Depressed Fairy

Chapter 528: Public opinion causes confusion, spirit hurts the ghost's heart

"This is really Feng Ping's persecution."

After gathering these comments and returning, Chen Yuan shook his head helplessly, but his mood did not fluctuate. When his cultivation reached his level, what he pursued was to go further. As for people's words and rumors, they were no longer important unless they could affect his own cultivation. the way.

For him now, it is his task to comprehend and understand the remains of the ancient gods, find the connection between the dark remains and the ancient corpse in the starry sky, and try to recombine the two to gain further power. The primary goal now.

Go for this goal, others...


Just when Chen Yuan was thinking about it and wanted to laugh off those disparaging words, the will that was vaguely aligned with his was to allow him to gain the power to temporarily control the remains of the ancient gods as if he were living in an ancient corpse. Suddenly, Time fluctuates!

"Something's wrong! Is this... the discussion of that group of people affecting the causal foundation I implanted in this world? It has further caused my status in this world to be turbulent, and it actually seems to be somewhat rejected by this ancient god's relic! ?”

In just a moment, Chen Yuan understood the root cause, and was surprised in his heart!

"This gossip can really affect your practice!"

While he was excited, a warning sign suddenly broke out in his heart, and then a strange black shadow roared over, rushing out of the blurred world and heading straight towards Chen Yuan's will, which was rejected and shaken by this world!

The cold ghost spirit! Cold murderous intent! Powerful supernatural power!

It was a hand with sharp nails, pointing directly at Chen Yuan's will that penetrated into the blurred world!

But the next moment, Chen Yuan's thoughts were like fire, and a ghostly face appeared from it. When he opened his mouth, it was a projection of the fantasy god!

That thin ghost hand quickly retracted like a snake and a scorpion!

Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation to calm his mind and looked at the visitor——

But he is a skinny man with white hair and a young face, but he exudes the aura of vicissitudes of life, and his whole body is even more gloomy, entangled with many cold auras. The place where he is is surrounded by ghosts and monsters!

A strange aura that is compatible with ghosts and ghosts is floating in all directions!

There is an unspeakable aroma of incense lingering all over the body, wrapping the body and limbs like a chain!

Ghost Lord!

Chen Yuan recognized the other party's identity instantly.

He had entered the tangled world several times, and had long since discovered that there was a local Taoist immortal named Ghost Lord in this world.

This ghost master was also Chen Yuan who sensed from afar that day, another true immortal besides the Taoist Sword Immortal. This person's face was full of murderous intent, his breath was cold, and the death energy was rising all over his body, but he There is a gathering and dispersion of spiritual energy, which is quite a bit like the unity of heaven and man.

But outside of this harmonious atmosphere, the rhythm was disrupted by a scent of incense.

Although Chen Yuan was rejected, he still resonated with this world. At this time, with a glance, he noticed something special about this ghost master——

"This person's ghost energy is as transparent as glass, and there is more spiritual energy flowing through the whole body, which is consistent with the heaven and earth, and the foundation is even more consistent. This combination of Tao and Immortal Technique does not look like a breakthrough, but is similar to a return. It is clearly the path of the innate Taoist body. only……"

He glanced at the scent of incense on the other person's body and couldn't help but frown.

"If you are born with a perfectly good Taoist body, why do you want to practice the incense Taoism for no reason? Could it be that you don't know that incense is poisonous and can stain your innate Taoist body? It's like buying a coffin for a pearl!"

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan took advantage of the situation and asked: "What do you call me, and why did you take action for no reason? There should be no grievances and no enmity between you and me."

The ghost master said coldly: "You hurt my best friend and you asked me why I took action?"

"Your best friend?" Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes. He was confused twice before and after. Although he had experienced some fighting, he had always controlled the level of cultivation and had never touched the enemy in the true immortal realm. How could he hurt him? A close friend?

Unless this person's best friend is not of high cultivation, and their friendship is not based on personality or cultivation, or...

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Yuan immediately asked: "Is that Taoist Sword Immortal your best friend?"

"That's right! Fellow Daoist Hu helped me to understand my mind, let me know my intention, and even led me to the avenue of incense, so that I could awaken my true self in this confused world and become a true god. He was a great favor to me in teaching me to become a Taoist! But! How can I tolerate being harmed by you, a traitor!"

