Depressed Fairy

Chapter 524: The remnant is taken from the traceless, and the hundreds of scenes come from fate.

Chen Yuan had a vague feeling of strangeness in his heart, and he seemed to see many fragments of scenes again in a trance, but when he concentrated on investigating, all those changes disappeared.

Slowly collecting his thoughts, looking at the mess around him, feeling the various changes after the void was broken, and the starry sky that had been torn apart in the fierce battle, he felt surprisingly calm, and there was something in his thoughts. A bit of a sign of transformation.

It's as if the dust in your heart has been swept away during practice, and the external demons infecting your soul have been exterminated!

With a thought in his mind, Chen Yuan gathered back the released spiritual thoughts. The perception in his heart actually strengthened a lot, which improved his understanding of the starry sky and the void.

"It turns out that there are all living things in the starry sky and outside the heavens and worlds, which actually represent reality and existence. On the contrary, all things in the sky are empty, vast and silent, which is actually nothingness and illusion. Therefore, the starry sky The foundation of eternal existence is material, and even the true body of heaven cannot obliterate it. The same is not true of void, which is more similar to spirit and virtuality, so my true body of heaven can distort and destroy it, but..."

He turned around and looked behind him. The huge ancient corpse stood in the starry sky, silent and motionless, as if it existed forever and was immortal!

"Even the current Heavenly Dao True Body can only operate at its full strength at most to touch the foundation of the void and shake the appearance of its existence. But with the help of this ancient corpse, it can tear apart the starry sky and destroy a large area of ​​the starry sky with just a wave of its hand. !”

Because the flood runes stored in this ancient corpse have been burned out, Chen Yuan's connection with it has also been interrupted. He can no longer use his eyes to see the stars, nor can he directly control this body to attack enemies.

However, there is also a strange pulling force lingering between the two, making Chen Yuan realize that as long as he transmits his thoughts again, he can connect his will again, take possession of the ancient corpse, and drive its power, but...

"Although the ancient corpse is just a corpse and can no longer express the true power before birth, its realm is definitely far beyond imagination. Even if the body is only left with death energy, its essence is still higher than my realm. I can only simply borrow its power. And even so..."


Suddenly, Chen Yuan's projection of the real body of Heaven wrapped in the white lotus incarnation suddenly collapsed, and streams of strong death energy rushed out from the incarnation, even impacting the stability of the entire incarnation, and corroding the foundation of the magical power that maintained the incarnation!

The death energy that escapes from a few of them will break through the space as soon as it touches the starry sky, penetrate into the void, and breed the twisted and incomplete prototype of the underworld!

"Such a strong death energy, if it is pulled by magical powers, can even create a world of underworld out of thin air! But this kind of world is too uncontrollable, and it must contain the characteristics of this ancient corpse! Once it gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous! It's me My mysterious body is here, and it is not easy to absorb this kind of death energy. I am afraid it will take a long time to plan, and if you are not careful, you may be backlashed by the death energy. Not only that, you have just mastered the ancient spirit in a short time. The corpse just added some triviality to my thoughts..."

Feeling the strange whispers that kept echoing in his mind, Chen Yuan realized that controlling the ancient corpse was not all good. The more times he did it, the longer it took, and there might be some unexpected dangers that were hard to predict.

After gathering up the scattered death energy and sealing it with the Void King Palace, he pondered for a moment, then pulled out another ray and passed it through the hole in the soul to his body.

After a few breaths, he smiled.

"Although it is a bit difficult, it can indeed be refined and accommodated, but the speed is slow, but it is very effective in improving the body. Even originally, we could only increase the strength of the true body of Heavenly Dao by gathering the essence of Heavenly Dao. The nine-turn mysterious body has already It’s almost reaching the limit, and it’s hard to make any progress, but if..."

Chen Yuan's heart moved, he narrowed his eyes, and the ancient corpse was reflected in his eyes.

"If I can refine all the death energy in this ancient corpse, can I create a tenth turn of the mysterious body that has never been seen in the Corpse Analysis Chapter?"

As soon as he thought of this, his mind immediately became active.

"Not only that……"

In a flash of thought, his eyes swept across the surface of the ancient corpse, and dim runes came into his eyes. When his eyes touched them, he immediately felt dizzy. This is because he has the foundation of Tiandao's real body, and at the same time he has interacted with this ancient corpse, and has a certain degree of immunity and resistance. If others suddenly see it, it is hard to imagine what will happen.

