Depressed Fairy

Chapter 483: A single effort to create a new way of life, but a thousand years of sitting in a well


When the stone door fell to the ground, it trembled and buzzed like a big bell, reverberating between heaven and earth!

Everyone looked at the ancient door, and all of them felt that their minds were blank, and they didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

However, some people soon came back to their senses, especially those who were closer. They noticed that the terrifying coercion that had enveloped them and that all phenomena of time had disappeared in an instant. They actually acted as usual. Looking at it again The mysterious scene in that door made him unable to control himself immediately.


With a thought in his mind, Feng Ming relied on his innate magical power to sense the changes in the universe!

"Luck has changed! My originally solidified luck has been shaken! I understand! World Master Chen has reversed the number of days with one person! He has broken the shackles of luck for us and opened up a road that should not exist! How can I miss this opportunity! Lord Chen, please wait for me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a phoenix of flames and flew straight towards the door!


Immediately, someone subconsciously said that things would never be that simple. There must be something...

As a result, as soon as he finished his words and before he could finish his thoughts, he saw that the fire phoenix transformed by Feng Ming sank directly into the door and disappeared into the chaos inside the door. Surprisingly, it did not cause any ripples and did not see any obstacles!


Fairy Wangshu said: "Senior died more than 5,300 years ago."

Faced with such rhetoric, Wang Shu sighed and said helplessly: "Senior brother, what are you talking about? I came here just for the cave realm, how could I back down? I just described the situation here. , send a message to the sect using a secret method, and then leave a message with Gilded Master Nephew and others to see if they are interested in this matter. "

He frowned, as if he was trying to find some explanation, and finally said with some uncertainty: "It may be a flaw in Human Dao Taixuan's technique. After all, it is impossible for a saint inheritor to truly teach this technique to They may also be that person..." He glanced at Xu Wei, "There is some kind of treasure that can interfere with time, and it is not even ruled out that he has gained some benefits from the fragments of time crystal. "

"It's been more than five thousand years..."

An old Taoist wearing a gray robe, sitting on the black and yellow clouds, swinging a fly whisk, looked at the people arriving one after another, and showed a smile: "However, I didn't expect that after so many years, I would be able to survive." It’s really gratifying that there are so many people who have overcome the pressure of saints!”

Most of the other people's expressions changed after listening to the words of the old and the young.

Everyone was still in the round, but Mo Douchen was the second to come to his senses. He and Feng Ming were already at odds with each other, so how could he simply watch the other party gain?

Even though they belong to different sects and factions, and there are still some resentments and conflicts between them, at this moment, when they look at the faint colors in the door, and their faces change, they are peaceful and silent.

Xuwei looked serious: "These people, Taixuan, actually refined the way of inheritance into a divine treasure! Moreover, they have been hiding in the cave world. How did they do it? After all, Master Xuan can Always here!”

Jueren said: "After Dongxu was sealed, the human race wrapped up the cave where the realm of Dongxu was buried with many restrictions to prevent outside monks from setting foot in it. Some people in the saint tribe originally speculated that they wanted to keep a trace of their search. The hope of returning to Dongxu is to keep the realm as pure as possible, but now it seems that it may also be related to this inherited divine treasure!"

"It's very possible! He is from the Fire Phoenix Clan and has the ability to sense the profound energy of heaven and earth. Apart from the auspicious beast Saint Qilin Clan, they are the only ones!"

"You still want to deceive yourself and others at this time?" Shan Naizhi sneered, "Master Chen has the aura of our sect. He may not be able to do things that others can't do! At that time, the power of all phenomena was indeed fierce, but It can be said that Potian is nothing but the energy of the stars and everything in the sky, which I cannot resolve, but if I have understood Qi Dao to a certain level, how can I not do it? In any case, since this is the path opened by World Master Chen, I must do it no matter what. Give it a try!”

Some people seemed to want to come up to greet them, or ask about their doubts, but when no one came forward, they were hesitant.

"The top priority is to inform the Master of the situation here first. If there is a situation that requires intervention, we have to wait for him to make a decision."