The ghost master failed to succeed in his attack, and quickly distanced himself from Chen Yuan. His eyes were full of alertness and fear, but he was obviously not ready to leave just yet.

When Chen Yuan heard what the other party said, his expression became strange, and he said: "You said it was him who led you into the incense and fire path? Do you still regard him as a close friend?"

"Not bad!" The ghost master with a gloomy expression, although he was full of ghost energy, seemed to have a sincere thought. Hearing the words, he did not doubt anything else and said: "The sword master is a good man. Although he comes from the fairy world, he is I don’t have any sectarian views, and not only do I have no secrets about the extremely precious Shinto method, but I also help me practice!”

He spoke more and more at this moment. Although he was hostile to Chen Yuan, he also took it seriously and knew that he had an equal status with himself. Instead, he revealed a lot of information: "You people in the immortal world don't know, in this confused world, how can you think about it?" How difficult it is to practice! If you are not careful, you may be eroded by the world of mortals. If you are not careful, the power of sorrow and joy in the world will disappear in an instant, and may not remain for hundreds or thousands of years! Therefore, if you practice hard in this confusing world, whether you can overcome obstacles and advance step by step depends on luck! If you are lucky, you will not see bad luck, and you will be walking on thin ice; if you are not lucky, thousands of years of hard work will be gone. All!"

There was a look of reminiscence and regret on his face: "There are actually a lot of natural monsters like me, but after all, they are only a few who can truly practice. Too many people have fallen along the way, and I He was supposed to be next, but thanks to the help of the sword master, his fate was reversed! How could he ignore this great kindness? What's the point of giving up this body?"

"You are kind and righteous, but it's a pity that you helped count the money after being sold." After hearing this, Chen Yuan shook his head and sighed, after all, once an honest person has little knowledge, it is indeed easy to be deceived.

The ghost master was angry: "What do you mean? Not only do you practice on my best friend, but you also use words to slander him?"

Then, he grabbed it with one claw, and there was a gloomy atmosphere, with ghosts crying and wolves howling. Under the stimulation and support of Xiang Huo Ren Nian, the shadows of countless ghosts transformed into countless ferocious and twisted monsters. Each one was between reality and reality, possessing With power at least as high as the Yangshen level, he roared like a tsunami and rushed towards Chen Yuan with his teeth and claws bared!

"Sure enough, if you want both parties to talk calmly, you still have to convince the person first."

Sighing again, Chen Yuan's will rolled around in that confusing world. Although he was killed due to Feng Criticism and was vaguely rejected by the ancient gods, even the causal foundation of his existence in the world of jade tablets was shaken because of this, but in the end he was Even though the lotus roots were broken, he was still able to interfere in this world. At this time, he used his authority to collect enough essence of heaven and earth from this side of the world.

Immediately afterwards, under the unbelievable gaze of the ghost master, Chen Yuan wrapped a ray of will with the essence of heaven and earth, and condensed a spirit body!

Immediately, the body's mysterious power circulated, resonated with the heaven and earth, and then absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. In an instant, it broke through its own natural shackles, and its aura suddenly expanded, bursting out with unimaginable power!

He grabbed it with one hand!


The countless ghost figures that swarmed in were instantly shattered, and even the ghost master was hit by the aftermath, causing cracks in the innate Tao body mixed with incense and human thoughts, and even the cultivation base in the body was instantly severely damaged, and the momentum fall!

But he no longer cared about this, looked at Chen Yuan in surprise, and said tremblingly: " did you do it?"

"Have you ever thought that your original path of cultivation should be smoother? Not only would you avoid detours, but you would also have a chance to recover those fellow travelers who fell on the road?"

While Chen Yuan was speaking, the body of the spirit that had just condensed and temporarily reached the level of a true immortal was cracked everywhere and was about to collapse.

"The reason why you ended up like this is because you took the wrong path from the beginning and used the wrong method. Or, once you took this path, your achievements were too high, so you were faced with many disasters. Of course, you may have suffered many disasters one after another. Falling down is itself a part of spiritual practice.”

He glanced down at his shattered hands and shook his head: "Sure enough, the temporary body cannot last because it does not have a complete structure. The creation of a world and a spirit is indeed not a simple matter."

"What do you mean?"

The ghost master's heart was completely confused.


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