Depressed Fairy

Chapter 523: Shattering the Ancient Outline and Chiseling Open the Chaos World

When the terrifying existence who claimed to be Taikoo Xu Zun saw clearly that the person opposite was waving his hands as if swatting a fly, trying to swat him completely inside, he actually had no intention of taking action and turned around and ran back towards the teleportation array. !

As a result, the teleportation array was barely opened by the Void Realm Master in a difficult time. For this reason, he did not hesitate to suffer backlash and forcibly separated his will from the void assimilation. He was already traumatized and could not maintain the teleportation array at this time. The formation picture became blurry for a while!

That ancient Xu Zun pounced, but it was all in vain!

"Zheng Xuyou!"

The face of the ancient clan suddenly changed, and he immediately glared at the Lord of the Void Realm angrily: "You have indeed betrayed our clan! I said at the beginning that you have a rebellious streak in your life and cannot be trusted. It is indeed the case today! I have found the remains of the Pangu clan, After being able to control it, he actually planned to surround me and kill me! He is not the son of a man!"

But even though he scolded him, it didn't affect Chen Yuan at all.

Chen Yuan was not surprised at all that the Lord of the Void Realm summoned an ancient clan over, and was even a little excited!

"It just so happens that while we can still maintain the operation of the huge ancient corpse, we can capture this ancient clan with a rich background and interrogate it. Even if it doesn't work, it can be used as a magic weapon to advance in the Palace of the Void King. The foundation!”

Unfortunately, as soon as he thought about it, the ancient Void Lord who had missed the teleportation array made a quick decision and dissipated his form directly, turning into a wisp of time thoughts, and finally disappeared!

The other party actually reversed time and space directly, reversed the foundation of his existence in this time and space, and completely obliterated it!

But even so, there was still an afterimage that was caught in Chen Yuan's hand.

However, at the last moment, he still said something -

"Wait, Zheng Xuyou! No one from your Youxu lineage can escape! Don't even think about escaping punishment!"

In the blink of an eye, the words were whispered, and the person disappeared without a trace, leaving only the Void Realm Lord with a face full of astonishment and horror.


Even if Chen Yuan controls the power of the ancient corpse, he cannot keep it.

"Being so cruel to yourself? Are you directly erasing your own existence from the long river of time without leaving any traces? Completely committing suicide in one encounter? That's not right. The ancient clan can play with time. Maybe he just wiped out his own existence. , erased from these two eras, but its essence still lives outside the timeline.”

Many thoughts passed through Chen Yuan's mind, and then he thought again: "Speaking of it, the background of this ancient clan seems to be quite big. To be able to be pulled over by this half-step Taixuan void master as a rescuer, his magical powers must be amazing. , but after one encounter, he simply left after seeing the ancient corpse. Could it be that he was afraid of this corpse? Moreover, he used such a straightforward method because he was worried that any trace of his existence left in the river would be traced and pulled out. "

Thinking like this, Chen Yuan became more and more curious about the ethnic group behind this ancient corpse.

"It's a pity that although I can temporarily control this body with the help of the power of runes, in the final analysis I am still scratching the surface and can only use it roughly. The deeper racial talents and magical powers cannot be used. Even if this ancient clan really leaves traces in the history of the era, There is no way to investigate for the moment. After all, is this an empty shell with some tricks to scare people away? If there is a fight, there may be some troubles. "

Thinking about it this way, the situation in front of me seems a bit like an empty city strategy.

But Chen Yuan immediately felt that another white lotus petal in his body was dimming, and the few runes left in the ancient corpse to maintain connection and control also burned quickly like firewood, with only five left.

"Let's think about these things later. The time is almost up. It's time to send this world lord on his way."

On the opposite side, the Void Realm Master also recovered from the shock of the ancient Xu Zun's actions. After noticing Chen Yuan's gaze, he showed anger, the seal on his hand changed, and seven magic weapons flew out from behind him!

Hook sword, cattail leaf fan, jade seal, bronze drum, black mirror, black brick, gold staff!

The magic weapons flew around, each releasing brilliant brilliance, and finally formed a huge figure in the sky, holding down a starry sky, exuding the aura and artistic conception of reversing time and manipulating time!

Shadow of the Ancients!

This is undoubtedly the master of the void world's method to keep the bottom of the box, but no matter how he struggles, facing Chen Yuan at this moment is not enough.

If it were the master of the Heavenly Law Body, there might still be some twists and turns, but now...

