Depressed Fairy

Chapter 522: Looking up, seeing all wonders, unveiling Pangu

The sky was spinning, the stars were shifting!

Chen Yuan felt confused, and then he had a pair of eyes!

With just a slight movement of his eyes, he saw through the starry sky and saw a flying eagle falling in a cave thousands of miles away. His eyes trembled slightly, and the past and future lives of this flying eagle came into his eyes, accompanied by many causal entanglements. The threads of causal entanglements spread out, and in an instant, countless information related to this cave flowed into his mind, letting him know!

Almost in an instant, Chen Yuan almost mastered a lot of information about this cave called "Chuishoujie", and clarified many secrets.

This kind of inadvertent feedback really surprised him, and then there were more intermittent fragments, which suddenly grew in his heart, making his eyes dazed-

He saw the changing starry sky, changing all the time, and thirty-three kinds of light were floating everywhere, exuding an ancient and light breath!

He saw the vast ocean, roaring and collapsing, leaking into some strange interior, transforming from some kind of substance into a concept!

He saw more than a dozen huge figures, they could extinguish the rampage in a breath, freeze the stars with a breath, and evolve into living beings with a thought!


But in the end, all of this was covered by endless brilliance, as if trillions of stars exploded at the same time, and the wave of destruction swept everywhere!

It was only a moment before Chen Yuan came back to his senses.

"What was that just now?"

But before he could investigate carefully, he felt dizzy, and then the perception of the incarnation that seemed to have been isolated before suddenly came back, making Chen Yuan realize that the White Lotus Yuanshen that he had left in the incarnation was being rapidly consumed, and three petals had already shown signs of illusion!

Then, he realized the reason. His will was intermittently connected to an indescribable terrifying force. It was an ancient and huge individual. The strange eyes that could see through the world just now came from this body!

Ancient corpse!

As his mind wandered, Chen Yuan finally figured out his own state-

Part of his will was connected to the huge ancient corpse through several luminous runes, allowing him to feel and control this huge body and the terrible power inside to a certain extent!

It's just that this ancient corpse is too powerful and too huge. It involves a level of power that Chen Yuan can't understand and fully control at his level. So although he can get feedback from it, he can't see many mysteries in the ancient corpse clearly, as if he is looking at flowers in the fog.

But vaguely, he also noticed something strange. It seemed that the huge body of this ancient corpse was not complete. In a certain part of the body, or even most of it, it seemed to be connected to a strange land. There was no sense of damage, nor did it disappear out of thin air, but it existed in other places, like...

"Another realm cave? This is what Xuanzun mentioned. In addition to the dangers around it, the things of the former Yuan are not complete. Some of them will be lost in unknown places..."

When this thought came to mind, Chen Yuan couldn't help but think of the world in the monument where the black lotus incarnation was.

Could the remains of the ancient god be the remains of the same group as this ancient corpse?

"In fact, it is not difficult to verify. After all, these glowing true body runes can be used to connect with this ancient corpse, so the black lotus incarnation can also do the same. In this way, perhaps the secret of the two former Yuan ancient corpses can be obtained..."

Thinking like this, he immediately noticed the rapid loss of power in his body. Although it was only a short moment of thought, this ancient corpse was too huge and too powerful, and it still had a huge consumption.

Especially the floodlight rune that served as the connection point, which showed signs of collapse and shattering!

"Whether the remains of the ancient god in the world in the monument are just as I expected, or just ordinary corpses, now is not the time to investigate. We must take this opportunity to completely eliminate the threat of the Lord of the Void Realm! Fortunately, with this ancient corpse, some tediousness is saved. Otherwise, relying solely on this incarnation without using the main body, maybe this old guy can really run away today!"

After the thought fell, Chen Yuan's white lotus incarnation leaped up and turned into a long rainbow, rushing to the starry sky above the ancient corpse in an instant, and then the ancient corpse turned his eyes!

Boom boom boom boom——

Wherever the eyes reached, the starry sky shattered, revealing a series of colorful voids, and then the void began to disintegrate under the concentration of the eyes, as if it was going to be completely eliminated!

The will of the Lord of the Void Realm, which was in harmony with the void, was shaken, and the weakness and brokenness came roaring, instantly shattering his magical power that was in harmony with the void!


With a blast, his figure popped out of the void!

