Depressed Fairy

Chapter 484 Watching the moon in the well illuminates the past and present, and thundering outside t


Listening to the words of the old man and feeling the roar of heaven and earth, everyone present was stunned and looked at the well behind him in unison.

The method of refining the body and condensing life beads of the true dragon lineage?

The Secret of Hongmeng, one of the three profound arts of Zixiao Palace?

The true solution to Taoism that points directly to the underworld?

Is there any other method of divine enlightenment?

Just hearing this title, not to mention all the Fortune Immortals, even the Qing Jing Immortal who was originally slightly uninterested couldn't help but be startled!

Several of them were born from monsters, or even trained as dragons. Their expressions changed drastically, and they hesitated to speak. In the end, their eyes were full of anger, but they dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Several Qingjing Immortals were even more surprised, because they knew how important these skills were! Any one of them is enough to create a starry sky!

Not to mention, just looking at the names of the four techniques, it is not difficult to find that these four techniques belong to different factions and forces. Only the identity and experience of this old master Bi Shou can he master them at the same time. Four techniques!

Even the moment these names were spoken from the old Taoist mouth, many thunders flashed in the void!

"Is the secret of heaven being disturbed!? This old Taoist priest has some skills. Hear what the female cultivator said just now, and the senior master of Zixiao Palace who spans all the worlds, the predecessor of the sect A Patriarch! There is no such thing as a simple Patriarch, Elder, or Headmaster of such a sect, not to mention that this one had obviously died and was picked up from the river of time with great magical powers, combining the laws of life and death. , the forged body of a heroic spirit!"

Sensing the thunder in the void, Chen Yuan looked at the old Taoist with some surprise, and thought to himself: "So, the skills mentioned in this person's mouth may be extraordinary." He tasted the names of the four skills and thought about each one. I became interested in all of them, and felt that if they were all genuine, then each one might be useful to me.

"If you just choose one, it's not enough..."

Seeing everyone's surprise, the old Taoist opposite smiled and said: "This is just the first level. The assessment is very simple. It just reflects the foundation, so that you can know how much you weigh. In fact, no matter whether you pass the level or not, you can step on it." Changhong, go to the next level, but those who pass the level will get convenience, and the top ones will get the inheritance!"

"It turns out that you don't have to meet the requirements before you can move forward! But after being recognized by this guardian spirit, you can get certain conveniences and even gain precious inheritance!"

For a time, everyone was ready to make a move. Some of them coveted the four inherited techniques, while others felt that their foundation was shallow and worried about being embarrassed, so they wanted to set foot on Changhong immediately.

Of course, there were also people like the mortal demon who looked at Chen Yuan, Xuanyuan You, Gao Bai and others, and after much thought, they felt that it would be difficult for them to stand out, so they thought that they might as well go past this hurdle and go straight to the back to get the first advantage. I have the opportunity, but I am worried that I will miss the convenience mentioned by the old Taoist priest and fall behind instead.

"This old man is a senior from the Taoist sect. I wonder if there is a powerful person from my Demonic Sect sitting in front of me. If so..."

While she was thinking about it, she heard Yu Jiang ask: "Senior, how many levels are there in this inheritance path? Are the heroic spirits of our ancestors like us sitting in charge of each level?"

"There is a price to pay for reversing time. Where can so many people from the past be fished out and passed on to you?" The old Taoist sighed and then said: "The inheritance place here, including the poor Taoist, is only Five people sit in charge.”

Five people?

Passed five levels?

Everyone couldn't help but ponder.

Xuanyuan You took a step forward, solemnly raised his hands and said to the old Taoist priest: "I have met my great uncle."

The old Taoist priest raised his eyes and glanced at him, and said calmly: "You call me master, uncle? Who is your master? Is he still alive?"

"The disciple's master, Lord Taboo Xuanmai, was enthroned at the mountain gate more than three hundred years ago."

"It turns out he is a disciple of Master Nephew Xuan." The old Taoist priest nodded, with a look of relief on his face. "When his master died, I was the one who reported it to the sect. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would be dead as well."


Xuanyuan You didn't know how to respond for a moment. Fortunately, he had experienced hundreds of battles and had seen a lot. He quickly organized his emotions and said: "Uncle Master, the Chaos Hongmeng Jue is now one of the three great mysteries of Zixiao Palace Zongzong. One of you..."

"Do you think it's inappropriate to use this method as an inheritance?" The old Taoist priest shook his head and pointed at a few alien immortals in the corner, "If these few of them are familiar with the old Taoist, maybe they can't help it. He jumped out and said that it was inappropriate for me to pass on the secrets of the Dragon Clan as a legacy! The Netherworld Sect was wiped out by my brothers, otherwise someone would come and say it now..."

Chen Yuan heard this and called him a good guy. From what he meant, he must have been a master of robbing families and killing people.