"This..." Jue Ren frowned, and there was no longer a smile on his face. Instead, he had a solemn look, "The source of that momentum of time is not mysterious at all, it is from the mountain of inheritance and the sedimentation in the pillar of inheritance. The passage of time and the atmosphere of time can disappear so simply. Logically speaking, there is only one reason..."

"Feng Ming still has such courage, how can I be inferior to him? Besides, it's okay if it's someone else. Since he is Chen Jiezhu, even if he really opens up a way forward, what's impossible!?"

Just as the two of them were talking, Chen Xuzhi and other people from Lingshan, Xuanqi Sect, and Kunlun Mountain were also at the peak of their fortunes. They also moved towards the ancient door. They paused slightly after hearing the words. They also knew that this woman Identity, compared to other people's words, the words of Fairy Wangshu are undoubtedly more meaningful.

"If you want to be safe on the road, you'd better pass the Pindao test first."

A long rainbow glowing with seven colors penetrated this vast land!

The sky is round and the earth is round, gold and stone are the earth, and the crystal is the dome!

Everyone looked at this scene, and everyone was stunned immediately, and then they seemed to understand something, and their expressions suddenly became excited!

"Is what this kid said true?"

As she spoke, her eyebrows moved and her gaze swept over the many people around her: "Unlike a group of quiet powerful men with clear goals, and different from Feng Ming and Mo Douchen who have pure minds, the few fellow sect members did not enter immediately. In addition to understanding the situation, we are probably reporting and subpoenaing. Now that it is done, it is time for us to go in and take a look, but..."

But the guard thought for a moment, and then he made a seal with his hand and sent out a message: "I also want to add to the situation here and inform the Lord of Xuan about the people I just recorded."

"That Chen Jiezhu is opening up a way forward? It shouldn't be like this! He shouldn't have such ability! He can't have such good intentions! How could anyone take the initiative to add competitors to himself? Could this test be like this? Exclude and ban those who do not meet the requirements, and the remaining people can enter it no matter how close they are to the stone pillar? Is that true?" The Red Dust Demoness muttered, unwilling or unwilling to believe this was what Chen Yuan said. , constantly hypnotizing myself, saying that this is the original step.


Then, the three of them unanimously focused their attention on the light screen.

The sundial suddenly shook, bursting out with a sharp ray of light, cutting through time and space, breaking the barrier!

Immediately, a curtain of light fell, and a blurry scene slowly appeared in it, but it became clear after a few breaths, showing a strange scene——

At this time, many remaining monks came in one after another, and when they stood still, a group of people looked around, saw Chen Yuan, and also saw the old Taoist. Among them was the man who came from a large family and was well-informed. , dressed up, and became surprised.

He suddenly sighed, with a look of sadness in his eyes, and continued: "How many years has it been now?"

Xuwei also said: "Didn't it mean that only a dozen or so people could set foot in the way of inheritance at most once? In this place of inheritance of humanity just now, there are more than this number of peaceful scenes. !”


After seeing her actions, Immortal Ruhuode and others seemed to have figured it out.

"Forget it." After seeing this, Gu Ke obviously made a decision and said to Fairy Wangshu: "Junior Sister, you bear the heavy responsibility of the sect and your own family, so it is normal for you to hesitate, but Senior Brother, I have been practicing hard for so many years and have prepared so much. "More, just for today, the burden of Zixiao Palace will fall on you in the future."

In comparison, Feng Ming and Mo Douchen were much more straightforward and went up to thank Chen Yuan for opening the way.

Is it true?

Thinking like this, after a few breaths, most of the people, including Coca, entered the door, leaving only a few who were hesitant. Not far away, there was another group of people who had received the news. Use the secret treasure to break the barrier between yin and yang and descend to the underworld.

"That's the truth. No matter whether you succeed or fail, you have to go through it to feel at ease. Even if you fall or be banned because of it, what does it matter? However, if you don't want to go, then don't go! It will save you money. Please have more opponents on the road!”

After saying that, he also stepped into it.

Xu Wei already knew what he meant: "The breath of time has been sucked dry? This is impossible!"

"It's not about refining the divine treasure, but about refining the inheritance method into the divine treasure!" Jueren took a deep breath, "The structure of this divine treasure is not stable, and the breath of time it emits is very active. Obviously, the time of its birth is not stable. Long. I’m afraid this is related to the fact that the human race has restricted outsiders from entering the cave for thousands of years!”