"No... Impossible!"

Feeling the starry sky condensing in all directions, even the void as the basic plate seemed to be rejecting itself, the Lord of the Void Realm finally showed a look of surprise, but more of it was incomprehensible!

"This doesn't make sense! I am the true form of the void! How could I be rejected by the void?"

Whoosh whoosh -

Suddenly, a strong, strong, and fierce warning erupted, accompanied by the stagnation and condensation of a starry sky!

The huge ancient corpse was grabbing towards him at a speed that was inconsistent with its huge body!

This was originally the simplest action, but it seemed to freeze the starry sky, stop time, and focus everything on this moment!

Xu Kun, who was still struggling at first, was pulled and controlled. His whole body trembled, and he suddenly tore the starry sky barrier, flew out of the void, swam over, and wanted to swallow the Lord of the Void World in one gulp and protect him in his belly!

But as the hand of the ancient corpse slowly bent and tightened...


The huge Xu Kun was completely shattered and turned into a mass of void chaos!

As the air flow gathered and dispersed, the figure of the Lord of the Void Realm was exposed again, but he finally saw the situation clearly.

"This ancient corpse!? For his use?"

The Void Realm Lord's eyes widened. He had arrived one step ahead and penetrated the corpse with his own void power. He had some thoughts of refining and exploring, but even with the Void Realm Lord's background, it was still difficult to shake the corpse. It was like a worm shaking a tree, with a sense of powerlessness.

But the scene that happened before him shattered his cognition and left him at a loss for what to do for a moment!

"The power of the void that I had just penetrated into this ancient corpse suddenly dissipated, so I had speculations, but no matter how much I thought about it, I never expected that it would be like this! In the end, this person..."

Unfortunately, there was no time for him to feel and explore. As the starry sky stagnated, the connection between him and the void was even patterned. His originally fuzzy body suddenly became clear, and even the clothes on his body lost the blessing of magical powers. Transformed into a simple black cloak, the whole person's momentum and state fell from the unfathomable, and reached the level of tranquility in the blink of an eye!

"So this is your true realm! That's right. After all, if you are Taixuan Sage, you don't need to be so cumbersome to deal with me."

Chen Yuan hung above the head of the ancient corpse, his thoughts aligned with the ancient corpse, and using the eyes of this mysterious and huge corpse, he could clearly see the reality of the Realm Lord in front of him.

Just now, Chen Yuan used these eyes to explore the foundation of the Void Realm Lord, but it was blocked by a layer of illusory halo, and he could not see clearly. But now, it was like he had just penetrated the past and present life of Fei Ying, a cave in the sky. The cause and effect are the same as reality. With just one glance, I got a lot of information from that body——

"About three thousand years old, but the blood around my body has the aura of stagnation, coagulation and forced stimulation..."

"It is involved in many causes and effects, but it was forcibly cut off and stained with blood..."

"There are still traces of sacrifice and return in this body. There was even rejection, but it has subsided now..."

After one glance, Zhu Xinxin and Chen Yuan instantly understood the true identity of the Lord of the Void Realm in front of him!

"Senior Xuanzun mentioned that the Void Realm Lord is very mysterious. His history may be traced back to the very distant past, but he often has different auras and faces. I don't know whether it is because he has experienced reincarnations in the past generations, or because he has a special method of immortality, but Now it seems..."

He looked at the figure and whispered: "You are actually a body-snatcher! Moreover, this body has causal and blood connections with the ferocious king. It even has similarities with the ferocious beast you just released. Could it be that, The so-called heir is actually your way to extend your life? "

"Oh? You got a lot of information. Where did you get it?"

After the Void Realm Master was cut off from the void, his look and aura became a bit angry, and his expression became much more lively. He showed a sarcastic look: "Are you good at calculations, or have you already obtained information? But you know that I There are not many fundamental people left in this era.”

"Then I won't worry about it."

Chen Yuan shook his head. With a thought, the other hand of the ancient corpse slowly raised, and then he closed his hands, covering the solid starry sky in his palm, and then squeezed inward!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everything inside the starry sky is being compressed!

Existences themselves collided with each other, making a sound of destruction.

Feeling the huge pressure and the starry sky that was completely blocked, the face of the Lord of the Void Realm suddenly changed!

"Is there such a level of power? No wonder you dare to challenge me! In this case..."