"Don't say any more." Seeing that the people behind Xuanyuan You were about to speak, the old Taoist raised his hand to stop him: "Don't come from the Bao family to have relationships with poor Taoists. The purpose of the inheritance is to strengthen the human race and let People with outstanding talents in the human race can inherit the true method and quickly grow into the mainstay of humanity! In the face of righteousness, what does a little sectarian opinion mean? "

As he said that, he glanced at Chen Yuan again.

Chen Yuan was the first one to come in, and when he came, he had a strong aura of time and an unusual demeanor, which made the old Taoist priest curious. However, due to the rules, he couldn't ask openly, so he just waited for the boy to ask him. It's easy to answer in just one sentence, but who would have thought that since he came in, he just observed and remained silent, so that the old Taoist priest was wondering whether he should take the initiative to ask a few words.

"If this boy is able to come out on top at the entrance, he must be one of the trendsetters of this era. I don't know where he came from..."

Just as he was thinking about it, the Demon Lord suddenly took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Senior, what do you think if we demons have passed the examination?"

"Definitely, the demons had their own era, but unfortunately they are all gone. Today, my human inheritance is like a grasshopper on a rope." The old Taoist priest glanced at the crowd and said, "In this era, among the hundreds of demons, The clan and our generation will both suffer loss and prosperity. Only when someone can pass the inheritance can they obtain the secret method!"

The Demon Lord nodded and retreated after hearing this, and many demon monks also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the old Taoist priest lost his patience. He flicked the fly whisk again, drew a circle in the air, and said: "I am a poor Taoist. This is the first level of entry into the world. I have just said so much. I will save you from running around all the way, doing things indiscriminately, and wasting your efforts." . It can be said that nothing can be better than letting you truly experience it. Those who are determined to break into the Poverty Road and keep it to themselves, without any intention or confidence, should leave the Changhong Road quickly! Make a decision, don’t hesitate! Time is precious, there is no time to waste it!”

The circles formed by his fly whisk turned into ripples of light, expanding in circles, enclosing this area!

Seeing this, the Red Dust Demoness and the others stopped looking forward and backward, each set up their escape light, walked around behind the old Taoist priest, and stepped onto Changhong. They actually felt a little down-to-earth, and left quickly without hesitation.

The old Taoist priest ignored him, chuckled lightly, raised his hand and made a seal.

"Those who go will not stay, and those who stay will not go! The bright moon shines on the sky and the earth, and the heart of the Tao shines on the past and present! Come!"

The well behind him actually rose up from the ground, suspended in the air, and there was a lot of chaotic aura surging in the mouth of the well.

Buzz buzz——

The mouth of the well trembled, and a strange sense of oppression came from all directions.

Even the many quiet immortals and demons felt a tightness in their chests, and immediately had different expressions on their faces. They all knew that they were no match for the experienced opponents in front of them!


Overflowing with majestic momentum, the mouth of the well suddenly expanded, as if it wanted to encircle a piece of heaven and earth, and sit in the well and look at the sky!

The shadow of the slanting moon appeared in the scene, and the ripples of the three stars trembled. Then the sky suddenly turned into the night sky, and a crescent moon appeared.

At night, the moon forms a boundary, covering everyone!

The moonlight travels through the past and present, shining on everyone, reflected in everyone's eyes, and nourishing the hearts of all things!

The next moment, it seemed as if some mysterious energy between heaven and earth was aroused, and some kind of humane essence deep in the flesh and blood of everyone was aroused. Their Taoist hearts were pounding, and they were somewhat uncontrollable!


Chen Yuanxuan's body trembled slightly, and he felt a mysterious power coming down, trying to penetrate the flesh and blood, and reach the Taoist heart, but was blocked by his shattered and extraordinary, unparalleled real body that suppressed the world. Following him, he felt a connection even more, It seems that just by raising your hand and waving, the moon phase in the well can be shattered!


In the distance, the monks suddenly felt hot all over!


With a buzzing sound, the shadow of a fire phoenix on Feng Ming soared into the sky, reflecting the nine layers of clouds!

There was another roar, black shadows filled the air around Mo Douchen, and the infinite inner demons turned into ghost faces, occupying a part of the world!

The ripples of the vision scattered in all directions and hit Chen Yuan, causing him to instinctively react and shatter the vision into pieces!


Gathering his true body instincts, Chen Yuan was filled with weirdness.

"Am I not part of the system? Wouldn't this be a huge disadvantage? Or maybe I could just show off the law of heaven to show off? But in this case, it would be like exposing some of my trump cards..."

the other side.

"Vision!? These two people..."

When Gu Ke, Xia Fei and others saw this scene, their hearts trembled with fear, and then they felt their Taoist hearts tremble, and gradually returned to calm, and their faces suddenly turned gloomy.

"Is it possible that we can't trigger the vision?"

