Depressed Fairy

Chapter 482: The body accepts the ancients to open the meridians, and the Dharma penetrates all real

The clouds and mist rolled, and there was a muffled thunder every time, as if countless mountains were rolling against each other, and then being pulled by invisible forces, converging on Chen Yuan!

In this most direct contact and absorption, Chen Yuan was able to glimpse the secrets contained in those clouds!

Every bit of cloud and mist contained heavy fragments of history. Not only were there holes, but there were also scattered scenes from other realms. He recognized many familiar places without having to identify them carefully.

"The Gou Chen Realm, the Divine Martial Realm, the Mo Shou Realm, and there are actually many fragments from the Divine Treasure that were the predecessor of the Chen Yuan Realm! Sure enough, these realms are all very close to each other, or they used to belong to the same realm as the Dongxu Realm. Speaking of the Big Cave Heaven, either they have influenced each other and become close to each other in the course of thousands of years of evolution, and they will converge into one Big Cave Heaven in the future!"

History is thick, and even trivial fragments have its weight. It is also mixed with many past human relationships, sorrows, joys, sorrows, and anger, just like the mist of the world of mortals. It stands to reason that the more you absorb it, the more the marks of time will weigh heavily and gather on your body, and you will Interfering with and invading one's own Taoist heart and path will eventually force the person who absorbs it to stop.

But Chen Yuan was surprised to find that not only did he not feel any discomfort, but his true body, which was almost filled with the essence of the two heavens, seemed to have been opened up by the mist after continuously absorbing the mist of time. The void and nothingness inside the container gradually expanded!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Jet-black flashes of light appeared all over Chen Yuan's body, and the terrifying power contained in it was constantly integrated into his flesh and blood, making his heavenly body, which had been strengthened to the limit, even more powerful than the quiet immortal body. There is actually a tendency to intensify, the flesh and blood tremble with strength, and weak and tiny sparks burst out!


Chen Yuan couldn't help but be surprised, and then he smiled and said: "This is a good thing. Since I have such an opportunity, I don't have to be polite. Let's see if the historical clouds here can open up a space for my true body in the heaven. Ge! Suck it for me!”


The suction force was violent in an instant, and the clouds and mist surged in an instant!

Chen Yuan's figure has been covered in it, and his whole figure is like a black hole, madly swallowing the power accumulated over thousands of years. Its speed, wide range, and thorough digestion have actually attracted attention from afar. The great minds here fell silent.

In the end, the man in white who was still outside the realm sighed: "His body really has another dimension! I am looking forward to what this body refining method will look like after it is completed. As for some historical precipitation, he wants, You can take them all!”

"Just spoil him." A slender female voice came from the orchid figure, "Judging from what Zizi did before, this is not a peaceful master. He really made him grow up... "

"Hahaha!" Rough laughter rang out, "If he really grows up, he will go to the battlefield to harm those pretentious ancient clan! Now, even a certain family is looking forward to this kid's future achievements. "

"Chen Shiji, Lord of Chenyuan Realm? Is it actually him? I heard that this person has recently been connected with Gou Chen, and he seems to have subdued Gou Chen Tiandao!"

Just when Chen Yuan was comprehending history and filling his true body, the immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas in the outside world were not idle either. Although it was difficult every step, they still moved forward strongly. Even though some people were constantly crushed and sealed, there were still many The person is already within ten feet of the stone pillar!

As for Di Sanyi, Bai Shi and others, while traveling, they learned from Gu Ke and others the name of the person who stood out and entered the stone pillar first!

At that moment, the bearded man raised his voice and said: "If what I know is correct, it will not take long for this person to become a Fortune Immortal, and it will take even less time for him to become a Realm Lord! Even if he is the Lord of the Two Realms, here It’s neither fate nor Gou Chen! Why can he be one step ahead of us? Or does he really have some tricks up his sleeve?”

This person's name is "Yu Jiang". Although he is not from a major sect such as Zixiao Palace or Kunlun Mountain, he inherited a secret realm in ancient times, cultivated to become the Fairy Queen of Qingjing, and joined several medium-level forces in the world. , who has been worshiped in name, has been cultivating steadily up to now, and has a cultivation level and combat power that far exceeds that of ordinary Qingjing Immortals, so he dares to come to this troubled water. Now that the situation has changed, how can he still hold on?

"You don't know something about the pavilion master," another slightly thin voice came. The speaker was a monk who looked like a young man, but he was dressed in old age and had a vicissitudes of life. Most of the people present recognized this person and knew that it was Xuan Xuan. An elder of the Qi Sect named Shannoyuki said, "This Chenyuan Realm Master is not an ordinary new Realm Master. The Formless Realm Master attacked him and was defeated and suppressed by him! Perhaps the secret technique of the palm can be used to escape In the power of time!”