He suddenly put his hands on his chest!


His body collapsed instantly!

Then the light of heaven mixed with the breath of time and air burst out from it, and then expanded rapidly!

In the starry sky and the universe, one hundred and eight Dao rhymes fell, constructing a mysterious and complex sound of the Dao. Under the influence of this power of the Dao, this ray of heavenly light ignored all obstacles and connected with its body. Together!


In an instant, the will of Heavenly Dao became active and even sneered at Chen Yuan!

"You think you can catch me? Even the Taixuan Saint back then could only defeat me, but he could not destroy me! However, he actually made me give up my body in this life. This grudge has been settled. You will treat me slowly in the future. Let’s settle the score with you later.”

Immediately afterwards, the void shook, and its will began to move toward the distance!

Chen Yuan controlled the Eye of the Ancient Corpse and instantly saw through the cause and effect, and knew who the mysterious Lord of the Void Realm was and what his origins were!

"This person is actually a spirit from heaven!?"

Feeling the wanton laughter in the light of that day, Chen Yuan could not help but squint his eyes, and the eyes of the ancient corpse conveyed more detailed information to him.

"This person was originally a spirit from heaven, but his origin is a corner of the void!"

After understanding this, even Chen Yuan couldn't help but feel shocked!

"With the help of the power of the void, he continued to expand the scope of his command, and soon became associated with the Pan-Void. Although he did not become a great will capable of controlling the entire void, he had the opportunity to corrode and control the entire void. He was the Heavenly Dao of the Void Seed!"

The void is so vast that in the eyes of many cultivators, it can almost be regarded as the other side of the starry sky.

The front is the heavens and the worlds in the starry sky, and the back is the boundless void of nothingness and extinction!

"If he can really achieve the will of the void heaven and turn himself into the void, perhaps he can really create a new path, but in this way, he is not a person, so why should he regard himself as a human race and suppress me, a serious human race? It's simply unreasonable!"

When he thought of this, Chen Yuan was even more rude. Two more white lotus petals in his body were consumed and transparent, but in contrast, the huge ancient corpse raised his arms and hugged inward!

In an instant, the starry sky in a larger range fluctuated, and then the two hands grabbed!


Directly shattered the space, grabbed the void behind, and pulled it suddenly, like pulling a sheet, and actually pulled the void out from the back of the starry sky, twisted it alive, and descended on the front!

Not only that, the Lord of the Void Realm even screamed, his will to return to the origin was trembling, and he actually had a tendency to break away from the void. To be more precise, the extracted void was like an oil field that was ignited, producing a chain reaction, and it seemed that it would burn and collapse immediately!

"How could this be!?"

With a roar, the Lord of the Void Realm suddenly said: "You forced me to do this! I am the hope of humanity in this era, and I must not fall here. In this case, I can only detonate in advance!"

After these words fell, he actually condensed an incarnation again, extracted most of his will from the void, and under the heavy pressure, he turned the seal on his hand, and a huge formation diagram in the void was formed in the air, turning into a formation diagram!

This formation diagram exudes a faint breath, and the complicated lines shuttle between the virtual and the real, as if leading to an infinitely distant place!

But Chen Yuan only took a look and understood the meaning of this formation diagram!

Teleportation formation diagram!

"At this time, he actually built a teleportation array, and he looked like he was pushed to the limit and had to show his trump card. Is there a dangerous place behind this teleportation array? Or, he wants to escape? He can't escape in the void, so he wants to escape with the teleportation array?"

Just as Chen Yuan was thinking about the reason, the Lord of the Void Realm sneered: "Don't you want to know why I say that I am the hope of humanity and the ray of hope for the future era? Let you experience it yourself, what is powerful! What is hell! What is despair! Come on, Taigu Yuanshen! Since we have an agreement, you should also help me to get rid of the difficulties!"


The teleportation array roared, and a terrifying aura gushed out from it. Ignoring the reversal of time, thousands of fragments of time gushed out from it, slowly outlining a figure that seemed real and unreal.

"I am Taigu Xuzun, in charge of the era of illusion!"

Countless whispers and praises came from the void.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the opposite side with a touch of indifference, a touch of arrogance, and a touch of condescending sarcasm, and then his eyes focused, and then his eyes widened, revealing a look of fear!

"Pangu clan!?"


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