The Taoist minds of the remaining monks also gradually returned to normal after a period of restlessness, and they immediately understood. Their expressions varied, and most of them were full of unwillingness and confusion.

Immediately, there were four sporadic strange phenomena rising into the sky, or seventy-two sword lights intertwined, or dragons roaring and tigers roaring, or black mist rolling, or blood surging.

"It's acceptable, but it's a pity that it didn't touch the mountains and rivers..." The old Taoist just nodded slightly when he saw the strange sight of the two families, and then turned his eyes!


Just after hearing a roar, a bright moon rose above Fairy Wangshu, which seemed to resonate with the crescent moon in the sky, and even echoed with the three mountains and five mountains behind the old Taoist priest!


Even the old Taoist priest couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "This is the sign of the bright moon in the heart! You have practiced the Hongmeng Jue to the point of breaking through the true and false, and you are almost condensing an illusory fruit. Not bad! Not bad!"

Fairy Wangshu smiled slightly and was about to speak, but suddenly a surge of energy rose into the sky, interrupting her thoughts!

The green energy from Shan Naizhi's body surged into the sky, stirring the sky, causing three mountains to tremble, and four rivers to flow!

The old Taoist nodded when he saw it: "The Qi rushes into the stars! I am afraid that the method of absorbing hundreds of Qi has already been completed! The visions of this boy and the girl have barely shaken the mountains and rivers, and they have received the feedback from the saint's treasure. , can be passed down, but..."

After thinking about it, his eyes fell on Chen Yuan again, thinking that this boy was the first to set foot here. Why is there still no movement now? Could it be that although his realm is high, his cultivation of skills is shallow?

Not only him, but those who returned to peace after their Taoist hearts trembled, also noticed that there was nothing unusual about Chen Yuan's body. He was still in a somewhat unsatisfied mood, but was surprisingly calm.

"It seems that there is a specialization in the art. Although Chen Jiezhu has always been unexpected and shocking in the past, he is still no better than others." Gu Ke secretly thought, but felt that Chen Yuancai was so real and made people feel close to him. After a few minutes, I was thinking about going over to express my condolences, so that I could win over him and go through the barrier together.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly heard a roar!

I saw Xuanyuan You's body surging with wind and clouds, and the black and white auras intertwined! Behind Baishi, the river is boiling and the boundless waves are roaring! Di San is surrounded by stars, and the sky is surrounded by stars! Lava surged under Yujiang's feet, and the earth cracked for thousands of miles!

Even Chen Xuzhi, who was at the peak of his fortune, and the nameless female fairy, had visions appearing on their bodies. A big sun soared in the sky, shining in all directions! A sky falls and everything resonates!

In an instant, tomorrow becomes clear, the wind roars, the yin and yang circulate, the rivers roar, the stars shine brightly, and the earth's veins roar!

The three mountains and four waters were trembling and boiling, countless spiritual lights spewed out from them, the ceiling fell, and the shadows of all spirits were entangled!

"This is!?"

When the old Taoist priest saw such a scene, he ignored Chen Yuan. He looked at it intently and then laughed heartily: "I didn't expect that there would be so many talented people in this generation! Even the mountains and rivers can't bear it. What a wonderful time! You are all qualified, you can choose one of the Pindao inheritances!"

He said three good words in a row, which immediately made everyone realize that the situation was certain. Except for the initial visions such as the fire phoenix and the inner demon, which had not shaken the mountains and rivers, the other visions had undoubtedly passed. ,only……

In the center of the crowd, a Qingjingxian with a Chinese character face and a black cloak was looking at Fairy Wangshu, the nameless female fairy, Chen Xuzhi and others.

"That's it for the rest of them. These people are clearly at the peak of their merits. Why can their visions shake the mountains and rivers of that Lao Shizi, but we, the Qingjing Immortals, don't even have any visions? We obviously achieved Qingjing in the first place. At this time, the vision shook the whole world!”

Seemingly seeing the doubts in many people's minds, the old Taoist stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The well of Pindao not only reflects the realm of cultivation, but also the destiny..."

"It's my turn."

At this time, someone suddenly spoke calmly, interrupting the old Taoist priest, and jumped out from behind everyone. While he was still in the air, he lifted the cloak covering his whole body, revealing a strong body and an angular face.

His eyes were slender, exuding an icy color, bathed in the moonlight, and stepping into the void every step of the way!


Infinite distortions broke out on his body, and the surrounding moon phase and night sky were also distorted. There were even more misty auras falling down, forcing the other people's visions to shrink!

Then, the entire moonlit sky was distorted everywhere, time and space were chaotic, and all spirits were ferocious, as if an ancient evil spirit was about to descend from the distortion!

The three mountains and four waters that were originally trembling and boiling suddenly fell silent, as if solidified, and then shrouded in black shadow!