"Oh? The Formless Realm Master was defeated by him? In terms of cultivation, that Realm Master is not enough compared to Brother Bai and others, but we are not far behind. Will he be defeated at the hands of a new Realm Master!? "

Before Yu Jiang could say anything, someone said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, then it is indeed amazing in combat power, but it has not yet transcended the realm of world lord status and tranquility, so it should not be far beyond us! After all, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot achieve Taixuan by crossing the void, otherwise there is no need to come here! How can he enter it so smoothly? "

"It doesn't make sense in terms of combat power. If you think about it from other aspects, it may not be unexplainable," another person said, but it was a man with a cold and angular appearance. His eyebrows were set into his temples and he was wearing a purple cloak. Wanxiang Tide, who still has an extraordinary bearing, is the master of the Five Demon Palaces, named Ye Shengjian. "As far as I know, this person also has an identity. He is a native of Dongxu, and Rise up here and establish a sect, named Dongxuan!"

Yu Jiang glanced at him and said in a bad tone: "How did you know?"

Shan Naizhi also said: "Even if there is another reason for this, how can we know that you, the demon sect, are not trying to sow discord?"

Ye Shengjian said coldly: "Not to mention that our holy sect has its own information, but today, there are many immortals and demons who have changed their ways from Gouchen. They have a lot of information, and you will know it when you ask."

The three of them each took a position and moved forward under pressure. There was a hint of tension in their words, but when the others heard this, they felt that they had grasped the key point!

"Dongxuanzi? Isn't this what the previous guardian called him!? Yes, everything is right! This man is from the Dongxu Realm, no wonder he can walk to the stone pillar so smoothly!"

"I have also heard about Dongxuanzi, but I didn't expect that the master of Chenyuan Realm is actually the same person! I heard that there was a Taishang Dao Sect in the Dongxu Realm, known as Yunmen, but it was destroyed by this person!"

"The Dongxuan Sect was actually founded by this person? I came to Dongxu and traveled to the human world for a few days. Especially on the Dongzhou land of Dongxu, I saw a lot of things. The shadow of the Dongxuan Sect was almost everywhere. , can be said to be the overlord for a moment! In addition, this person has both worlds, and his combat power is comparable to that of the top grade Qingjing. It can be said that he has taken a lot of advantage. He must have taken advantage of this opportunity to be one step ahead of us. How damn!"

Everyone either spoke or conveyed spiritual thoughts, and many people were increasingly unhappy. However, at this time, the power of all phenomena of time was still there. Although it had weakened a lot, the pressure was still there. Time impacted on the Taoist heart, and the illusion of all things infected the mind. At this time, many people were angry, unwilling, and anxious, and they immediately took advantage of them. They groaned and exclaimed one by one. In an instant, many people fell to the ground, were suppressed on the spot, and fell into the underworld!

Seeing this scene, they finally restrained their thoughts, did not dare to say any more, and regrouped their minds to resist the heavy pressure!

Seeing that several peaceful immortals and demons such as Bai Shi and Di Sanyi, as well as Chen Xuzhi who was in the dojo at an unknown time, and Fairy Hopeshu and other top merit peaks, had almost arrived in front of the stone pillar, and were about to touch the inheritance. It has started, but there are still many people far away, gradually following in the footsteps of many conferred immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, stumbling and about to fall.

Among them were the Huode Immortal Lord, the Nameless Female Immortal and others who had tried their best to transfer from the Gouchen Realm. They looked up and saw that someone had touched the stone pillar, but they and others could no longer bear it. I couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's not care about World Master Chen for the moment. After all, he has been full of incredible actions from the beginning. Even compared to these talented people, it is still difficult for us to catch up! In this era, we can touch and meet the highest After all, those who inherit are still a minority..."

Looking at the ocean and sighing, they felt regret and unwillingness lingering in their hearts, as well as a clear understanding of their own insignificance.

"There are only a few people who can cultivate to the point of becoming immortals. They are often the best among hundreds of millions of creatures in a certain cave for thousands of years. They have great luck and are able to enter the realm of merit and virtue. They are also the ones with extraordinary talents. As for those who can withstand great perseverance for countless years in the realm of merit."

In the realm of the cracks, Jueren looked at the people in front of the stone pillar and said with something in his heart: "But when it comes to the key point of the competition that has been designed for tens of millions of years, several epochs, and multiple sacred ethnic groups, they also Still can only ignore everyone!"

Shou Chong was listening and heard the words: "So we should focus on those who can embark on the path of inheritance?"

"Shou Chongjun, you are wrong." Jueren shook his head, a cold light burst out from his eyes, "I just realized this, this group of seemingly ordinary people are only slightly different in comparison. Not enough, but in terms of heel and luck, it may not be without threats. It is not easy for them to cross the galaxy to come here. In other words, this group of people with extraordinary talents from the human race have traveled thousands of miles to gather here. How can we miss this great opportunity? Why not cut them all off?"

Xu Wei frowned. Ever since Chen Yuan appeared again, he seemed to be a little distracted. After listening to this, he suddenly said: "If you want to take action, why not do it now? How can we be sure?" , after receiving the inheritance, will this group of inferior ethnic groups become so powerful that we can’t suppress it?”

In fact, he knew very well that he could no longer restrain the Dongxuanzi Chen Yuan, otherwise he would not have fled from the Shenwu world in a hurry.