However, after calming down and calming down, Chen Yuan expelled the dizziness and recalled the shapes of the few runes he had just seen, and gradually gained some results. Especially his body under the Dongxu Sea. While comprehending, he also mobilized a trace of death energy that he had just refined to outline the shape of the runes in his body.

Soon, a similar rune took shape in his heart, and it conveyed a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception, allowing him to understand the meaning of this rune. It was a content that was difficult to express in words, and there was some mystery in the chaos. , but one thing is very clear, it is harmless to his true form of heaven.

Therefore, in a flash of thought, he actually introduced this talisman into his arm.

Suddenly, there was another glowing rune in his left arm!

"It really works!"

Seeing the rune gradually disappearing under the skin, Chen Yuan's eyes changed, and he thought: "While consolidating my realm, understanding the many runes on the ancient corpse may shorten my time to condense the complete body of Heavenly Dao." time!"

After confirming this, Chen Yuan's views on the ancient corpse became more positive, and he had many more ways to use the corpse in his mind, but before that...

In the starry sky, the black lotus incarnation suddenly turned its hands. A wisp of ancient aura gathered and dispersed in the left hand, and an ancient afterimage in the right hand was faintly about to collapse.

"This time I fought against the Void Realm Master, and I actually gained a lot. Although he jumped out suddenly, since the battle with the Monstrous Lord, I had expected that there would be a battle. It was best to hurry up sooner rather than later, and now I have to Get what you want.”

"The origin of this person is indeed not simple. He is also deeply hidden and has a profound background. If I fight him completely with the incarnation, I may not be able to keep him. Even if the real body comes over and can kill him, if it is an oversight, say Maybe he would be reincarnated and lurk, and then he would pop up again and be disgusting. Fortunately, by chance, with the help of the ancient corpse, he can be saved once and for all. "

"The Lord of the Void Realm is deeply involved with the Taikoo Clan. If we dig deeper, we will definitely be able to unearth a lot of information. Although he died, he left a lot of things behind. Moreover, as the master of a realm, the Void Realm Zhongding There is a lot hidden. However, I have too many trivial matters and time is running out. I really can’t be distracted by this. I’d rather leave it to others to dig deeper. Just let me know the reason later. What’s more, compared to digging deep into the void, I have nothing to worry about. Things, but don’t give in too much, you can get a lot of information.”

In a flash of thought, Chen Yuan suddenly put his two hands together!

Suddenly, the auras of the afterimages intertwined and slowly condensed, outlining a blurry figure!


There were bursts of splashing sounds all around, as if the long river of time was turbulent with falling rocks. Many fragments and traces from the past gathered together, slowly condensing into a blurry and incomplete silhouette.

The silhouette was in pieces and was about to disintegrate the moment it took shape, but Chen Yuan slapped the afterimage aura forward in his hand!


The three suddenly combined and finally stabilized, forming an incomplete outline, swaying like a candle in the wind.

The next moment, this incomplete outline suddenly became clear, and it suddenly came to life!

"Huh? How is it possible? I have clearly wiped out the foundation of existence in this era of humanity, so why was a projection thought forcibly taken in? Where is I? Why is there no arrangement? Who are you?"

Finally, he turned his attention to Chen Yuan, instinctively wanting to activate his magical power, but then he found that he had been completely sealed off. He immediately understood: "Did you forcibly condense this projection of my mind? And you arranged the seal in advance?"

"It seems to be a ray of projection that has no connection with the main body, but normally, all incarnations and projections should be unified by will and have no independent self. Therefore, the performance of this projection proves that the ancient Xu Zun is real. Only by erasing the traces of one’s own existence from this time period of the Human Era would such a hole be left.”

Chen Yuan squinted his eyes and looked at the other person, and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, your body has already fled and even erased its own traces, but although he has been hiding, after all, he is facing this era and this era." The time period has had some impact, especially on the Void Realm Lord. Now that I have destroyed the Void Realm Lord and captured his remaining aura and destiny fragments, I can use him as the axis to destroy you, the ancient Void Realm. The traces of your influence on this world are gathered together and condensed into your projection!"

"What did you say? My true body escaped? Also, you killed Zheng Xuyou? Impossible!"

The incomplete projected will immediately retorted, but then he noticed the ancient corpse!

"Pangu tribe!?"

"Yes!" Chen Yuan clapped his hands and laughed, "This is what I want. It seems that you know a lot of things, so you can just tell me!"