In the world between the cracks, Jueren and the other three finally came back to their senses at this time.

Immortal Wangshu's eyes flashed with light, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Could it be the Patriarch Bi Shou of the Hongmeng Sect?" She originally wanted to come up to greet Chen Yuan and ask a few questions, but when she saw the old Taoist priest, her face was full of surprise and she stopped looking. Nothing else.

"Of course it's impossible!" Jueren took a deep breath and regained his composure. "According to rumors, even a few venerables couldn't have reached this point in the inheritance path because their body's capacity is limited. , there will eventually be some seeds left, this is the principle of the universe, but..."

"Huh?" Xu Wei was startled when he heard this, as if he didn't understand.

" do you know there are no hidden dangers inside? Is that man really so kind? The key is, is he really capable of changing fate and opening up a way forward? This place could very well be the work of a saint..."

When the female demon king saw it, she gritted her teeth and followed her: "I want to see if that surnamed Chen is really capable, or if he is greedy for heaven's merit! And I am bound to get this Dongxu inheritance!"

"Oh?" The old Taoist raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Shu with some surprise. In his seemingly dim eyes, a ray of light shot out, shining in one direction, seeming to penetrate the front and back, getting a glimpse of reality, and then nodded and smiled. : "Girl doll has a good foundation. Not only does she have traces of my Hongmeng lineage's inheritance, but she also has a sense of great righteousness! With such inheritance, when she is reflected on her feet later, she will be able to pass the first level! Girl doll, you are my Hongmeng family. The descendant of the sect actually still remembers the name of the old man!"

Gu Ke and others were hesitating whether they should also go up and pay homage to the old senior.

Shou Chong also frowned and said: "Isn't it impossible to destroy a cave that has banned a concept?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the remaining two people became serious.

Just a few breaths later, a female fairy suddenly made some movement. No matter what the others said, she jumped up and entered the simple stone door, which was neat and tidy.

As the man left, another young man in white came over. It was the Night Demon Young Master. He looked at the stone gate and said, "This really brings together heroes from all sides. I just don't know how many of them will be successful in the end. But no matter whether it was done by the Chen family, this inheritance will be my stage!" At this point, Fairy Wangshu's expression suddenly became solemn: "According to what I know, this first step of the test should not be like this. I'm afraid that it has something to do with the Lord Chen just now! He..." At this point, her expression was a little uncertain, "Could it be that he really opened the inheritance portal for everyone with his own strength? He opened up the way forward?" At this time, a shadow appeared from the void, revealing the outline of the fierce king, and stepped into the door without hesitation. Fairy Wangshu was also delighted when she heard that she could pass the first level, but she immediately restrained herself and bowed and said: "Reporting to the ancestor, the Zixiao Palace where we are is the predecessor of the Hongmeng Sect. The Hongmeng Eight Methods that you have repaired are also circulated in the sect! In addition, your feat of breaking through the two caves and suppressing the Dragon Palace alone is still circulating in the sect."

After these words came out, the remaining two people were slightly relieved.

"All, all went in? How could this happen!?"

At this moment, the light screen was showing the scene of a group of cultivators arriving in front of the colorful rainbow, but...

At that moment, another group of people entered in a line, and the stone gate was normal.

As soon as he fell, he turned into a black rainbow, flew into the air, and rushed into the gate!

After the two people acted one after another, the others woke up as if from a dream!

When everyone heard this name, some were surprised, some were confused, but a group of pure and quiet immortals and demons changed color one after another.

"Is it really Bi Shou Zhenren?"

Especially the few people who were closest to him, such as Xuanyuan You, who were originally in the realm of tranquility. Even if they sealed themselves, they were much stronger than the peak of fortune. Almost as soon as they thought about it, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of the door.

After many of the pure and quiet immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas left, the rest of the people looked at each other, and they were a little unsure and confused about the current situation. In addition, they were more worried, so for a while, no one had the idea of ​​entering the door again.

He swept his eyes around, then strode out with his head held high.