With a wave of his hand, he tore the ancient phantom apart, directly grabbed the remaining ray of ancient will bred in it, and condensed it into a pitch-black bead. Then it fell down and was caught by Chen Yuan, and then he darkened it with a backhand palm!


The void shattered, the will fell, and merged with the void world lord!

Then, the giant hand closed.

The body of the Lord of the Void Realm gradually solidified, and he broke out and escaped several times. Now that his trump card was gone, he was no longer able to resist, so he fell down. At the moment of solidification, signs of petrification began to appear on his body.

"The methods of this Void Realm Master are really closely related to the Ancient Clan. Although one of them is gone, with this ray of will, there may not be no gains."

During this process, Chen Yuan further developed a connection and resonance with this ancient corpse, and slowly figured out some of its operating techniques.

Therefore, he did not look at the changes, but looked up at the Void Realm Lord who was gradually turning to stone, and said: "If the Realm Lord has such a background, such a background, and such a great ambition, why would he betray the clan? I said before When I heard you talk about the future of humanity and the creation of an era, I thought that you were really an idealist who wanted to pave the way for humanity. Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a hypocrite who talked about benevolence and morality and seemed to be sanctimonious. But considering that you are an inhumane after all, it doesn't seem to matter. Moral burden..."

"What do you know? In the era of humanity, I am a member of humanity. I have been reincarnated for seven generations and have a human body engraved on it. I also have the right to stabilize humanity and control the common people!"

At this time, the Lord of the Void Realm calmed down, with a look of regret on his face and an air of incomprehension. He looked at Chen Yuan with a little pity in his eyes: "Don't think that you can defeat an ancient tribesman. It’s amazing. The Taikoo people with the same level of cultivation just now are not considered the top among their entire group! Even among the top Taikoo people, they are ordinary! In other words, you don’t know how powerful the Taikoo clan is. I don’t know what I’m facing!”

His eyes turned slightly, scanning the ancient corpse that had calmed down and returned to lifeless silence, feeling the deathly energy re-filled within it.

"This Pre-Proterozoic corpse is indeed powerful and belongs to a tyrannical ethnic group in the past, but after all, it is only an external force and cannot last! Moreover, such a powerful person is now just an incomplete corpse. You don't need to think about it to know that it must be from the ancient times. The actions of one clan! Such a powerful race is still no match for the ancient clan. It is the defeat of that great clan! Do you think the human race really has any hope of winning on the battlefield? "

The Lord of the Void Realm showed a mocking smile: "The Ancient Clan has great magical powers. Even our human race, which is inferior to them, can have the opportunity to control and control this ancient corpse. Do you think the Ancient Clan will not be able to control it? No. , they must have more ancient corpses like this, and maybe they destroyed this ethnic group just to refine them into mounts for conquering the stars!"

Chen Yuanqi asked: "Did the Taikoo clan tell you these?"

The Lord of the Void Realm calmly shook his head and said: "Of course not, but based on my understanding of the ancient clan, it is not difficult to deduce the truth."

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes and seemed to understand something. He asked with a half-smile, "So this is your understanding? You have an ideological stamp on the ancient clan and think they can do anything. It's a disease. However, this can also explain why, given your circumstances and status, you betrayed the Human Era."

"Betrayal of the Human Era?" The Lord of the Void Realm smiled proudly, "I think you still haven't figured it out yet!"

Now that things have happened, he is talking happily, and even looks at Chen Yuan with a hint of ridicule and sneer: "Do you think the Human Era can really fight against the Taigu Clan? It is the battlefield power of the Era as mentioned by several Taixuan saints. Blinded by this! The Humane Era, two eras, two eras, how powerful it is! Even in the eras of other ethnic groups, there may not be two eras, nearly three hundred thousand years!"

He was sighing, but suddenly the conversation changed and his tone became much lower: "However, the human race has insufficient human support. Faced with the supervision and prosecution of the Taikoo clan, they do not look for the reasons within themselves, think about what is wrong, and do not work hard to strengthen their own conduct. I am happy about the new era, but I feel that the ancient clan is unreasonable and wants to suppress and oppress the human race!"

Raising his head, the Lord of the Void Realm looked at Chen Yuan and asked sternly: "How weak is the Humanity Clan compared to the Ancient Clan? What is there for the Ancient Clan to plot? Are they really worried about the rise of the Human Race and how can they be on par with the Ancient Clan? It's simply It’s a fantasy! Therefore, the best way is to find a way to maintain goodwill and reverse the disaster caused by the first few Taixuan monks who did not know how to challenge Taigu!”

