, you can see the edge at a glance and see the chaos outside the world.

However, this water flow is extremely turbulent, and it also contains a returning power originating from this world. It leads directly to the reincarnation of the netherworld in this world. Once it is contaminated, it will perish and there is no way to escape.

Not only on the edge of this world, but also on the outer layer of this world, there is also a strange air flow that covers the entire world like a cover. It has the same effect as the water flow, making it impossible for any living being to enter or exit.

"No wonder, before I just entered with my will, I felt a little dizzy. It must have been affected by these chaotic air currents. If the physical body or the incarnation wants to enter, it may be even more hindered, and even flesh and blood will be turned away by this air flow! "

Even though Chen Yuan is now beyond the scope of the Qingjing Immortal under the combined effect of several heavenly methods, but after coming into contact with the ancient corpse and several former Yuan treasures, he has realized that above this quietness, in fact, There are many dangers and disasters, but it is not something that can be done without worries if one's combat power transcends the peaceful level.

Of course, relying on his own strong foundation and some characteristics of the true body of Heavenly Dao, even if he entered with his will, he would only be slightly weak at most and not be affected too much. In contrast, the will of the Dao Sect Sword Immortal and other Sword Sect disciples can only exert influence on the inside through the chaotic airflow at the edge.

"This world is really weird. The real bodies of these foreign immortals cannot enter, and their wills are wandering on the edge. However, they can transmit information, tokens, objects, and even skills and sacrificial techniques related to themselves into the world through dreaming, sustenance and other methods. In the domain, let the creatures in this world practice, and after leaving traces, they will feedback the incense and wishes, but this incense..."

He concentrated on sensing and confirmed that many incense were rising. After being purified and influenced by the chaotic airflow, they had suddenly lost the emotional thoughts in them. They no longer had the characteristics of guidance, paranoia, and chaotic thoughts, leaving only pure thoughts!

"Good guy! There is a saying that incense is poisonous. When ordinary gods are worshiped by people, they will be polluted by the thoughts and emotions of believers in the incense. Eventually, they will gradually lose their identity and tend to the image created by believers. But the incense in this world It has been purified to such an extent that even if it is ingested by people who cultivate immortality, it will not be polluted and affected like the gods worshiped by people. Instead, it can be turned into spiritual material, continuously strengthening the mind, character, and even strengthening the soul. Enhance your understanding, no wonder the Taoist Sword Immortal was so addicted to it that he even relaxed his vigilance and didn’t notice my approach!”

Understanding this, Chen Yuan thought back to the Sword Immortal and Sword Sect disciples who had gathered together, and felt that these people had gathered together to swallow the Five Stone Powder.

"I don't know whether they were so immersed in it after their recent discovery that they didn't even report it to their respective sects, or whether they discovered from the beginning that coming here to guard the forbidden area is tantamount to further study, retreat, and understanding of the mysteries in disguise."

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan's heart moved and he went deeper into this world.

Perhaps because of the resonance between the runes, he had a closer connection with the body of darkness, so this time his will penetrated into the world more smoothly, and he immediately noticed the changes in the long river of time and the power of time. , almost in the breath, there are signs of the passage of times!

Chen Yuan realized that if he did not control it, the inner world would soon have to go through another ten years or even decades!

And when he had the idea of ​​"wanting to stop the acceleration of the times," the confusing world that was about to lose control like a wild horse suddenly stopped, and everything seemed to be about to stop!

At the same time, a mysterious and unpredictable feeling filled Chen Yuan's mind, causing his body and two incarnations to be in a trance at the same time. After an unknown period of time, Chen Yuan suddenly woke up!

While frightened, I was even more surprised to find that the blurred world in front of me seemed to have stopped and time stood still!

However, when he realized it again, he realized that the world did not stop, but that time passed very slowly. If he did not distinguish it, there would be an illusion that time had stopped.


He was not surprised by these changes, but confirmed his suspicions.

"The runes resonate and thoughts take over. The ancient corpse controls a huge body, and the dark body transformed by the remains of the ancient god is more similar to the aggregation of souls and thoughts. The confusing world in his body is not so much It’s a cave, but it’s more like a dream! A real dream that includes history, reality, creatures and many other ingredients.”

After realizing this, Chen Yuan's thoughts changed, and he felt that his understanding of this confusing world was getting deeper and deeper, and he had a vague illusion of controlling and manipulating it, as if he wanted to become the way of heaven in this world. But he immediately understood that this was not that he was going to transform into Heaven, but that he was beginning to control the remains of the ancient gods just like he controlled the corpses of the ancients.

The essence of the ancient god's relic is the way of heaven in this confusing world. The huge black body in the outside world is just some kind of appearance, some kind of...


Such a name suddenly burst out from Chen Yuan's heart, and at the moment of enlightenment, some thoughts and ideas that had appeared before but were suppressed and dispelled by him resurfaced in his mind——

"The ancient corpse is extremely huge, spanning tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles, and is wider than many caves and heavens. By chance, I resonated with it, and my will briefly took possession of it. I was able to control its body, and I felt the sensation in its body. There is a surge of death energy, but otherwise there is no life, and the whole body is like an empty shell. "

"Although this ancient god's corpse is also huge, it does not exceed the starry sky. Compared with the ancient corpse, it is still somewhat lacking. That's why I first felt that the two are not the same clan, but two relatively close ancestors. But looking at it now, the appearance of this ancient god's remnant is more like a shadow, a kind of protection and support, and the real core lies inside, a world constructed like a dream!"

"Of the two, one tends to the real material, and the other focuses on the illusory spirit, but they both show the kind of radiant inscriptions that can resonate with the power of my true body of heaven, and then lead my will to temporarily take over. Control. And those who are connected by will can feel that both are incomplete."

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan's eyes burst out with a strange light.

"One is real matter and the other is illusory spirit. They are both incomplete and have something in common. Is there a possibility that the two are actually a whole, separated by special reasons or methods! After all, the legacy of the former Yuan Dynasty There are not many, and such existences should be even rarer. There may be two inexplicable reasons. After all, this is essentially a forbidden place for the ancient clan!"

As soon as he thought of this, his heart suddenly beat loudly. This was not caused by agitation, but because of the inexplicable force that enveloped his body!

I thought they were of the same race at most, but now looking at it, they might be of the same mind!

"Is there any method that can reunite the two? In that way, we may be able to get a glimpse of the true power of this clan, especially since it is somehow related to my true body of heaven. Maybe it can be used as a reference to perfect this clan. True body method!”

Thinking like this, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

But at this time, there were many more feedbacks in Chen Yuan's perception, but it was the outwardly expanding spiritual thoughts that suddenly gave feedback——

That divine thought had suddenly touched the edge of the jade monument world. Not only did it discover many secrets and mysteries, it also brought information that surprised Chen Yuan.

"Nearly a year has passed?"

Suddenly, he understood.

"Just now, my body and two incarnations were affected at the same time. When I came back to my senses, this confusing world was almost stagnant, but in fact the impact was more than that. Unknowingly, I lost the perception of time! If my body was not located in In the Dongxu Sea, the white lotus incarnation sits on the ancient corpse, and the black lotus incarnation merges into the remains of the ancient god. The situation is quite dangerous! "

In an instant, he understood the feelings of the Taoist Sword Immortal just now.

But in addition, there is a drastic change in the outside world, which is affecting three sects and four sects. At this time, it is also reflected back by divine thoughts.

"The Yunxiao Sword Sect actually wants to eliminate the remaining descendants of Chuanyin Pavilion under the banner of exterminating demons and protecting the Tao?"


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