"This is... the void that seizes the sky! And it also contains the power of Yuchen and Zhouguang!" The old Taoist priest widened his eyes slightly, "Even the projection of the will of heaven condensed by this saint has been suppressed! Could this person be the successor to that? A new generation of human beings!"

"Everyone, please remember my name!"

The man stood in the sky, with long hair flying, looking down at the people below. His eyes finally fell on Chen Yuan, revealing an evil smile.

"I am the ferocious Lord!"


Xuanyuan You and others looked at that figure, their pupils tightened, and then they dared to notice the rolling pressure from the vision, and they couldn't help but retreat slightly!

At this time, the old Taoist priest flicked his whisk, and everyone felt that the heavy pressure was dissipated, and then everyone was shocked!

"This man is the ferocious king of the void world!?"

"He... actually has such an aura?"

"It's really a secret that has been hidden for three years and then suddenly became a blockbuster!"

Feeling the shocked eyes one after another, the ferocious Lord stood proudly in the wind, knowing that from this moment on, no matter who it is, even the Dongxuanzi Chen Yuan, whatever he has done or will do will be useless.

This is my stage.

He turned his head slightly and said to the old Taoist priest who looked surprised and had surprised eyes: "Senior, are these the only ones who have visions today? Those ordinary people who were born in the same era as me should also go to the next place. ”

The old Taoist priest was indifferent when he heard the words, then he couldn't help but glance at Chen Yuan, and finally nodded and said: "Yes, those who do not have visions can leave. The moon in the well can only shine once, and only those who come back later..."

"That's not possible. I'm interested in all four inheritances."

The old Taoist's words were interrupted again, and Chen Yuan finally asked the Taoist: "Old senior, your moonlight is not very good, you can't break my defense at all, but I was stimulated by the moonlight to have a little reaction. , in order not to undermine you, I have to keep suppressing it, hoping that you, an expert in this world, will find out, but now I have to call it a day?

Xuanyuan You, Fairy Wangshu and others all looked over in surprise.

"As expected, the Realm Master has been keeping a low profile!" Only Feng Ming and Mo Douchen were not surprised. Instead, they gathered their thoughts and dispersed their own visions.

"Dong Xuanzi, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you think you can get away with it by relying on magical powers? Could it be that you were dazzled by the temporary lead you had earlier? Please note..." Lord Hunhou frowned and said coldly.

But before he could finish speaking, Chen Yuan gathered his thoughts and no longer suppressed his real instinct that was about to move due to the moonlight!


The next moment, his body trembled suddenly. Although he had not liberated the three-headed and six-armed body of Heavenly Dao, under the influence of the moonlight's Taoist heart, densely packed runes appeared all over his body!

Every rune is shining with dark light and contains endless secrets!

Crack! Crack!

The next moment, the brilliance gathered together and turned into dark lightning, accumulating a surging and magnificent terrifying power in Chen Yuan's body! In an instant, Chen Yuan felt that all his limbs were bulging unbearably!

He didn't resist and stretched his limbs!

Boom boom boom!

Countless jet-black lightning shapes spread out directly!


At first glance, the dense black lightning looks like circles of black ripples, rushing in all directions like a ring!

There didn't seem to be any magical changes in the lightning, but it exuded an extremely dangerous aura, which spread to all directions in the blink of an eye!

Here it is!


"not good!"


The next moment, the visions that were originally gathered everywhere were penetrated and torn apart by the jet-black thunder!

In an instant, the red sun fell, the sky cracked, all spirits were destroyed, strong winds scattered, yin and yang were scattered, rivers stopped flowing, stars fell, and the earth's veins collapsed!

There is even a bright moon falling!

Xuanyuan You, Bai Shi, Di Sanyi, Yu Jiang, Chen Xuzhi, Wuming Fairy, Wangshu Fairy and others were suddenly thrown away!

Gu Ke and others were stunned to see it!

Click! Click! Click!

The dark thunder light continued, and the twisted visions in the four directions were shattered in an instant, as if evil spirits originating from ancient times were wailing and screaming, seeming to be escaping!

A little bit of misty energy was instantly swallowed up by the lightning!


The ferocious Lord who lives in the sky suddenly widened his eyes, and then violently squeezed the seal with his hands, gritted his teeth, and showed a ferocious face. The void appeared around his body, covering his body to block the dark thunder!

But the next moment, the void was annihilated, blood spurted from his mouth, his breath weakened, his hair was scattered, and he fell straight down!

"This, this, this..."

The sudden change has made Gu Ke, Xia Fei and others confused and speechless!

But before he could digest the incredible scene before him, there were shattering sounds from all directions!

Amidst the raging darkness of thunder, the night moon is cracked everywhere!

The old Taoist priest groaned, his face instantly turned pale, and his eyes showed horror!


A crack appeared on the wellhead behind the old Taoist priest!


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