The pure and quiet immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who came in later, although a few of them stared at the old Taoist in doubt, but most of them were sizing up and observing Chen Yuan. There were many emotions and thoughts in those eyes, doubts, scrutiny, consideration, dissatisfaction, provocation, etc.

His skin was quite strange, like some kind of shell or coat. Although there was a wound, the inside was very deep. After a pause, he squeezed out a drop of blood with a black glow, which fell on the sundial in front of him!

Feng Ming couldn't help whispering: "Did they run into their fellow seniors from Zixiao Palace? This... This might be a case of favoritism and corruption..."

Jueren glanced at him and nodded: "Yes."

Such a scene was clearly presented in the eyes of the three ancient clans.

But in the end, Jueren shook his head and said: "It's useless to think too much. Now that this group of human race has entered the inheritance path, there are so many strange things. In order to prevent hidden dangers, we should quickly investigate it. However, the power of time and shadow on the inheritance path must be stronger, and it may even distort time and space. The original method of exploration and reflection is no longer useful..."

While speaking, he pinched two fingers and cut a crack.

"If we don't enter this time, even if we go back, we will breed inner demons. Instead of that, why worry!"

"We have suppressed our cultivation for so many years, tempered our Dao heart and will, isn't it for the path of seeking the Dao at this moment? No matter what the reason is, whether it is to pass the pressure test or it is the kindness of Master Chen to open up the road, what is there to worry about?"

"It's okay, just do it." Chen Yuan did not deny it, and did not want to say more.

Shouchong was the first to ask a question: "What's going on!? Why did the great trend of light suddenly collapse and disappear?"

For Chen Yuan, who unexpectedly won the first place outside the stone gate, they, a group of quiet cultivators, were dissatisfied and compared with him, but they were concerned about various factors, and no one directly came out to clamor.

"There is no need to mention the past and the recklessness of youth." The old Taoist shook his head when he heard this. "After all, only killing enemies and protecting the clan in the battlefield of that era is a real skill, and the rest is false. However, I didn't expect that my Hongmeng Sect would evolve into Zixiao Palace? Zixiao, Zixiao... Alas!" Behind him was a dark dry well. The well wall exposed to the ground was black. Behind the well mouth was a long rainbow. On both sides of the long rainbow were continuous mountains and winding rivers. Chen Yuan was standing by the long rainbow at this moment, looking at the mountains and rivers. He found that it was real, and then he knew the mystery of this place. It was probably a divine treasure like the predecessor of the Dust Fate Realm. Looking at the old Taoist again, he felt the strong breath of death and time, and he had already guessed its existence in his heart. At the end, even he couldn't hold it anymore. No matter what the rest of the people thought, they obviously had their own thoughts. Almost at the same time as Shan Naizhi and the female demon set off, the other self-sealed Qingjing also moved, and more than a dozen figures almost disappeared into the door! But at this moment, the old Taoist laughed and said, "Don't worry, you Phoenix boy. I am here to guard the inheritance, so how can I be partial? Besides, you are all elites of the human race, and we are just selecting the best among you."

Speaking of this, he noticed the surprise in the eyes of his two companions. He knew that he had said too much and seemed to know too much, which aroused their suspicion, but he did not explain. He flicked his finger and a stream of light flew out.

"This person..."

As he spoke, he glanced at everyone, flicked the fly whisk, and said: "This level of poverty is actually testing your foundation. I only want the person behind me who can communicate with Yin and Yang, all things, and the world of life and death." Taking a photo of the well outside the moon reveals fundamental visions that communicate the mysteries of heaven and earth. Any vision that can shake the mountains and rivers behind Pindao is considered a pass. Pindao will make it easier for him to go to the next scene. If there is someone who can resonate with this world, we can even get the method of inheritance."

He stroked his beard and said with a hint of pride: "Pindao has a lot of inherited secrets, whether it's the method of refining the body and condensing life pearls in the Dragon Palace, or the Hongmeng secret to open up the cave and separate the earth, fire, geomantic omen, or ask questions. It depends on whether you have the ability to gain the true meaning of Tao Xuanxu or the Taoist secrets that directly point to the underworld, or even the techniques of stealing the sky and changing the sun, picking up the stars and picking up the moon."


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