Depressed Fairy

Chapter 445: Covering the clouds and breaking through the curtain to climb up to the red sun, fighti

Guca and Gilt Suan were startled at first when they heard the sound outside, then looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces.

Gu Ke cupped his hands at Chen Yuan and said, "Fellow Taoist, don't worry. There is no need for fellow Taoist to step forward for this trivial matter." After that, he left first.

The gilded Tanze said: "My Zixiao Palace has a great reputation and a greater power, spreading throughout the heavens and all realms..."

Chen Yuan frowned and said, "With such a force, you are already being shouted at as soon as you arrive at the venue?"

"Because there are many people involved, there will be many people offended," Gilded Tan said with a wry smile: "If I were the only big sect in the starry sky, I might be able to awe everyone. I would be treated favorably by everyone wherever I go, especially the big sect in this world. It’s not just Zixiao’s family.”

He whispered: "Ordinary people don't dare to do anything to Zixiao Palace, but the gathering of immortals and demons gathers from all sides, and it is inevitable that there will be a few people with prejudices. This person who takes action also has followers, although his sect is not as broad as Zixiao. , but there are many masters, and this sect has no scruples when it comes to calling it 'Xuan Qi'. Not to mention it is a meeting of immortals and demons, even if it is a more grand occasion, they dare to shout! It's really strange to suddenly block the road, but... …”


When Chen Yuan heard this name, his heart couldn't help but move.


There was another roar outside, and then the boat bumped, and the worldly scene inside the boat seemed to be falling apart.

As soon as the gilded man saw him, he immediately said to the distance: "Junior sister, let's go first. There is no need to stay here to avoid being affected."

"Okay!" Xing Shui's voice came from afar, and then she jumped up and landed on the top of the rockery. She used several seals in her hands to control the flying boat at a rapid speed!

Watching her movements and looking at the scene inside the boat, Chen Yuan silently thought about whether he would also buy a special walking aid with a high administrative level in the future.


Just as he was thinking about it, another roar came, and the scene beside the stream suddenly shattered, revealing the situation outside, which was a flash of divine light and splendor!

Chen Yuan looked intently, but what attracted his attention the most was the giant tree that reached into the sky a hundred miles away!

It is as straight as a pillar connecting the sky and the earth, with many branches and leaves branching from top to bottom, and Qionglou houses are located among the branches and leaves.

However, the appearance of a sudden explosion of fire brought Chen Yuan's attention back.

The two blurry figures were shrouded in a curtain of intertwined brilliance of magical powers, spells, magic weapons, and magic weapons. The aftermath of the fight that broke out even threatened to cause the world to collapse!

One of them, whose whole body was filled with endless splendor, was none other than Coca. He made seals with his hands and controlled nine different magic weapons. The magical powers and spells he cast were dazzling and ever-changing.

But the other person, wearing a lavender robe flying in the air, with a majestic and tall body standing tall and tall, has a sense of chaos that suppresses the universe and distorts the laws. Faced with Coca's thousands of methods, this person only relies on a handful of The sledgehammer responded. As he swung it, a wild energy surged, condensing like a hammer and scattering like stars. The magical power was shattered wherever the hammer hit!

But there is another world that is equally broken!

Boom boom boom——

Explosions like thunder echoed everywhere, and a huge swath of the sky was cracked everywhere.

"If this continues..." Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, feeling the screams from this side and the helpless will to ask for help. His fists slowly hardened and he slowly stood up.

But at this moment, a magnificent will suddenly came.


Following the sound of the Buddha's chant, a big hand shining with golden light fell from the sky. Its palm reached the mountains, trying to catch the two fighting men. The real light stabilized the surrounding space and comforted the approaching people. The collapsing sky.

When the brilliance shone, it was as if the four directions were covered with a layer of golden clouds, and then a peaceful and magnificent artistic conception grew everywhere. Even Chen Yuan, who was sitting in the flying boat, felt that his heart became calmer and calmer, and there was an extraordinary feeling. Chen Chen's impulse, but he recovered quickly, with a strange look on his face.

Gu Ke and the combatant snorted coldly at the same time, each stretched out their fists and magic weapons, broke free from the restraint of the big hand, and stood on both sides, looking at the big hand with a look of fear on their faces.

"Why do Taoist fellows Gu Ke and Taoist Xia Fei fight to the death when they meet? Both of them are great disciples and have been practicing Taoism for thousands of years. Why are they so restless?"

The big hand dispersed, and a white-robed monk seemed to have fallen straight from the sky. Behind his head was a nine-layer halo of red sun. His robes rustled when the strong wind blew.