"Oh?" When Chen Yuan heard this, he narrowed his eyes and asked: "You clearly want to be a subordinate of the ancient clan, but you don't know how you can usher in a new era with this kind of mentality?"

The Lord of the Void Realm said: "The Venerable Taizu of the Taigu Clan has promised me. I only need to sort out the Human Era clearly and hold accountable those people in the clan who were bewitched and harbored ill intentions towards the Taigu Clan. Then I can gain their forgiveness." , and even the Ancient Ones will return a Humane Era Dao Fruit that was originally stripped away, and hand over a Blank Era Dao Fruit to me to open up a path!"

Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of astonishment and weirdness on his face: "Are you following the path of the Curve Era? It's just that since you have inherited the infinite will of the void for countless years, you are so naive to believe in these nonsense? They dare to say it, do you dare to believe it? "

"Sad!" Half of the body of the Lord of the Void Realm, most of which has been petrified, shook his head and sighed, "There are naturally some twists and turns in this. How difficult it is to achieve such conditions, and in the end, there is the Dao Heart Covenant to prove it! In the end, Ultimately it’s up to me to be at the helm.”

When Chen Yuan heard this, he looked disappointed: "I thought what kind of person the Void Realm Master was described by Senior Xuan Zun, but I didn't expect him to look like this. It's really not as good as being famous after meeting him. You are so thoughtful, Falling here is considered a result, so you don’t have to continue struggling and become a clown in the future.”

"You think I'm going to die?"

The Lord of the Void Realm, who was all petrified from the neck down, laughed: "I have been here since ancient times, before the beginning of the Human Era, and I have existed in this world. For hundreds of thousands of years, I have smiled and watched the clouds roll and relax, and that is what I am today. You seal the town, the void is endless, and my will is immortal. Sooner or later, you will come back, but when the time comes, I don’t know whether you will still be alive. After all, your heavenly cultivation seems to be powerful, but it is actually within the scope of understanding. Within, if it weren’t for the presence of this ancient corpse today, let alone capture me or force me to leave, even if you want to compete with me, it would be difficult! After all, Void is me!”

As he spoke, he said seriously: "But whether you are here or not, when I return, I will continue my great cause and help the human race get out of trouble as soon as possible!"

Immediately, his whole body was completely petrified and he was about to fall into the depths of the void. However, the will within him did not dissipate. Instead, he showed signs of returning to reincarnation in the void.

But that's it.

"You have such great ambitions, such a powerful background, and such a powerful backing. So, do you see that I am just an incarnation here?"

Chen Yuan smiled faintly and made a seal with his hand!

The hole in the soul within the body suddenly trembled, and the projection of blood and runes emerged again, but this time it was not simply to strengthen a certain part, but to outline the outline of the body, blooming into the three heads and six arms of the true body of Heaven!

The outline expanded instantly, completely enveloping the white lotus incarnation!


In an instant, the many petals remaining in this white lotus incarnation dimmed one after another, and finally only two remained!

But the ancient corpse suddenly shook, and the last two runes inside it exploded after being consumed!


The next moment, the ancient corpse resonated with the projection of the real body of Tiandao, and then the real body reached out and grabbed it. Wherever it passed, the void shattered, everything turned into chaos, and it directly grabbed the will that was about to fall into the slumber of reincarnation!


The Lord of the Void Realm suddenly woke up, followed by an unbelievable emotion!

"You... are just an incarnation? The real body has never been here? This power... is the same as that ancient corpse! It is... destroying the foundation of my existence, shaking... shaking the connection between the void and me, impossible! This is impossible! Impossible! This..."


Following a burst of fragmentation, the void structure of this star field completely collapsed. The Lord of the Void Realm, who wanted to use this as a foothold to return to the reincarnation of the void, appeared again, but this time he was blurry like clouds, as if a gust of wind was blowing. They will all fall apart.


His blurred face was no longer indifferent or cold, but instead had a look of pleading.

"I...I can't die yet, not for myself, but for the Human Era. If I die..."


Grabbing it with his hand, the clouds and mist dispersed, leaving no trace.

Chen Yuan took back his hand, trembled all over, and turned to look behind him.

The huge corpse stood in the starry sky at this moment, and the originally dim runes on its body began to glow faintly.


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