The incomplete will said coldly: "You want to get information from me? Maybe you don't understand..."

"Perhaps I don't understand the true terror of the ancient clan? That's almost it. The one who just said something similar is no longer a scumbag." Chen Yuan waved his hand and interrupted him directly, "However, I just condensed your projection. I know there’s something weird in there, so I’m not in a hurry, just stay with me for now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he ignored the other party at all, and regardless of whether there was any response, he pointed his finger at the Xuwang Palace and sealed it directly inside!

The ancient corpse stood tall on the sky and the earth. Once it appeared, it seemed to become the protagonist of the starry sky, attracting all eyes and attention. Therefore, the Void King Palace was not so conspicuous. However, after swallowing this incomplete will, the entire palace trembled. Resonate with the void behind the starry sky!


Chen Yuan's heart suddenly moved, and he came up with a guess——

"The body of this will claims to be the Ancient Void Lord. He is very familiar with the Lord of the Void Realm, and naturally has a close relationship with the Void. Now that he was sealed off by the Void King's Palace, could it be that he accidentally planted a willow and got some feedback? ?”

His spiritual thoughts extended along the resonance connection, and then he looked strange, and then he stretched out his hand to grab it!


Amidst a burst of shattering sounds, another space collapsed, and then the rich chaotic aura broke through the boundary like a whirlpool, and was pulled by him to fall in front of him.

Chen Yuan looked carefully and saw a mini Xukun in the center of the chaotic aura!

Xu Kun wandered and trembled, giving off a confused look. There was actually a weak void turbulence surrounding his body, reflecting thousands of shadows, as if countless realms and inherited techniques were intersecting.

A name immediately popped into Chen Yuan's mind——

Hundreds of virtual scenes!

When the Lord of the Void Realm first appeared, he claimed that after killing Chen Yuan, he would leave behind the Heaven-reaching Dharma, refine it into the Hundred Void Scenes, and pass it on to future generations, leaving traces behind.

"So, there should be many inherited skills in this Baixujing. If it is this thing, it will be another harvest."

Just thinking about it, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked up and saw a fast stream of light flying from the distant starry sky, exuding a familiar breath. So he waved his hand and put the mini Xu Kun into his sleeve, and then stood in the void, waiting quietly.

After a few breaths, the stream of light had arrived in front of Chen Yuan. After dispersing many lights, the figure of Xuanzun was revealed.

"Hello, fellow Daoist."

He first bowed, then looked around and breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the sudden attack of the Lord of Nothingness did not put you in a passive position."

"I came here as an incarnation, so even if there are some injuries, it will not hurt my foundation, but..." Chen Yuanqi said: "Senior Xuanzun already knows what happened here. Was it the Lord of Nothingness who did it?"

"Don't get me wrong, fellow Daoist. It's not that I didn't come to help, but that the Lord of Nothingness has a fate of nothingness. He is good at hiding and has been sitting in the void for a long time without reaching out. Although there was the matter of the ferocious king, the Lord of Nothingness has many descendants, and it is not necessarily that he will come to hinder the trend of humanity. What's more, he often regarded himself as the protector of humanity in the past, which really made us neglect and underestimate the enemy."

Xuanzun talked for a long time, and then changed the subject: "However, no matter how good he is at hiding in nothingness, once he takes action, he will eventually be exposed, so I will come Come to support, but it seems that he is still a step late. In such a short time, Daoist friend has settled the matter. "

After saying that, he paused and said: "But Daoist friend, don't take it lightly. I came here this time and received a message from the saint, saying that the Lord of the Void Realm had died several times in the past, but reappeared afterwards..."

"I know this..."

Chen Yuan smiled and interrupted the other party: "The Lord of the Void Realm is actually a broken Heavenly Dao derived from a corner of the void. Its essence is similar to the will of Heavenly Dao, rooted in the void. In theory, the void is immortal and the person is immortal, so even if he was killed in the past, he can still be revived, but this time he was not lucky..."

Next, he actually popularized science to the old predecessor who came over, but for the sake of caution, he skipped the part about the resonance of the ancient corpse. After all, according to Xuanzun, he didn't know the truth of the ancient corpse.

When Chen Yuan finished speaking, the young Xuanzun suddenly woke up and realized something: "You said that the Lord of the Void Realm was completely wiped out by you? In addition, you also captured the Taixu Xuanzun!?"


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