As he spoke, he seemed to be worried about being seen to be afraid, and added: "Furthermore, since this situation was set up by Humanity Taixuan, maybe they are watching and we take action rashly, in case we are They caught..."

Jueren shook his head and said: "You can say such things because you don't know our trump card, the mystery of this cracked world, and the true heritage of the Saint Clan! Or, do you think Master Xuan's plan will have any effect? Mistake?"

"That's not what I meant." After being said to this point, Su Wei could only lower his head and suppress the uneasiness in his heart.

At this moment, in the reflected scene, the stone pillar suddenly trembled!

Under the shocked gazes of the immortals and demons, the ancient door appeared again in the gray sky, and it vibrated as if it was about to be pushed open by an invisible hand!


Jue Ren and Shou Chong were not surprised when they saw this, and instead laughed.

Shou Chong shook his head and said in the tone of an experienced person: "Sure enough, the way of inheritance is the same as ours. After all, these people, Dao Taixuan, can only get enlightenment from our venerable ones! Just like the Mountain of Inheritance, the first Once a person steps into it and absorbs a large part of the time deposited in the Pillar of Inheritance, the path will truly open, and their inheritance will begin!”

Jue Ren chuckled and pointed to the trembling stone pillars and ancient gates in the picture: "This is also an opportunity. Seeing the inheritance left by Taixuan of Humanity, I can also peek at their trump cards from the side. Maybe in addition to the Killing Dao In addition to the future elites, when we return to the Gate of Era, we can use this information to help the Lords gain an absolute advantage on the battlefield of Era!"


After he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a cracking sound in his ears, and then looked at the reflection with a stunned look on his face——

A very deep crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the stone pillar that stretched straight to the sky!

Immediately afterwards, cracks began to appear one after another, covering the entire stone pillar in the blink of an eye!


Xu Wei's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he turned to look at the two people beside him: "If I remember correctly, I have never heard of such changes in the path of inheritance. No matter which inheritance holy mountain it is, it is perfect and has no cracks. That’s right!”

"Could it be..." Shou Chong said with some uncertainty after being surprised, "It's because those people are too mysterious and not good at learning? Or maybe they have made changes to the inheritance method?"

Jue Ren did not answer, his expression was uncertain.


While the three of them were talking, the stone pillar collapsed!

"Hurry! Hurry!"

In the outside world, Xuanyuan You has cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart and regrouped. Even though he is under greater pressure due to his higher realm and incomplete cave, he continues to move forward with his indomitable Taoist heart and finally reaches the stone pillar: "No matter what the Chen family is. Whether it's opportunistic or talented, forging ahead in the storm of time has tempered my Taoist will! And no matter what, I can't let the demon sect take the lead!"

Behind him, closely followed Ye Shengjian with a stern face!

But just as Xuanyuan You was feeling the chaotic aura constantly emanating from the stone pillars, he raised his hand to touch it to the extreme!


Cracks penetrated the stone pillar, the cracks spread rapidly, and finally collapsed!

Boom boom boom!

The entire underworld, as well as the Yangjian outside, shook violently!

The all-encompassing force of time that filled all directions was instantly eliminated. Those who could no longer hold up, such as the Nameless Female Immortal and the Fire Virtue Immortal Lord, were suddenly relieved of their heavy burdens and their bodies became light!


There was another loud noise, and a crack appeared on the collapsed stone pillar!

Accompanied by a scream, Chen Yuan suddenly woke up in the empty world. He looked around and saw that it was completely empty, without any clouds or fog!

"Is this what it is?"

Immediately, the body of the Underworld Immortal appeared in front, with a ferocious expression, teeth and claws showing, as if he was suffering great pain, and his body was even more twisted due to struggle, and then shattered inch by inch!

"How could it be like this! I want to die here in obscurity!? It's not even my enemies who are attacking me with all their strength, it's just that this protected place has been drained by them and perished! It shouldn't be like this! I won't accept it!"

As the last roar gradually dissipated, the presence of the Underworld Immortal completely disappeared from this world!

"I was really sucked dry by you!"

Chen Yuan listened in his ears and watched in front of his eyes, and his heart was shocked, because when he absorbed the time cloud and mist, the true body of Heavenly Dao was continuously broadened and strengthened, and the feeling was also very wonderful. He didn't notice it for a moment, but he completely absorbed it! At this moment, I suddenly came back to my senses and realized the hidden danger!

"If this is really arranged by Immortal Taixuan, you won't be held accountable for it, right? But since this inheritance path is made public, you shouldn't blame me for it, right?"

The thoughts in his mind were whirling, and then his mind moved, and he saw many cracks spreading everywhere. In the end, this space completely collapsed, allowing him to reappear in the underworld!

Surrounded by pairs of doubtful eyes, their gazes focused on him, Chen Yuan felt something in his heart, glanced at the ruins of stone pillars, and then looked up.

Above the sky, the ancient door seemed to have no support from the stone pillars. It roared and fell down. When it was still halfway, the door had already opened, revealing a dark chaos inside. Chen Yuan was then swallowed up and fell down. On the ground, appearing in front of all the immortals and demons.

The scene was deathly silent again.


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