This man has sword-shaped eyebrows and bright eyes, extremely handsome appearance, and a well-proportioned figure. Although he is dressed as a monk, he steps into the wind with a somewhat graceful air. He clasped his hands together, bowed slightly to the two Coca, and said with a smile: "Besides, The original intention of this meeting of immortals and demons is to eliminate differences and formulate various agreements and laws to prevent the vitality of each family from being damaged by a fight. "

As soon as the monk said these words, several more figures appeared not far away, all of them were of extraordinary bearing, with either immortal energy lingering around them or demonic energy surging around them. Obviously, they were all immortals and demons who came here to compete for the fortune of the cave. , but this meeting was all about watching a good show.

"Who is this monk? Looking at the grand ceremony, everyone seems to want to give him face."

In the flying boat, Chen Yuan raised his finger, and the crack leading to the outside world was suppressed by him and remained motionless, allowing him to see clearly what was going on outside.

"This is Chen Xuzhi, Master Chen." The gilded man looked out and whispered: "He is the Great Buddha of Merit in Lingshan. He has the status of Arhat and has cultivated nine generations of supernatural powers. One person is equivalent to nine deities of merit. ! Among all the merits, he is also the top one, invincible at the same level! He can even save his life when he speaks out, who dares not to give him face? "

"Ninth generation magical power!? One person is equivalent to nine blessed immortals?"

Chen Yuan was surprised when he heard this.

You must know that if he had not taken half a step into the cave before and had not condensed the heavenly law, he could be regarded as having multiple blessings in one person. But even if the power of Yuanshen, Xuan Shen, White Lotus, Xu Wang Palace and other powers were taken into account, the combined power would not be enough. Four or five blessings can reach the level of immortality.

"One immortal can carry the merits of nine generations. That is indeed powerful."

Nodding, Chen Yuan couldn't help but sigh, thinking that if he faced this person, he wouldn't be an opponent without using the laws of heaven. But then he thought about it, how long did it take for him to achieve merit? In the past tens of millions of years, countless amazing and talented people have been trapped in the realm of merit. They will naturally think of many ways to strengthen themselves!

"Besides, my method of condensing the laws of heaven is actually not that rare, let alone a new way. Maybe someone has done it a long time ago, and maybe I will encounter this group of heroes in the gathering of immortals and demons..."

After thinking about this, Chen Yuan simply asked Gilded Tuandao: "Besides this mage, are there any other powerful people? Or people who can rival him?"

"There are many powerful people, but when it comes to those who can rival Master Chen..." Gilded Tan frowned, thought for a moment, and gave two names: "Probably only the Sansheng Confucian Sage and the Five from Xingtan Academy The Nine Transformation Demon Ancestors of the Demon Palace! One of these two has understood the secrets of the three lives. One of them is said to be near peace, so when using the mysterious method of the three lives, the other one is even more so! The nine demonic paths are brought together into one body, and each demonic path is refined into an incarnation of merit, so it is equivalent to Master Chen’s path..."

"Previous life persons, nine demon bodies?" Chen Yuan tasted it, and suddenly felt that the nine-turn corpse analysis chapter he had practiced might still have potential to be tapped, but then he asked tentatively: "However, these are all in If the true interpretation of life is a matter of itself, no one will try to refine that will into a magic weapon?

"If you don't become Dongxu... No, now it should be said that if you don't become quiet, you will not be able to control the will of heaven for a long time. Even if you can use the method to temporarily suppress the way of heaven and distort the will, you will still have to endure the backlash, and even be involved in cause and effect, and serious life-threatening consequences. Even if you want to do it, you can't do it, let alone refine the will of heaven into the magic weapon. Even if you want to do it, you can't do it! If you transform a piece of heaven into a magic weapon to refine your life, then it will be pushed by the power of heaven, and it will eventually become a place of its own, unstained by dust, and the destiny glass, then it is not a blessing immortal!"

"Oh?" When Chen Yuan heard this, his heart moved, "What do you mean, you must first obtain the power of heaven before you can promote your fate to be free from cause and effect and interference? Is there any precedent? Is there any precedent that the fate is not affected by cause and effect first? Intervene, and then..."

Just as he was about to ask more questions, a voice sounded outside——

"Chen Xuzhi, it's not your turn to take care of a certain family's affairs!"

The person who spoke was the man who fought with Coca, who was called Xia Fei by Master Chen Xuzhi and Master Chen.

He said that, but he had no intention of taking action. He just looked at Coca coldly, then glanced at Feizhou, and sneered: "Well, since Chen Xuzhi is supporting you today, let's give it up for now. Let's have a better life at the Fairy and Demon Conference!" After saying that, he flicked the long-handled war hammer in his hand, and his whole body turned into a raging rainbow light, which instantly disappeared into the sky and disappeared into the tree. one paragraph.

Gu Ke shook his head, saluted Chen Xuzhi, and said, "Although I'm not afraid of this rude man, I don't want to waste my energy on it. Thanks to the Master for coming forward this time."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist." Chen Xuzhi smiled and shook his head, "The poor monk is entrusted by the Heavenly Court to maintain the order of the meeting of immortals and demons. These are all matters within his own scope. It is impossible for all parties to settle matters before the meeting is held. Let's start a fight." After saying that, he glanced at Feizhou, and when he looked away, he said to Gu Ke: "Speaking of which, there were gods in Heaven who went out and were trapped for some reason. This conference should be taken into consideration by Heaven. If fellow Taoists have any clues, remember to report it, otherwise it will be difficult to tell the truth when the Heavenly Court comes to blame."

Gu Ke immediately asked: "What? The Heavenly Court still wants to pursue it? Aren't the fights between immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who came from the realm of merit all based on their own abilities and their own cause and effect? ​​As long as they have not reached the level where body and spirit are destroyed, this How can one easily accuse someone?"

"The matter involves Dongxu, so naturally it will be different. What's more, fellow Taoists have practiced hard for thousands of years and have become accustomed to judging others by themselves..." Chen Xuzhi smiled slightly and meant something, "Every sect has its own agreement. , but if you don't join any sect, you won't be able to enjoy such treatment as fellow Taoist. I'll say this. If you can meet the rightful master, I hope you can tell me. I'll say goodbye. "

After saying that, he didn't wait for Coca's response, and bowed slightly, and the body suddenly turned invisible and disappeared.

"Huh? How did this person leave?"

In the flying boat, Chen Yuan watched intently, but could not see any clues. He couldn't help but said: "This conference of immortals and demons is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, with heroes from all walks of life gathered together. However, what was this person saying to me just now? Nan If Heaven wants to pursue it, it will definitely find me. But those two gods traveled across mountains and rivers to come to my territory to kick in the door and set up formations. If I didn't have some tricks, I'm afraid they would have been suppressed, and the result was that they were They are not as skilled as others, but they were captured for me. I kindly spared their lives. If they are held accountable for their crimes, I don’t want to be angry! It just depends on the methods of the people in heaven..."

Gu Ke, who had a worried look on his face, returned to the flying boat, glanced at Chen Yuan, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing more, instead saying: "Xing Shui, you drive the flying boat, let's go build the wood first. Gilded Master Nephew, you will take charge of the situation when we get there. I just started with Xia Fei, and I still need to adjust my breathing."


After a lot of twists and turns, Feizhou finally entered the category of building trees. When he got closer, he saw that this tree was majestic. Not only were there houses and buildings on the branches and leaves, like villages, but even the surface of the trunk was also like a village. Layers of huge vines outline a series of stairs that extend in all directions.

Chen Yuan secretly marveled: "It has grown to this point in the past two hundred years. The species of this tree must be a different species."

"On top of the building, with branches and leaves as areas, there are thirty-six small cities. Each one is like a small town on earth. Not only are mortals living and refining, but there are also monks who practice Qi and meditate. They are also the foundation of the Sun-Zhushu Sect. Its mountain gate. The Guancheng where the Fairy and Demon Conference is about to be held is at the top. It is newly built and is said to be very spectacular, but I have never seen it." Gilded Tuan introduced it and was about to let Xing Shui lift the flying boat up. Suddenly he frowned slightly, moved his hand, and reached the edge of the flying boat, opening a curtain.

In the distance, there was a man in brocade clothes riding a bull in the air, approaching slowly. The man's eyebrows were drawn into his temples, his robe was fluttering, and he pressed seals on his hands. The flying boat stopped on its own, and then opened the door to let him in.

"Uncle Xuan Jingjing."

The person who came was none other than the mysterious mirror.

Upon seeing the visitor, both Gilded Man and Xing Shui bowed their heads in salute, but a flash of thought and doubt flashed in the former's eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, the gilded man asked: "Uncle Master, I heard that you did not inform the sect in advance when you came to present your case. It was after the fact..."

"I know what you are going to say." Xuan Jingjing waved his hand and said with a smile: "In the beginning, I didn't want to act in the name of the sect, but I knew that the cause and effect of the immortal demon conference was very complicated, so as to prevent the sect from being involved. Luck, but I later learned that you had caused a trouble, but you didn't know it, so you took the initiative to report it to the door, reveal your traces, and contact you, in order to reduce the trouble for you. "

Before he could say anything more, Gu Ke, who was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath, suddenly opened his eyes and asked: "Junior brother, I understand my kindness, but where did this disaster come from? I hope you can tell me clearly."

After Xuan Jingjing bowed his hands and greeted Gu Ke, he still smiled calmly and did not answer immediately, but his eyes fell on Chen Yuan.

"This is Chen Daoyou, the master of Chenyuan Realm?"

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes, and he had a sudden impulse. The Heavenly Dao Dharma gathered in the Niwan Palace trembled slightly. The events before and after were instantly penetrated. The two lines of the warning poem appeared in his heart again, making him realize it instantly. .

"I'm not running away anymore. The one who harbors evil intentions is most likely this kid!"


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